Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

  "Senior brother, what to do with this coffin!!"

  The four-eyed Taoist priest looked at the copper-horned golden coffin, his eyes turned green! !

  This is gold! !

  Lin Fan also glanced at it. The copper-horned golden coffin weighed at least several thousand catties. Although it was made of copper and gold, it could at least extract hundreds of catties of gold.

  This is a huge windfall.

  To know this world, a tael of gold is 40 oceans, and a pound of gold is 400 oceans.

  With this money.

  There are too many things they can do, enough to increase their strength by a lot.

  "Let's put it here first, and send Qianhe back to talk about it. This coffin is so heavy, I'm not afraid that someone will take it away!"

  Lin Fan said.

  The place is so vast and sparsely populated that no one can see it, so I don't worry at all.

  Lin Fan asked Si Mu to pile up the corpses and burn them with the Fire Talisman.

  After disposing of these corpses, Manager Wu didn't know when he came over with his little brother in his arms.

  "Daoist, Taoist, let me see what happened to the little brother? He has been unconscious." Wu Guanshi looked at Lin Fan and the four-eyed Taoist with hope.

  "This child has also been poisoned by corpse poison, which is a little serious! If it is not treated early, it may become a zombie!!" The unconscious little brother said solemnly after glancing at him.

  "Ah!! Become a zombie? Taoist priest, please, save the little brother! Let me do anything!!" Wu Guanshi slammed and knelt on the ground.


  Four eyes looked at Lin Fan.

  Lin Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's take him with you. If he turns into a zombie and harms others, it will be a trouble!! Let's go back quickly, if the royal zombies come to our door, it will be troublesome!"

  Zombies are very sensitive to popularity, and there are only two families in Shiliba Village, Simu and Master, and they are very likely to find them.

  Listen to what Lin Fan said.

  Four eyes did not dare to slack off, carrying the weak Daoist Qianhe, and rushing to the dojo! !


  "Karaoke! Knorr!"

  "Open the door! Open the door!!"

  When he arrived at the dojo, the four-eyed Daoist roared at the gate.Jia Le had been waiting for the two to come back, and when he heard the sound, he hurriedly opened the door.

  Seeing the unconscious Daoist Qianhe, Jia Le was shocked: "Uncle, what's wrong with him?"

  "Quick, go and prepare glutinous rice, your uncle was injured by a zombie!"


  Jia Le screamed and hurriedly went to prepare glutinous rice.

  "Amitabha, what happened?" Master Yixiu came out of the room when he heard the movement, and he immediately understood when he saw this scene.

  "Daoist Qianhe and this little benefactor were badly injured, and the corpse poison has spread into his body. I'm afraid they have to boil water with lotus seed hearts for them to drink!!"

  Lin Fan shook his head: "My junior brother is seriously injured. I'm afraid the lotus heart won't work. We need to draw out the corpse poison. Master, do you have any snake medicine?"

  "Qingqing, is there any snake medicine in the room?" the master asked Qingqing.

  "Yes, I'll look for it."

  Qingqing ran into the room to get medicine.

  Si Mu said to Jia Le, "Clean his wound, and the father-in-law over there, are you injured?"

  "No no!!"

  Wu Guanshi jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and hurriedly shook his head.

  Lin Fan glanced at Wu Guanshi. In the original book, he remembered that Wu Guanshi was injured by a royal zombie and eventually turned into a zombie.

  Seeing Wu Guanshi's expression, Lin Fan didn't say anything.

  He wanted to die so much,

  That's his own business.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Lin Fan couldn't control it, and he didn't have that thought.

  If this guy turns into a zombie, he will still have merit in killing him, but now he is very lacking in merit! !

  Manager Wu was stunned by Lin Fan's gaze, feeling uncomfortable, and hurriedly went to help Jia Le and Qingqing.

  for the rest of the time.

  Lin Fan, Taoist Master Four Eyes, Master Yixiu, and the three began to heal Taoist Qianhe and the younger brother's injuries.

  The younger brother's injury was less severe. After applying some snake medicine and glutinous rice, and drinking a bowl of lotus heart soup, the corpse poison was greatly reduced.

  Daoist Qianhe was more serious, and was still in a coma.

  Lin Fan asked Jia Le to prepare a large vat and put Daoist Qianhe in it.

  There was glutinous rice water and snake medicine in the big vat. As soon as Daochang Qianhe entered, there was a burst of black smoke from his body, and his face was distorted.

  It was like a piece of red-hot iron that was suddenly put into water.

  The water in the vat boiled.

  Lin Fan, on the other hand, put a palm on the back of Daoist Qianhe, and used his mana to help Daoist Qianhe to force out the corpse poison.


  After seven or eight minutes, Daoist Qianhe suddenly shook his entire body, spurted out a mouthful of black blood, slowly opened his eyes, and his face became a little better.


  Daoist Qianhe saw Lin Fan in front of him and said with a miserable smile: "Senior brother is fortunate, if it wasn't for his poor learning skills, it wouldn't be like this!"

  "Okay, don't blame yourself too much, take care of yourself."

  A trace of exhaustion flashed in Lin Fan's eyes.

  Healing with mana is very energy-consuming.

  "Senior brother, I still have something to say. That zombie has already turned into an essence. I can't deal with it. Even the golden light rune you gave me can't kill it."

  "Not even the golden light rune?!"

  The four-eyed Taoist priest exclaimed, the power of Lin Fan's golden light rune was terrifying!

  Lin Fan also raised his eyebrows.

  The bronze armored zombies are really powerful, they can't even kill them with the golden light magic spell.And it killed so many people, and now it may even be comparable to the Shining Armored Corpse! !

  "That zombie is a bronze-armored corpse?"


  There was a hint of panic in Daochang Qianhe's eyes, "It was struck by lightning, mutated, and sucked human blood, becoming invulnerable, with infinite power, and ordinary spells have no effect on it!"

  "Bronze armored corpse?"

  The four-eyed road long swallowed a mouthful of water,

  He knows the power of the bronze armored zombies. He is even more powerful than Mao Zong. If he fights alone, he is by no means an opponent.

  "Just take a good rest, if it dares to come, I will let him come and go!!"

  A cold light flashed in Lin Fan's eyes.

  "Junior brother, don't worry, with his pervert here, nothing will happen!" The four-eyed Taoist priest also comforted.

  Lin Fan glared at Simu, "Simu, is your skin itchy again?"

  "Senior brother, that, that Jia Le hasn't cooked yet, I asked him to cook..." The four-eyed Taoist hurriedly made an excuse and slipped away.

  "Hahaha! Senior Brother Four Eyes is still the same!!"

  Daoist Qianhe laughed, while Lin Fan shook his head.

  "You have a good night's sleep, I'm going to take a nap too!" After working for so long, Lin Fan was also a little tired and was going to rest.

  And just at this moment, one after another, the terrifying screams of ghosts and wolf roars, which caused goosebumps all over, suddenly came from outside.


  "Woooo~~~" the door.

Chapter 81



  One after another, ghosts cry and wolf roars, and the terrifying screams that make one's skin goosebumps suddenly came from outside.

  "Senior Brother... Zombies are here!!"

  A trace of unease flashed in Daoist Qianhe's eyes, he wanted to stand up to take a look, but was held down by Lin Fan.

  "It's okay, it's just a few beasts. You're so badly injured, you need to rest well, and when you're healthy, you'll have to translate the text on the map for me."

  Lin Fan said with a smile, motioning to Daoist Qianhe to take a good rest.

  A few little zombies, what's there to be afraid of?


  Lin Fan suddenly had a doubt in his heart. He had such an idea, could this volume of Yin Talisman Sutra be related to the ancient state of Shu?

  What kind of magic tricks will this volume be?

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