After being silent for a long time, Sect Master Xixuan reluctantly made such a decision.

  The six Supreme Elders present had no other opinion. Facing an invincible True Immortal, they could only retreat.

  Although the peak true immortal and the invincible true immortal are only separated by a small realm, their strength is vastly different, and it can even be said to be a qualitative change.

  No matter how many peak true immortals, they cannot defeat a true invincible true immortal, and the gap is really irreparable.

  "If the invincible true immortal dares to attack our Dongtianlai, then she will definitely pay the price for his arrogance." The voice of one of the elders reverberated around.

  "What about the Invincible True Immortal? Our ancestor suppressed everything and stood above the ground. He came, and there was only one result - death!"

  "Yes, although the ancestor can only make one shot, he can crush all powerful enemies."

  "No matter what? Xixuan has an ancestor, and we will always be aloof and detached existences."


  All the Supremes spoke one after another, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. Each of the Supremes felt that they were very lucky to be in this sect.

  Sect Master Xixuan listened to these supreme self-comforts, smiled, and did not say anything depressing to attack them.

  But at this moment, the lecherous white light suddenly floated into her hands from outside the window, and Sect Master Xixuan knew at a glance who sent the message.

  Sect Master Xixuan closed his eyes, the white light in his hand slowly disappeared, and finally he got a complete communication.

  "Bold!" Sect Master Xixuan got angry after sensing these contents.

  A true immortal of the perfection level was actually abolished, is the other party deceiving them and there is no one in Xixuan Dongtian?

  Hearing the so irritable voice of the sect master, the eyes of the elders all converged on him.

  They didn't know what happened, since it would make the sect master so irritable.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, I was a little rude just now, and here, I apologize to all of you.

  However, some people abolished the blood Wuhen directly, and did not give us Xixuan face at all. Is there anyone who is willing to take action for us in Dongtian to get justice? "Xixuan Sect Master Yang Xiang asked himself in a turbulent mood, and asked calmly all his life.

  "I'll go!"

  One was more than two meters tall, with a big beard, like a lion, walked out of the dense fog, with four earrings on his ears, a fierce look.

  "Tianshi is too much trouble, this thing is a clue to find the murderer." Sect Master Xixuan handed a ray of white light over, Tianshi Taishang reached out to pick it up, sensed it with his spiritual sense, and then nodded.

  "Sect Master, I'll go back when I go!" Tian Shi Tai tapped on his toes, stepped on the ground, and jumped up into the sky, suddenly turning into countless yellowish golden spots of light.

  Sect Master Xixuan retracted his gaze, waiting here for the good news of Tianshi Taishen.


  "What are you secretly laughing at?" Lin Fan squinted and suddenly saw the old man in his hand laughing.

  "It's none of your business what the old man laughs at? Anyway, I've already fallen into your hands. You can kill him or cut him off." The old man looked indifferent, as if he didn't care whether Lin Fan would kill him or not.

  Lin Fan smiled slightly, and injected the powerful mana condensed into the Wheel of Death into the old man's body.

  "Ah....what is this? It's killing me."

  Xue Wuhen felt like he was bitten by countless ants, and his body was burning like hot magma.

  "I'm thirsty, give me water to drink!"

  Blood Wuhen's lips quickly dried and became bloodless. His eyes showed a longing look, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

  Lin Fan smiled when he saw this scene.

  The powerful mana in his body is incomparable to other mana or immortal power, it is an extremely powerful overbearing energy.

  Sometimes Lin Fan would think that the system of his own cultivation should be detached from mana and immortal power, but to walk out of another way of his own.

  In the books, of course, he has also seen how big the gap between the true immortal and the true immortal is, but he himself can fight across a large realm.

  This is basically invisible in the Age of Mythology, except for those innate saints.

  "I don't laugh anymore, please take this energy out of my body!" Xue Wuhen's eyes were bloodshot, and he lowered his arrogant head.

  Lin Fan didn't do what he wanted. The so-called punishment was to be persistent, so that people would be afraid. .

Chapter 395

  Lin Fan carried an old man whose life was worse than death in his hand, and continued walking for a certain distance.

  The shuttle in the void is dull and tasteless, it is always in the dark, and it is difficult to see the light, unless there is an occasional void lightning, or the brilliance emanating from itself.

  But at this time, there is a place that emits a light like the moon. The light is not very dazzling, and even a little soft, covering the void for dozens of miles.

  Lin Fan glanced at it casually, but didn't care, she wanted to hurry back to Kunlun Cave to absorb the power of true blood and raise her strength to a higher level.

  It's not that he doesn't want to absorb it now, but if he absorbs the true blood alone, and no one protects the law, if he is interrupted, his cultivation will be reversed, or he will die on the spot.

  "Lost true monarch, praise is supreme here, there is divine power here, and this place can make you a top peerless genius..."

  Where the light radiates, there is a seductive voice, from which it echoes the entire void.

  Lin Fan quickened his speed and traveled through the void. He didn't want to stay here any longer. After all, there were countless dangers in the void. If he was not careful, even the most advanced ones would fall into it.

  But the strong man in the light didn't seem to want to let him go, and continued to shout loudly: "Praise! Cry! Howl... Believe in the light, and I will give you supreme glory!"

  This voice was extremely magnificent, and it oscillated and reverberated in the void. Lin Fan even felt that his ears were temporarily deaf, and his whole body was numb.

  "What the hell is this?"

  Lin Fan instantly activated [-] times the combat power of the Wheel of Life and Death. The two behind him were astonishing, slowly turning and shining in all directions.

  In the first time, the powerful pressure was offset and he broke free.

  Lin Fan didn't want to stay in the void for a moment, and he exploded with an amazing speed, surpassing lightning, surpassing light, and seemingly surpassing time, and it was difficult to see even shadows.

  Void is too dangerous here, if he hadn't acted decisively, I'm afraid he would have stayed here.


  "Guangchengzi's apprentice...〃"."

  There was a faint sigh in the light, and the strong man inside was staring at the direction Lin Fan left, not knowing what he was thinking.


  Lin Fan has traveled millions of miles in the void, and after tens of thousands of miles, he can return to Kunlun Cave.

  Lin Fan casually glanced at the old man in his hand. The old man was foaming at the mouth, his eyes were white, like a dead fish, and his breath was very weak.

  Obviously, it is difficult to resist the powerful pressure just now, like the top of Mount Tai. If he hadn't acted decisively and exploded the combat power of the Death Wheel [-] times, he might have achieved better results than this person, not much.

  Lin Fan seriously suspected that the strong man hiding in the light was most likely a golden immortal, a living ancient golden immortal.

  Compared with that breath, even a super-advanced powerhouse is not much stronger than an ant.

  Just like the difference between Firefly and Haoyue, the light of the two is not on the same level at all, and cannot be compared at all.

  At this moment, an uninvited guest appeared in front of Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan felt something in his heart and raised his head to take a closer look.

  An old man quickly walked out of the void on the side. The old man was muscular and tall, and his face was covered with beards and hair, just like a lion.

  The moment the old man appeared, the surrounding space changed rapidly.

  The pitch-black void dissipated in an instant, and Lin Fan came to another dimension in just a moment.

  The surrounding bamboo forests swayed, the moonlight was clear, and the sound of birds drifted far away.

  Lin Fan's expression became solemn.

  "The power of creating space can be achieved by some people in the late stage of true immortals, but to create space in such a dangerous void, it must be a top-level powerhouse."

  Lin Fan thought to himself.

  The space exudes a gentle power all the time, a green healing energy that makes people feel better all over.

  "Tianshi Taishang, I didn't expect you to come in person, Xue Wuhen is ashamed!"

  Xue Wuhen didn't know when he woke up, so he just flattered.

  Tianshi Taishang looked here calmly. Although his eyes were calm, it made people feel a boundless and enormous pressure, squeezing him all the time.

  "Is it too high?" Lin Fan felt the opponent's strength in an instant, and he was definitely a strong elder at the level of too high.

  "Let go of the person in your hand, I can still keep you a whole body." The old man on the opposite side was so loud that it seemed that Lin Fan could no longer escape his palm.

  "Then you also need to have the ability!" Lin Fan grinned at him, his body was surrounded by lightning, and two golden wheels appeared behind him, but he quickly retracted his body.

  This was Lin Fan's strongest state. If it wasn't for a real threat of life and death, Lin Fan would not use it under normal circumstances.

  This is his final trump card, and he estimates that even the superiors can hold on for a while and won't be defeated quickly.

  "."It seems that you don't intend to listen to what I have to say!"

  Seeing that Lin Fan didn't let go, Tianshi Taishang had a chill in his eyes, and his body was even more transpired, which belonged to the aura of the Supreme.


  Lin Fan's speed suddenly accelerated, and in an instant of [-]/[-], it turned into a streak of golden light, and a punch hit Taishang Tianshi's face.

  Then he quickly retreated back to the place and stood proudly, as if it was not him who had just shot.

  Tianshi was too stunned, and didn't react for a while.

  "Junior, you are courting death!"

  When Tianshi Taishang reacted, the huge immortal power erupted from the inside out from his body, like the Milky Way pouring out, turned into substance, and the surrounding space was temporarily stagnant.

  However, this (good enough) didn't work for Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan tapped his toes and quickly distanced himself from the other party, which made Tianshi Taishang have to take it seriously.

  He originally thought that the other party was just a small ant, but he did not expect it to be a powerful elephant. It was the mistake of judgment just now, and now he has even suffered a big loss.

  Xue Wuhen was even more stunned. He couldn't imagine why a strong person who was too superior would suffer such a big loss when he came up.

  The man who defeated him in front of him even slapped the too-superior powerhouse first, which was like a fantasy.

  Which is too superior and strong is not aloof, detached and inviolable.

  Not to mention a strongman like Tianshi Taishang, even one person can resist two ordinary Taishang.

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