"Kill without mercy!"

  "Yes, Master!"

  Yue Qiluo's pretty face was stern, she controlled the white paper figurine, and with a ferocious laugh, she flew towards the Dongying soldiers below.


  Hei Chuan Sheng and Bai Chuan Rin were beaten to death by Lin Fan with one palm. These Dongying soldiers were terrified. In their eyes, Lin Fan was like an immortal.

  Moreover, they had just seen the power of Yue Qiluo. When they saw this paper figurine flying down from the sky, their legs trembled, and their urine flowed down. They wished their parents had two more legs.


  Yue Qiluo let out a low voice, sticking the paper figurines on their faces, directly sucking up the energy, how could they run away with these flying paper figurines?

  "Respected Lord Taixuan, please stop!"

  Chizuru Mahiro said respectfully.

  Dongying people are very respectful to the strong, and can't wait to hand over their wives and children, but for the weak, they have to rip off their skins and suck their blood and suppress them severely.


  Lin Fan looked down at Chizuru Mahiro with cold eyes.

  Chizuru Mahiro felt Lin Fan's icy gaze, and his whole body was shaking.

  "Lord Taixuan, I am the subordinate of Lord Nagasaki, please show mercy to my ancestors!" Chizuru Masahiro shouted.

  "Nagasaki? Who?"

  Lin Fan frowned.

  "Sir, Lord Nagasaki is the ancestor of Xu Fu of the Great Qin Empire in the Central Plains." Chizuru Mahiro said.

  "Xu Fu?"

   Lin Fan was slightly surprised, then his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Chizuru Mahiro.

  "Are you done?"

  Chizuru Mahiro was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly changed wildly, and a bone-piercing chill hit him, almost freezing the blood in his entire body.

  A giant golden palm descended from the sky and slapped it fiercely at Chizuru Mahiro.

  "It's over? After that, go die!"

  Lin Fan said ruthlessly.

  "Lord Taixuan, you..." Chizuru Mahiro roared loudly, he possessed the left beard on his body, and his body suddenly rose up, his hands seemed to hold the sky, dragging Lin Fan's palm.

  but useless.

  How terrifying the power of a real person is, there are not many in this world, and Lin Fan is now standing in the pyramid.


  Chizuru Mahiro's bones were cracking, and his taller body kept getting shorter, as if he was crushed.

  "I top, top!!"

  Chizuru Mahiro roared loudly, the mana of his physical strength surged out, and the steel fork in Zuosu Shen's hand cracked inch by inch, and so did his body, which was about to be cracked to death.

  Yue Qiluo stared at it all.

  Chizuru Mahiro is very strong.

  Only when she returns to her prime can she be sure to defeat him, and it will cost a certain price.

  But in Lin Fan's hands, he was like an ant.

  between waving.

  Chizuru Mahiro slapped it into a slap in the face.

  A huge palm print appeared on the ground, and Chizuru Mahiro was lying in it. He was not human, as if he had been hit by a meteorite, and his bones were all shattered.

  Souls were all blown up.

  "Master, you are amazing!" Yin Xinyue looked at Lin Fan with admiration, she frowned and smiled, like an elf, ridiculous and fascinating.

  Lin Fan smiled slightly, his eyes were pampered, and he gently stroked her hair: "You are the body of a fire and phoenix, practice hard, given time, it is not impossible to reach this state!"

  In ancient times, the phoenix was a divine beast, comparable to the true dragon, and the birds respected the phoenix.

  For example, Evil Dragon, he has the blood of a real dragon, and he is already at the peak of the Tianshi before he is an adult. Give him time, the real world is within easy reach, and the real king is not impossible.

  This is the power of bloodline power! !


  Yin Xinyue's eyes burst into bright light, and she was extremely excited, "Then I have to practice hard, and I will be as good as Master in the future!"

  Yue Qiluo smiled on the side.

  Although Yin Xinyue has the body of a phoenix, which is enviable, but like Lin Fan, it is impossible.

  Because Lin Fan has unlimited potential.

  It is not comparable to the body of the Heavenly Phoenix.

  "You can go, go back! It's okay!"

  Lin Fan said.

  His voice was not loud, but with the blessing of mana, almost everyone could hear Lin Fan's voice, which was clear to the ears and could hear every word.

  "Thank you living gods, thank you living bodhisattvas!" Thousands of people bowed down and bowed.

  Lin Fan looked at the black altar.

  A powerful force is contained in it, full of vicious power.

  He remembered that the King of Chu Jiang had told him that the people of Dongying were here to perform blood sacrifices with swastikas to summon the ancient demons.

  "Xu Fu, you're not dead yet?! How dare you drive the devils of Dongying to mess with me?!!!"

  There was murder in Lin Fan's eyes.

  Xu Fu was born in the period of Qin Shihuang, and his courtesy name is Junfang.

  During the Qin Shihuang period, Xu Fu led [-] boys and girls from the coast of Shandong to the east, and it is said that they reached Dongying.

  In Lin Fan's heart.

  At first he thought it was just a legend.

  But I didn't expect it to be true, and it has been alive until now and has not died.


  Lin Fan was full of doubts at this time, because it had been at least 2 years from the Qin Dynasty to the present, and how did Xu Fu achieve immortality.

  Could it be that his cultivation has reached the real monarch realm, so he can live for [-] years?


  Lin Fan quickly ruled it out. If Xu Fu's cultivation had really reached such a level, he wouldn't have to spend so much trouble letting the people of Dongying invade China.

  It has already suppressed everything with peerless force.

  Who can match the true monarch?

  "Maybe he has some kind of secret technique that allows him to extend his lifespan!"

  Lin Fan pondered.

  Just like Yue Qiluo, she went to the other side of the magic to let herself survive, but the price was very terrifying.

  Figured out.

  Lin Fan no longer had any doubts.

  "Just this thing wants to harm people? Want to summon the ancient demons?"

  Lin Fan looked at the altar, turned his fingers into knives, and slashed with a sword. However, as soon as his sword light hit the altar, he saw a purple light emitting from the altar.

  This light formed a huge protective shield, blocking Lin Fan's sword.

  And in the mask, a vague figure appeared inside: "Daoist friend, why is this? It is God's will that China has such a catastrophe. My luck in East Ying is prosperous, why do you want to stop me? Walk in the sky?"

  "Go against the sky?"

  Lin Fan sneered.

  "Xu Fu, you summoned the ancient gods and demons, clearly wanting to mess with my China, want to ruin my China's luck, wolf ambitions, how can I not understand? It's gone!"

  Lin Fan's eyes were bright and intelligent, and only Xu Fu had the ability to hide the figure in the purple mask.So, it's not hard to recognize him! !

  "Fellow Daoist, I think you are my junior, and I didn't care about you just now. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of the number of days. Then you will break through this formation!" Xu Fu snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and disappeared.

  His words were full of confidence, and he didn't believe that the purple mask could be broken.

  Because the purple mask is the luck of Dongying.

  Now Dongying's luck is in full swing, and it cannot be broken by manpower.

  "Do you really think I can't break it?"

  Lin Fan naturally saw the doorway of the mask.

  With his eyes open, he looked at the east, the islands in the east, and the purple qi rose into the sky. If there was a big sun, it meant that his current luck was like the sun, and he could resist it.

  "Today, I will use this sword to cut your luck in Dongying!"

  Lin Fan stretched out his hand, and Xuanyuan Baojian flew out and landed in front of him. He grabbed it forward, bit his middle finger, and opened it on the blade.

  When golden blood drips on it.

  Immediately, the brilliance shone brightly, shocking the sky.

  "Evil dragon, come into the sword!"

  Lin Fan soared into the sky, the mana on his body was boundless, splendid like the sun, illuminating the whole of Peiping.

  hold head high!

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