Seeing the fierce light on David's face, the mayor smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and continued:

"Yes, we have been operating in this Jiuquan Town for so many years, and we finally have such an opportunity to make a fortune, and we must not let this guy be broken!"

"Hmph, Maoshan Daoist, so what?"

David drank all the wine in the cup and said coldly:

"That Dragon Slayer Daoist is also a Maoshan Taoist, and he has a lot of kung fu, if this stinky Taoist named Ye Tian dares to do a lot of things, I guarantee that he will sink into the sea!"

"When you say that, I remember, when will that dragon slayer arrive? Several buyers are urging me to get the goods! "

"Don't worry, Dad, that guy is already on his way, and he'll be here in two days at most!"

David and the mayor smiled heartily, and then they said no more, quietly waiting for the church to reopen tomorrow morning.


In a dense forest outside Jiuquan Town, Dragon Slayer Daoist and a group of fake walking corpses in shrouds sit on the ground roasting a fire, sharing the wild boar that has just been roasted.

"Hehe, this wild boar is fragrant!"

"yes, yes, after a day of jumping, my legs are about to break! I need to eat more to make up for it! "

"That's right, when this deal is done, I must go to Yihong Mansion and have a good time! You're right, big brother! "

A group of people were chatting with each other, and one of them said this, and looked at the Dragon Slayer Daoist with a wicked smile on his face.

I saw that the dragon slayer Daoist's eyes narrowed, and then he put down the barbecue in his hand and strolled to the man.

Raising his leg was a kick, and he kicked the man several meters away, screaming miserably.


The others gasped, and then quickly put down the barbecue in their hands and stood up, not daring to take a breath.

I'm afraid that the dragon slayer will kick it on his body!

"Bastard, have you forgotten what I said in the first place?"

The Dragon Slayer Daoist walked up to the man with an angry face, stepped on his back, and said loudly:

"Be honest with me, if you want to find a girl, turn around and leave Jiuquan Town, you can find anything!

But if you make trouble for me in Jiuquan Town and ruin my money, I'll just bleed him! Did you hear me clearly? "

"Listen ... Hear me clearly ... "

After seeing the cold eyes of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, the group of people were so frightened that they didn't dare to resist.


After that, the Dragon Slayer Daoist stepped on the fire in front of him and said angrily: "Hurry up and get on the road!" Don't eat it! "

"Good! Good! "

Soon, under the scolding of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, a group of fake walking corpses rearranged their formations and lined up in a straight line.

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits, Xiangxi chases corpses, and the living avoid them!"

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits, Xiangxi chases corpses, and the living avoid them!"


In the early morning of the next day, the door of Ye Tian's room was knocked again and again.

"Uncle Shi, Uncle Shi!"

Only to hear Nawen knocked on the door anxiously and kept shouting.

"Early in the morning, what are you doing again?"

Ye Tian opened the door angrily and muttered softly.

"Uncle Shi, that church has been reopened, and the Three Evil Seats are about to be destroyed!"

"I know!"

"Huh? You know! "

Looking at Ye Tian's calm face, Wen Cai said in disbelief: "Those three evil positions are very evil, if they are really opened, many people will die!" "

"I understand your worries!"

Ye Tian patted Wen Cai's shoulder and continued:

"I have already met the mayor of Jiuquan Town yesterday, and he also told me very clearly about this church, and it will definitely be reopened!"

"But it's really reopened, what if it's dead?"

"Wencai, you have to remember that we can only do our best and obey the destiny of heaven!"

Ye Tian comforted Wen Cai, who was very uneasy, and continued:

"We have done our best to say what we need to say and do, and they still insist on reopening the church, which has nothing to do with us!"

"Hey, I really don't know what this mayor thinks!"

Seeing this, Wen Cai had no choice but to squat down and sigh helplessly.

"Ahh Oops! "

But as soon as he finished saying this, he immediately screamed.

"Qiusheng has already run to the church, saying that he wants to stop them from reopening the church!"

"You two guys! Ay... "

Ye Tian said helplessly when he heard this: "Let's go, go to church!" "


With that, Wen Cai followed Ye Tian and walked quickly towards the church.


At this time, many people had gathered at the entrance of the church, and the mayor and a group of squires had also arrived at the scene.

David and Anne were helping the nuns distribute gifts to the villagers waiting in line, and the whole church door was bustling for a while.

"I am here today on behalf of the Lord Almighty to lead you out of your sins!"

At this time, a middle-aged fat nun stood on the high platform, looked at the onlookers below, and began to shout.

"This world is so terrifying, friends don't believe in friends, relatives don't believe in relatives, people don't believe in people!"

"So believe in me and trust in Heavenly Father! When the time comes, you will all be children of your Heavenly Father! "

"Enjoy Heavenly Father's blessing! Amen! "

"Don't listen to his nonsense!"

However, as soon as the fat nun's words fell, an extremely discordant voice came from outside the crowd, attracting everyone's attention in an instant.

"Hey, isn't this the apprentice of Uncle Nine?"

"yes, yes, why did he come back?"

"I remember, I just met him!"


For a while, the villagers began to talk in a whisper.

And those squires, especially the mayor, all showed anger on their faces after seeing Qiusheng appear.

Seeing this, David walked quickly to Qiusheng's approach, and said angrily: "Qiusheng, are you looking for trouble when you come here today!" "

"David, what's going on!"

At this time, Anne also came closer, and when David heard this, he immediately put away the angry expression just now, but replaced it with a smile.

"Anne, you don't know, this Qiusheng is the original apprentice of a Taoist master here, and he came this time to organize the reopening of the church!"

"Hello, Qiusheng!"

Anne nodded when she heard this, and then continued: "We have freedom of religious belief in Jiuquan Town, and you can't stop us from believing in the Bright God Sect just because you are a Taoist priest!" "

"Hello, Miss Anne!"

Goodbye Anne, Qiusheng's cheeks instantly turned crimson, and he couldn't help but become a nymphomaniac, looking at each other in a daze.

"Okay, it's you stinky guy!"

Suddenly, the figure of the fat nun suddenly passed through everyone and came to Qiusheng, accusing: "You guys are really ghostly, do you want to kill us all!" "

Today's last one, I wish you all a great weekend!

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