There was a throbbing in Xu Fu's heart, and then he raised his head suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst out in his eyes, like lightning, lit up in the hall, full of terrifying power.

  His eyes seemed to penetrate the palace and saw Lin Fan.

  "Boy, I didn't trouble you, you came to the door, okay, very good! Today I want you to be buried here!" Xu Fu stood up suddenly, his face full of frost. .

Chapter 292

  "Maoshan Taixuan, you are finally here, let's see how I kill you!"

  Xu Fu's eyes were cold.

  The moment he stood up, Lin Fan stood above the evil dragon and felt Xu Fu's gaze almost at the same moment.

  The qi of the two seemed to have passed through various obstacles, the scope of space, and collided together~.

  How powerful is the real power.

  Before the fight, it has already caused earth-shaking changes.

  First of all, there was a terrifying aura in Xu Fu's palace. Those palace maids and attendants knelt on the ground one by one, as if they were crushed by a huge boulder.

  Lying down and unable to move.

  One by one, they felt as if the end of the world had come.

  But it is in heaven.

  The collision of the two people's qi has caused a vision in the sky and the earth. The dark clouds are rolling, the sky is dark, the thunder is shining, and there is even a large red cloud.

  These red clouds have an eerie red color.

  It was as if the blood had coagulated.

  Not only that.

  Under the pressure of Lin Fan's aura, the sea around the entire Dongying Island was full of huge waves, forming a hurricane, which was extremely terrifying.

  Those Dongying people who went out to fish were swept up in the sea.

  It devoured it directly, without even a ship.

  Even on the Eastern Ying Island, the huge volcano has a vision of vigorous eruption at this moment.

  "What's the matter? It's the Rizhao God who is angry!"

  "God Rizhao, please forgive your people, I am willing to dedicate myself!"

  "Please forgive us!"

  Countless voices sounded.

  The people on Dongying Island ran out, and upon seeing this shocking scene, they all knelt and kowtowed, begging for the blessing of the gods.

  But those high-level, big families realized that something was wrong.

  "Something big happened!"

  "Go find the old man!"

  They went to Xu Fu one by one, but there were many attendants at the entrance of Xu Fu's hall, and people would stop them in the future.

  "The old ancestor already knew your intentions. The old man just issued a decree, but no one was there. In addition, the old ancestor asked me to tell you that there is a big enemy attacking, and Maoshan Taixuan is here!"

  The guards looked serious.

  They were all dressed in black iron armor, with the chilling air of Sen Han, with totems on them, a black five-clawed black dragon, and a gluttonous shape on their shoulders.

  Mighty style.

  This is the Xuanjiawei who was cultivated by Xu Fu. The armor system was passed down from the Qin Shihuang era.

  They were full of evil spirits, and everyone climbed out of the pile of dead people, there were hundreds of them, and the evil spirits alone were enough to disperse the spells of some Celestial Masters.

  Moreover, Xuanjiawei is highly skilled in martial arts and proficient in the art of assassination.

  Each can be on their own.

  Gathering here now means that something big is about to happen, they will be Xu Fu's backing, and the arrangement of some large formations requires these Xuanjia guards to control.

  "What? Maoshan Taixuan is here!"

  Everyone was shocked when they heard the name.

  Lin Fan's prestige, they are naturally like thunder. Back then, on the West Lake, Lin Fan's sword was invincible, and he defeated Hua hero with a fist. What kind of prestige?

  Even in Dongying, it did not affect Lin Fan's reputation.

  some time ago.

  They also heard that Lin Fan destroyed the swastika blood sacrifice formation, even if Xu Fu summoned the ancient demon gods, it would be useless.

  Kill with a sword.

  Such means are simply terrifying.

  Now they heard Lin Fan coming here, and they all shivered with fright.

  "Maoshan Taixuan is here, what should I do?"

  "This is a killing god, we are in trouble now!"

  Someone panicked.

  Many people were pale.

  The real person is so powerful that just hearing his name can scare people to the core.

  "Humph! What are you afraid of? Why are you so timid? With Patriarch Xu Fu here, this Maoshan Taixuan dares to provoke. I think he is courting death, and he is impatient with life!" An elder of the big family looked coldly.

  Someone recognized him as the chief elder of the Nagasaki family.

  He is also a descendant of Xu Fu.

  Has the strength of the peak of the Celestial Master.

  "Yes, this is our territory. No matter how powerful Maoshan Taixuan's methods are, I don't believe what he can do? With Patriarch Xu Fu here, we will let him go back and forth!"

  "Yes! Killing this Maoshan Taixuan, let's invade China and let their blood wash away our shame! Only by suppressing it with force can the Chinese people know the majesty of our Dongying Empire!"

  "Maoshan Taixuan, damn it!"

  The crowd started to discuss again.


  Xuan Jiawei suddenly spoke, interrupting everyone's communication.

  "Everyone, don't be afraid, the ancestor said that this is his home court, and he has already set up a back-up here. When the Maoshan Taixuan came, he was thrown into the net!"

  Xuan Jiawei snorted coldly, looking at the hall with a frenzied expression in his eyes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

  In their eyes, Xu Fu is an invincible existence.

  What he said was the imperial decree, the power of heaven, and the words were like gold and iron.

  "Okay, with the words of Lord Xuanjiawei, we can rest assured!"

  When everyone heard the words, no matter how worry-free their faces were, they all smiled happily, and the heaviness in their hearts was also reduced a lot.


  sky above.

  Lin Fan came with Yue Qiluo to control the real dragon. He carried his hands on his back and faced the cold wind. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit that was rustled by the wind.

  "Xu Fu, I'm here, why don't you come out for a fight! I want to see your skills and abilities for thousands of years!" Lin Fan's voice was like gold and iron, and every word was like an axe falling.

  His voice spread everywhere.

.... 0

  Shake the sky.

  The whole Dongying people heard it.


  Evil Dragon roared again, his voice was so loud that even the white clouds were torn apart and fell into the ears of these Dongying people, it was no different from thunder.

  "My God, what is that?"

  "Look at the sky, is the true God coming? Is the true God coming to punish us?"

  "That looks like a Chinese dragon!! Is it an immortal?"

  The Dongying people looked up at the sky. The body of the dragon was a hundred feet long, overlooking the entire island. The eyes were like light bulbs, and the light fell, which was extremely shocking.

  "A group of ants dare to make my master unhappy, master, do you want me to burn them with a mouthful of flames?" said the evil dragon.

  "No, these people are handed over to Yue Qiluo and let her replenish her body!"

  "Thank you master!"

  Yue Qiluo bowed and saluted, looking at the Dongying people below, her eyes became cold.

  She stretched out her attractive tongue and licked the corner of her mouth lightly, as if a delicious meal was about to start.

  These people, millions.

  Enough to fully restore her strength! !

  "Xu Fu, if you don't come out again, I will destroy the Dongying Island!" Lin Fan let out a long roar, his voice getting louder and louder, until finally, the boundless sea shook, blasting a column of water hundreds of meters high.

  "Maoshan Taixuan, you are too deceiving! Today, I will kill you!!"

  A loud shout sounded.

  Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura erupted from above the palace, and a fiery red figure blasted open the sky above the palace, rushing out like a cannonball.righteous.

Chapter 293

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