
was directly punched through by Ye Tian in the chest, just like the Western female zombie just now, the Western zombie at this time felt extremely shocked and panicked!

But no matter how much struggle and fighting he wants, he can no longer exert any strength.


Ye Tian directly crushed the beating heart in his hand, and in an instant, the Western zombie was completely out of breath.

Then his whole body turned black and shriveled, and soon he became exactly like the Western zombie just now, and there was no longer any life!

"Ding! Kill a mutant zombie and gain 150 merit points! 10 pounds of pork! "

"Ding! Kill a mutant zombie and gain 150 merit points! 10 pounds of pork! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Second Grade Heavenly Master

Merit: 620/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

Listening to the system prompt sound in his ears, Ye Tian almost didn't get over!

Even the old lady who destroyed the iron-armored corpse gave 200 merit points!

Not to mention the royal zombie bronze armored corpse, after the effort to eliminate it, it gave 800 merit points!

The two Western zombies who turned into zombies from vampires only have a mere 150 merit points! It's incredible!

But then Ye Tian thought about it carefully, and also felt that the rewards given by this system were very reasonable!

It can be said that killing these two Western zombies didn't take much effort at all!

Especially the Western female zombie, Ye Tian dug out her heart directly from her body with one punch and pinched it into meat foam!

It can be said that even though they have some characteristics of native zombies, these two Western zombies are still very close to the Western vampires!

The strength of this body alone is far less than one-ten-thousandth of that of the native zombies!

Or maybe it's because they've just been resurrected, and they can't reach the strength of vampire powerhouses at all, so they can't be so unbearable!

Therefore, in front of a martial arts powerhouse like Ye Tian, there was no room for any extra fight back, and he completely died in his hands!

"Senior brother, I've worked hard for you again this time!"

Seeing that Ye Tian killed the Western zombie with one punch and pinched his heart on the spot, Uncle Nine quickly felt close.

"Where's the word!"

Ye Tian waved his hand lightly, and the palm full of mucus was melted by the gangqi, and he instantly regained his energetic appearance.

"Finally got rid of this Western zombie, and it can be regarded as pulling out a hidden danger!"

After saying that, the talisman between Ye Tian's fingers suddenly appeared, and then turned into two fire snakes and came out together, and landed on the corpses of the two Western zombies.

In less than a moment, it completely turned into dust and disappeared!

After dealing with the Western zombies, Ye Tian and Uncle Nine hurried towards the direction of the church.

At this time, the church had been completely devoured by the powerful Tiangang fire, and it had completely lost its original appearance, and soon became a scorched ruin.

"Ninth Uncle, Daoist Ye, why did you still set fire to my church?"

The fat nun was worried that something would happen to the church, so she wanted to sneak over at night to see what was going on.

But before I could reach the church, I saw a raging fire burning in that direction, and the fire was raging!

The fat nun, who was extremely worried, quickened her pace and quickly arrived here.

only to find that no one around was involved in fighting the fire, but was sweeping the corpses of bats all over the ground.

Now seeing Ye Tian and Uncle Nine approaching, the fat nun rushed to the front with a fierce momentum and questioned the two of them loudly!

"I said, I tried my best, but it doesn't necessarily guarantee that your church will be okay! So we're not wrong! "

For these enthusiastic followers of the Light God Sect, Ye Tian was in no mood to have more verbal battles with her!

And Uncle Nine also shook his head and didn't say anything.

"Hey! You stop! You stop! "

Seeing that Ye Tian and Uncle Nine ignored her, the fat nun wanted to catch up and stop the two, but was instantly blocked by a group of security team members.

"Dead foreign woman! What about burning your church! If it weren't for the two ghost priests you who came here to preach, this wouldn't be happening today! My cousin won't die either! "

Chang Wei took out and grabbed it again this time, pointed at the fat nun's head, and shouted loudly: "I'll tell you!" You want to preach here! There are no doors either! I said it! "

After that, Chang Wei put away his pistol and said angrily to the group of security team members beside him: "Tie up this dead fat man and send her back to the village, and drive her and those little foreign women away at dawn tomorrow!" Not a single one to stay! "

"You can't do that! I am an emissary of the Holy See of Light, and I am here to preach! You can't do that! "

However, no matter how the fat nun shouted, the members of the security team ignored her at all, and according to the order given by the captain Chang Wei, they tied her up and sent her back to the village.


After a few more days of peaceful life, Renjia Town was exceptionally peaceful, without the spread of war, without the nuisance of ghosts, and all the residents lived in a harmonious and cheerful atmosphere.

Ren Fa took Ren Tingting to the provincial capital to kiss her, and when she left, she specially said goodbye to Ye Tian, saying that she would learn to cook more delicacies for Ye Tian to eat after she came back.

In this regard, Ye Tian always treated each other with a smile.

On this day, as usual, Ye Tian was still receiving patients in the hospital, and there was nothing special.

However, a middle-aged man dressed in rich clothes ran in in a hurry.

"May I ask if you are Dr. Ye!"

The middle-aged man saw Ye Tian sitting at the consultation table drinking tea, and hurriedly stepped forward to inquire anxiously, with an anxious face.

"I'm just, what's wrong!"

"You're Dr. Ye, great!"

Seeing Ye Tian agree, the middle-aged man instantly knelt on the ground, and said with tears and tears: "Doctor Ye, I am Zhang Youkui from Qingquan Village, my son has a strange disease, I heard that you are a famous doctor in this town, I specially ask you to treat my son!" "

After that, Zhang Youkui directly took out a bill of exchange from his arms, handed it to Ye Tian, and begged: "This is five hundred oceans, as long as you can save my son, I can withdraw money from you again!" "

"You get up first!"

Ye Tian did not take over the five hundred oceans, but helped Zhang Youkui up, and asked suspiciously, "What kind of illness is your son?" "

"He was hot and red, and his hair and eyebrows were red! I've been unconscious for a day and a night! I found a lot of doctors to come to see and treat them, and they all said that they had never seen such a strange disease! "

"Ghost Fire Bee Venom!"

Ye Tian was shocked when he heard this, and instantly stood up from his chair, and an indescribable sense of joy instantly surged into his heart!

Really, when I watched the movie, I really felt that this Western zombie was so weak that it exploded, and finally drowned in the swamp...

Compared with our native zombies, the verdict is high and low!

Perhaps the truly powerful Western zombie is the Western priest who was conceived by the Three Evil Positions in Jiuquan Town!

Do you know if you feel this way?

A new story is about to begin!

Rest early, good night, everyone!

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