The evil dragon also roared excitedly.

  "Xu Fu, if you only have this ability, then you can die!" Lin Fan flicked his fingers with indifferent eyes.


  Xu Fu was suffocated and his face was ashen.

  But he was powerless to refute, even showing the strongest means, what else does he have to fight against Lin Fan?

  "No, I still have a hole card!"

  Xu Fu's eyes suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, as the so-called three caves of cunning rabbits, such as Xu Fu who has lived for thousands of years, how could he have no trump cards?

  Although he has been invincible in the world for many years, few people are his opponents, and even forgot the existence of this trump card.

  But now life and death crisis.

  The thoughts in his mind were ten times faster than usual, running like lightning, instantly reminding him of the original arrangement.

  "Maoshan Taixuan, come with you if you have the seeds"!"

  Xu Fu sneered, turned into a flash of lightning, and fled into the distance.

  How fast is the real person, it can be described as a thousand miles in an instant, Xu Fu stimulates his potential, spews blood essence, and uses the escape method.


  Lin Fan raised his eyelids.

  I saw his fingers turn into knives, and boundless golden light surged from the void, and finally condensed into a golden light knife with a length of one hundred meters, and then slashed towards Xu Fu fiercely.

  "Stop him!"

  Xu Fu snorted towards the bottom.

  The people below heard Xu Fu's instructions and launched an attack to stop Lin Fan. Even the bomber parked in the distance fired artillery shells.

  For a time, it was like a fire tree blooming.

  With the spell, the cannonball exploded, making a huge roar, and also exploded the mushroom cloud, dazzling glass, and Lin Fan, who was at the center of the explosion, was instantly engulfed by the brilliance.

  "Small tricks, how can you stop me?" A loud shout burst out from the brilliance, and Lin Fan's whole body was dazzling with golden light. Those shells and spells fell on them without any harm.


  Lin Fan remote control a little.

  The golden saber slashed out. This saber was made by condensing his mana, and its power was unparalleled in the world.

  Just a slash.

  All spells, shells, and even the bombers in front were turned into fly ash under this knife.

  How strong is hundreds of feet?

  There are hundreds of stories high, what is the concept of a hundred stories falling down?

  like a hill.

  These bombers didn't know that Lin Fan's attack had reached such a level of terror. They simply annihilated before they could react. Some of them were far away, but they were affected by this force and blown up one after another.

  The end is coming!

  This is the impression in the minds of the Dongying people present.

  "Is this Tianwei?"

  Countless people had such thoughts in their minds. Only those who saw this scene could appreciate the power of Lin Fan's sword, as if it had slashed from one end of the sky to the other.

  Across thousands of miles in general.

  Golden light shines.

  Everything could not resist this knife and was directly destroyed. Their proud spells, bombers, and shells were all vulnerable.

  This is the real power.

  You can use the power of heaven and earth to sweep everything.

  Inhumans can resist.

  Can the old man resist?

  The elder was worried.

  "Xu Fu, did you escape?"

  Lin Fan carried his hands on his back, as if he was walking in the air. He took ten miles in one step and crossed the sky. No matter how Xu Fu escaped, he would follow him, like a cat scratching a mouse.

  "I know you still have the means, but do you think you can escape and die?"

  Lin Fan said lightly.

  Xu Fu has lived for so many years, if there is no means, he naturally does not believe it.

  But Lin Fan was not afraid.

  This is the self-confidence brought by his strength. In the world, there are also old masters who make him jealous.

  "Humph! Tai Xuan, do you really want to be with me forever?"

  Xu Fu said coldly.

  He was flying fast, but his voice was thunderous.

  "."Endless death? Are you qualified?"

  Lin Fan shook his head and sneered.

  He stepped out, as if shrinking into an inch, and the distance from Xu Fu was approaching, and then he waved his hand, and the sky-filled talisman bombed towards Xu Fu.

  Wind and thunder intertwined.

  "Tai Xuan, do you really think I am easy to deceive?"

  Xu Fu was furious.

  Hair stands up.

  "Today it's either you die or I die, get up!" Xu Fu shouted loudly, standing still, stomping the soles of his feet in the void, and he actually reached the sky above the palace.

  As he shouted loudly, a large formation suddenly rose from the palace, only to see hundreds of iron armored guards who had survived from the dead piled into a black mass.

  "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

  The shouting continued.

  A biting chill rushed towards Lin Fan, and countless swords, evil spirits, and demons rose up and enveloped Lin Fan.

  "Tai Xuan, my formation is a seven-kill formation, how does it feel? I once beheaded your Maoshan ancestors! Even if a real person enters the formation, they have to take off a layer of skin. How can you resist?"

  (Did you get it?) Xu Fu sneered.

  The Great Array of Seven Killings is a great array arranged by the First Emperor's army, and its power is endless. Back then, it was also used to break through the Seven Kingdoms and traverse the world. Xu Fu was also a peerless genius.

  Let the power of hundreds of people merge into one.

  It can be said that seeing a god kills a god, seeing a Buddha kills a Buddha.

  "Small magic, you dare to use an axe? Xu Fu, watch me break your great formation!"

  A chuckle sounded.

  "Sword come!"

  In the great formation, Lin Fan stretched out his hand, and a thunderous dragon roar rang out. The Xuanyuan Sword flew from the sky and sank into Lin Fan's hands. With a single sword, the fifty states were stunned.

  Hundreds of iron armored guards turned into powder.

  And the sword light fell and slashed on Xu Fu. Xu Fu was like a falling meteorite, slamming down towards the bottom, blasting through the mountains and houses, and razing them to the ground.

  The power of a sword is so terrifying.


  In the 48th year of the Republic of China, Lin Fan and the top of Dongying, the sword cut Xu Fu, coercion of Dongying.

  Shake the world! ! !warehouse.

Chapter 296

  None of the people present could have imagined it.

  Xu Fu was defeated, just like that.

  He was slashed into the ground by Lin Fan's sword, knocking down mountains and houses, like a meteor, falling from the sky and landing on the ground, causing a huge wave.

  The people of Dongying were dumbfounded and could not accept that their invincible ancestor was defeated so easily.

  "This is impossible!"

  The first elder didn't believe it. He shook his head repeatedly, staggered under his feet, and could not stand firm. In an instant, this Onmyoji with the strength of a celestial master seemed to be a dozen years old and his hair was white.

  He is not only the grand elder of the Jingu, but also the descendant of Xu Fu, the first member of the Nagasaki family.

  Now, Xu Fu is defeated.

  It can be said that it is like a funeral.

  "Master's magic power is so powerful that it can be counted in one hand throughout the ages!" Yue Qiluo sighed, a pair of beautiful eyes staring at the volley, the elegant and easy-going Lin Fan, her heart was really complicated.

  Back then, when she was marked as a slave by Lin Fan, she was unconvinced and unwilling, but after being with Lin Fan for so long, all kinds of changes have taken place, and now the trace of dissatisfaction has disappeared completely.

  It was worship instead, full worship.


  The evil dragon has long roared, and following such a master, he will surely become enlightened in the future.

  Lin Fan looked down.

  A hole was blown out below, and a mountain peak was cut in half. Only a real person can achieve such a power. The power of the explosion is almost no different from a missile.

  The hole was the size of a basketball court, with a diameter of at least one kilometer, and bursts of black smoke rose from the scorched earth.

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