
The blow that flew just now made the royal zombie feel extremely annoyed, and now he saw the four-eyed Taoist walking towards him again, waving his sharp claws, and coming quickly.


The four-eyed Taoist snorted disdainfully, raised his fist, and rushed straight over, hitting the face of the royal zombie.


This punch was like a sea of poured momentum, as if it had shattered the air barrier, and there was a buzzing sound.

The royal zombie instantly flew out dozens of meters upside down like a broken kite, and fell into the dark dense forest again.

The master of Yixiu, as well as Jia Le and Wencai, were all amazed and dumbfounded.



I saw an explosion in the dense forest, and the pitch-black corpse qi came as quickly as the Yellow River poured down, and the four-eyed Taoist stood in place, not moving at all.

Even if the corpse qi surged like a tide, it didn't cause any harm to the four-eyed Dao people at all.

Stand still, steady as Mount Tai!


The royal zombie rose from the ground, like a small cannonball, and instantly came to the front of the four-eyed Taoist, ready to grab the opponent's neck.


The four-eyed Taoist snorted coldly again, and directly towards the sky was a blow uppercut, and the royal zombies that hit directly flew into the air in an instant, and their limbs kept swinging.


Just waited for the royal zombie to fall again, and the four-eyed Taoist hit the opponent's chest with two punches, and instantly smashed into a large depression, and the corpse qi on his body was also constantly collapsing.

For a while, the whole scene presented an absolute overwhelming advantage, and the four-eyed Taoist had already slapped the royal zombies to the ground, and there was no room to fight back at all.

Even its face was full of frightened expressions, as if it had seen a four-eyed Taoist, as if it had seen the most terrifying devil in the world.


The four-eyed Taoist directly picked up the royal zombie and threw it out heavily, and immediately several boulders were smashed on the spot, and the body of the royal zombie also showed an extremely weird twisted posture, which was very terrifying.


The overwhelming attacks made the four-eyed Daoist feel extremely excited and proud, and he immediately shook his body again and swaggered in the direction of the royal zombies.


Exactly like in the movie, the four-eyed Taoist stepped on a sharp broken tile, and immediately sat down on the ground, screaming in pain.


As if the balloon had blown its air, the strong body of the four-eyed Taoist was rapidly disappearing, and in less than a few seconds, it had changed back to his thin appearance.

"Oops, he's deflated!"

Originally, the three masters of Yixiu were still silently cheering for the four-eyed Taoist in their hearts, if they weren't worried that they would be frightened and discouraged, they would have beaten gongs and drums and shouted repeatedly.

But who knows, even if everyone doesn't dare to speak out, the four-eyed Taoist still has his divine power lost because of an accident.

In an instant, the situation on the field became confusing again.

"Oops, oops, it hurts me, it hurts me!"

Annoyed and resentful, the four-eyed Taoist immediately threw the culprit aside.

But at this time, the royal zombies, who were already extremely scared, suddenly saw the four-eyed Taoist become like this, and the anger of the whole body immediately rushed to the peak.

Even though the corpse qi in his body was not as good as before at this time, he still attacked again and rushed straight in the direction of the four-eyed Dao man.

"Damn it!"

The four-eyed Taoist screamed, and immediately ran towards the house like the wind, shouting as he ran: "Hurry back to that guy!


Everyone agreed when they heard this, but after all, they still didn't have the amazing bounce power of the royal zombies, and as soon as a few people came to the front of the house, they saw that the royal zombies jumped in front of several people.

And before the four-eyed Daoist who was running in front could react to what was happening, he was grabbed by the royal zombie and grabbed on the chest, and blood flowed in an instant.

"Damn, you dare to arrest me, Dao Ye will fight with you!"

Looking at the several bloody scratches on his shirt, the four-eyed Taoist was extremely angry, and without saying a word, he kicked and beat the body of the royal zombie with a bang.

Seeing this, Wencai and Jia Le also used their hands and feet on the side, hitting every inch of the royal zombies.

However, after several attacks, the body of the royal zombie stood still, and the fists of the three people were already red, swollen and swollen, and the pain was unbearable.


The momentum of the royal zombies exploded instantly, and the three of them were shocked on the spot and fell to the side.

"Look at me!"

At this time, Master Ikkyu had already run out of the house again, holding a bronze giant sword with a sword body of fifty centimeters wide in both hands, and slashed down at the head of the royal zombie!

"Monk, how did you find out the magic weapon at the bottom of my pressure box!"

The four-eyed Taoist endured the pain in the wound and cried out.

And Master Yixiu didn't care about this, and directly swung his sword to look at the top of the head of the royal zombie.

For a moment, sparks splashed and sounded.

The royal zombie wailed, and was immediately cut back a few meters, although the steel and iron bones of the body were still not damaged at all, but the corpse qi of the whole body was instantly dispersed a lot.


Master Yixiu was overjoyed, and without saying a word, he raised his sword again and swung it off.


There was another loud bang, and the corpse qi of the royal zombie was dispersed a lot again, and even the pitch-black and shriveled body had a slight crack.

"Monk, hack him to death!

At this time, the four-eyed Taoist stood up with severe pain, covered the wound that was still bleeding, and couldn't help but curse loudly!


I saw Master Yixiu soar straight into the air, and the sharp bronze giant sword seemed to have the power of a sword breaking mountains and rivers, and it slashed down at the head of the royal zombie again.


The royal zombie let out an earth-shattering roar, and a thick corpse qi sprayed out in an instant, turning into a black giant corpse qi barrier, directly floating on the entire body.


Master Yixiu's slash instantly shattered the black corpse qi barrier on the spot, and in the next second, two sharp claws instantly grabbed the bronze giant sword in the hands of the four-eyed Daoist, and burst out with a powerful momentum!


The bronze giant sword instantly appeared cracks, and then the entire sword body broke together, all of them turned into fragments, and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Master Ikkyu was shocked, and he didn't know what to do, but at this time he felt a hard punch in the chest, and immediately flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground.


In an instant, the momentum of the royal zombie rose again, and the angry roar soared into the sky.

And in the sky, there are instant thunderclouds surging, and lightning thunders!

"The Jade Emperor is ruthless, and the divine thunder is scorching! Today, there are Maoshan disciples who are respectfully asking for a decree, and the thunder is universalized by Tianzun and the Nine Heavens are thundering!

Recommend a book written by a good friend, which is also about Lin Zhengying's zombies, interested friends can take a look!

Zombie World: I Have a Coffin Shop!

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