"Senior sister has good eyesight!"

Ye Tian saw Aunt Sue looking at the little white sable in his pocket with admiration, nodded and said.

"What lightning marten, what are you talking about!"

Hua Yanyan looked at the two of them in confusion, is this just an ordinary little white mink, what's so special.

"The lightning marten is very spiritual and very loyal to its owner, you look at the mark on its forehead, this is the mark of the lightning marten!"

Aunt Cane squatted down and looked at the little white sable with her head blinking desperately with a smile on her face, and then gently stroked the white hair on its forehead, and said to Hua Yanyan:

"Look, that's the sign of a lightning marten!"

"Ahh There's a lightning bolt symbol! "

Hua Yanyan hurriedly squatted down to take a closer look, only to see that the little white sable did have a golden symbol similar to the lightning sign on its forehead, but because it was buried deeply, it was very difficult to find.


The lightning marten seemed to be a little afraid of Hua Yanyan, and hurriedly buried his head in his pocket, not daring to look around.

"Little thing, I won't eat you again, what are you afraid of me!"

"Maybe it doesn't like you!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, then took out the pill from his arms, broke it a little and put it in his pocket.

"I'm a little puzzled, this lightning marten clan has always lived in the northeast, how could it appear in Niuxin Mountain? I really don't understand! "

Aunt Sue straightened up again, holding her chin with one hand, looking very puzzled.

"yes, I don't understand it either!"

Ye Tian reached into his pocket with his right hand and gently brushed the little white mink's hairy head, while saying, "But since it met me, and I took the Gathering Spirit Fruit in its cave, I will take this cause and effect!" "

After that, Ye Tian took out the little white mink that had recovered most of his injuries from his arms, held it in front of him, and said with a smile: "Little guy, you will follow me in the future and give you a name, just call it Doudou, okay?" "



seemed to understand what Ye Tian said, Doudou blinked his two big eyes and nodded repeatedly, looking very cute.

"It's so cute, let me raise it!"

Looking at the cute look on this beanie's face, Hua Yanyan was lazy, and hurriedly rubbed her hands and was about to step forward to hug the beanie in Ye Tian's hand.

Who knew that Doudou quickly broke free of Ye Tian's palm when he heard this, and then jumped straight onto Ye Tian's shoulder, and actually stood up, waving his two little paws again and again, as if he was very refusing.

"Haha, it looks like it really doesn't like you!"

When Ye Tian and Aunt Sue saw this, they both laughed.

And Doudou also seemed to be very proud, jumping on Ye Tian's shoulder again and again, as if he didn't take Hua Yanyan in his eyes at all.

"Hmph, what's the big deal! I'll catch a lightning mink when I go back! "

Hua Yanyan's mouth was bulging, her hands were folded, and she looked like a girl was angry.



Seeing this, Doudou kept flapping his two front paws, and then walked directly from Ye Tian's shoulders and jumped back into his pocket.

"By the way, senior sister, I was so unhappy to see you when I came here just now, did my senior brother bully you again?"

Seeing Hua Yanyan sulking alone, Ye Tian ignored it, but turned around and asked Aunt Cane on the side.

Hearing this, Hua Yanyan instantly followed Ye Tian's words, hurriedly stood in front of Aunt Sue, and said unhappily: "Yes, auntie, is that ninth uncle bullying you again!" Let's go and settle accounts with him! "

"Forget it... Leave this matter alone! "

Seeing that Hua Yanyan was about to pull herself out of the dojo, Aunt Sue waved her hand helplessly, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"Auntie, why are you so stupid, he bullied you, we have to settle accounts with him! With me with you, don't worry! "

Seeing that Aunt Sue ignored this matter, Hua Yanyan was even more angry, and Ye Tian stood aside and didn't know what to say, after all, the matter between Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue was not something that could be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

"Excuse me, does Aunt Cane live here?"

Just when Hua Yanyan wanted to persuade Aunt Su to find Uncle Jiu's theory, a young girl walked in at the door of the dojo.

The girl was pushing a bicycle, dressed in a Western-style style, and looked at the three people in front of her with a sweet smile.

"I'm Aunt Cane, what's the matter with you?"

"Are you Aunt Cane? That's great! "

Seeing this, the girl hurriedly put down the bicycle, ran to the front and hurriedly said, "Hello Aunt Sue, my name is Mi Nianjiao, it was Uncle Jiu who asked me to come to you!" "

Mi Nianjiao?

Hearing this name, Ye Tian instantly understood what was happening, and dared to enter the plot of the movie "New Mr. Zombie".

In this movie, Uncle Jiu's name is Lin Zhengying, not Lin Fengjiao, so the girl's name is not Mi Nianjiao, but Mi Nianying.

Maybe it's because the world that Ye Tian was reborn in is a world of great fusion, or maybe because of the butterfly effect, the girl's name has become Mi Nianjiao.

And her sister is Uncle Jiu's first love who has been thinking about her for many years, Mi Qilian.

It's strange to say, when he first watched the movie, Ye Tian was very puzzled by Mi Nianjiao's name.

It stands to reason that Mi Nianjiao is Mi Qilian's younger sister, even if the other party is to commemorate his first love, Uncle Jiu, he should give his child this name, not his sister.

However, it can also be seen that the relationship between the two back then, even if Mi Qilian has married the warlord Dashuai, there is always the shadow of the ninth uncle in her heart.

"He asked you to come?"

Obviously, after Aunt Sue heard Uncle Jiu's name, her eyes lit up instantly, and that happy smile was fleeting, but she was still seen by Ye Tian.

Then, Aunt Sue sat down directly at the stone table, looked Mi Nianjiao up and down, and put on a displeased expression.

"Tell me, why did he let you come to me?"

"Uncle Nine asked me to give you a letter, saying that you will know after reading the letter!"


Aunt Sue was very excited when she heard this, and instantly stood up from the stone table again, her face full of expectation.

"Yes, it's the letter!"

Mi Nianjiao took out a letter from the small bag and handed it to Aunt Sue.

Seeing this, Aunt Sue hurriedly rubbed her hands, took it happily, and ran to the corner alone, secretly reading the letter.

"Strange, didn't my aunt hate that ninth uncle just now? How to receive his letter, so happy! "

Looking at Aunt Sue's excited appearance, Hua Yanyan felt very puzzled, while Ye Tian turned to look at Mi Nianjiao and asked:

"Is my senior brother Uncle Nine in trouble?"

In fact, Ye Tian knew that Uncle Nine asked Aunt Su to help this time, completely because Mi Qilian was put into the body by a wicked baby.

The reason why he is still knowingly asking is to show that he cares about this matter.

Working overtime today, the rest of the chapters may be delivered later, sorry!

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