"Huh? yes!"

When had the two members of the security team seen the captain Chang Wei so angry, they didn't dare to delay any longer, and ran out of the gate quickly.

"Cousin, I won't let you have any problems, never!"

Chang Wei looked at Jun Ru, who had a faint breath, and slowly put it on the bed, and then took out a handful of glutinous rice prepared close to him from his pocket, and immediately stuck it on Jun Ru's wound.


Suddenly, Junru's wound continued to emit black smoke, and she began to roar softly in pain.

Seeing this, Chang Wei hurriedly tied Junru's hands and feet to the foot of the bed with a rope, and said with pity: "Don't worry, cousin, I won't let you have anything to do." "

The words were divided into two ends, it was already late at night at this time, Ye Tian stood in the room next to Wang Qiangrose's boudoir, quietly watching all the changes around him.

And everyone also retreated to their own houses under Wang Youcai's arrangement, and no one was allowed to walk outside.

Therefore, tonight's royal mansion is extraordinarily quiet, as if a needle has fallen on the ground and can be heard clearly.


Suddenly, a yin wind gradually drifted into the courtyard, and a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth.

Here it comes!

Although the things that appeared with the yin wind could not be seen by others, at this time, in Ye Tian's eyes, it was extremely clear.

I saw a big red sedan chair appear outside the room of the king Rose, and four hideous imps less than a meter tall were already standing aside.

At this time, a little ghost strolled closer, and whispered to Wang Qiangrose's room:

"Miss Wang, come with us, Lord Lang Jun is waiting for you!"

After speaking, I saw that the little ghost raised his hand and waved it lightly, and an illusory figure slowly floated out of the room and stood in front of the four little ghosts.

"Hey, Miss Wang, please be proud!"

An extremely strange smile appeared on the little ghost's face, and then he saw Wang Qiangrose slowly walking towards the sedan chair with a confused face, as if there was no refusal at all.

"Hehe, Lang Jun handed over such an important task to us today, we must complete it well!"

"Yes, maybe when Lang Jun is happy, he can reward two souls for our brothers to try!"

"I'm so excited, I wonder if Lord Lang Jun is already impatient?"

"Brother a few spiritual points, you can't make any mistakes!"

On one side, Wang Qiangrose slowly floated towards the sedan chair, and on the other side, the four little ghosts couldn't help but feel a little excited at this time, and they were discussing fiercely, not to mention how happy and excited they were.

Buzz! Buzz!

However, at this moment, all of a sudden, three golden rays of light flew out in an instant, hitting the bodies of three of the imps.

Without any warning, the three imps screamed in an instant, and then there was no more movement.

"Ding! Destroy a terrible ghost, get 10 merit points, 1 ocean!"

"Ding! Destroy a terrible ghost, get 10 merit points, 1 ocean!"

"Ding! Destroy a terrible ghost, get 10 merit points, 1 ocean!"

"Hey, what's going on!"

Before the remaining imp realized what was happening, a talisman instantly flew out and hit him, and in an instant, it flew out and fell to the ground.


The little ghost looked at the talisman emitting golden light on his body, and the yin qi in his body was constantly collapsing, and he hurriedly shouted at the moment.

Then a young man in a white robe walked over slowly, who would Ye Tian be?

"Hmph, you are not small, and you have learned to carry a sedan chair to greet your relatives?"

Ye Tian coldly glanced at the little ghost on the ground, then turned to face the soul of the muddy Wang Qiangrose, and raised his hand to slap it.

I saw a white light emanating from the top of Wang Rose's head, and then the entire soul body instantly submerged into the room and returned to his body.

Looking at this scene, the little ghost knew that he had provoked a powerful character today, and knelt down again and again and begged for mercy loudly:

"Immortal Chief, Immortal Chief! I'm just a lowly little ghost, and that ghost-faced Langjun asked me to come here to pick up the bride! I don't know anything!"

"Hehe, don't know anything?"

Ye Tian kicked the little ghost's body, and in an instant, the other party's entire face was twisted together, and the pain was unbearable.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, looked at the little ghost on the ground coldly, and continued: "I know everything about your conversation just now, do you not know about this ghost-faced Langjun?"

"I know... I know, I know, I know!"

The little ghost knew that he couldn't hide it from Ye Tian, and he still had a talisman on his body to suppress it, so he had to nod and admit it, and said with a painful face: "That ghost-faced Langjun said that he fell in love with the young lady of the Wang family, so I gave the master of the Wang family a dowry last night!

"What dowry?

"It's just a fan, a fan painted by the ghost-faced Langjun himself!"

The little ghost replied again and again, for fear that if he answered one word wrong, he would be killed by Ye Tian on the spot.

"Master Wang, come out!"

Ye Tian shouted loudly at this time, and then a figure ran in outside the courtyard, but it was the king and the wealthy king.

Seeing Ye Tian standing alone in the courtyard calling for himself, Wang Youcai was very surprised, and hurriedly asked, "Doctor Ye, do you have anything to order?"

"Did you pick up a fan last night?"


When Wang Youcai heard Ye Tian ask, he said in a loud voice: "I picked up a fan outside the door last night, the fan surface is plated with a layer of gold leaf, and even the fan bones are made of jade, which is very beautiful!"

"Bring it to me!"


Wang Youcai didn't know why, and replied a little awkwardly: "Doctor Ye, didn't we say that it would be 200 oceans? Why do you still need that fan? Could it be that you lost it?"

"If you want to take it, you can take it! If you don't want your daughter to have anything to do, bring it to me quickly!

"Yes, yes, I'll go! I'll go!"

Ye Tian's angry roar made Wang Youcai very panicked, and he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he hurriedly ran back to his room.

In less than a moment, he trotted all the way back here, and there was already an extra fan in his hand.

"Is this it?"

Ye Tian took the fan from Wang Youcai's hand and asked the little ghost under his feet in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes!

The little ghost nodded again and again, not daring to hide anything.

"Doctor Ye, who are you talking to?"

Seeing Ye Tian talking to himself alone in front of him, Wang Youcai looked around a little frightened and asked in a low voice.

"Just this fan?

Ye Tianyan ignored Wang Youcai's inquiry, but looked at the other party with a funny face, shaking the fan in his hand.

"Yes, yes! This fan looks like a good thing! It must be a gift from God!"


Ye Tian scolded angrily, pointed at Wang Youcai's nose and scolded loudly: "This is clearly a bone fan made of dead people's bones and ashes! You even regard it as a treasure! Your daughter is the way she is now, you are the one who harmed her!"

Today's fifth update, 10,000 words updated is over!

Hey, I've been under a lot of pressure lately, and I'm also very worried about things at work, but I still take time out every day to try to ensure that you can get 10,000 words updated!

I also hope that you can give us your understanding and support!

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