"You guys, don't you have a good rest, talk about what that person is doing!"

Just when the little nuns were discussing what Ye Tian said in the morning, the fat nun of the dean came over and accused everyone with a dissatisfied face.

Hearing this, everyone stood up in unison, not daring to say more.

After all, Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu and the others have become the dean's most hated people, and if they continue to talk about it, they are afraid that they will be punished.

"Remember who you are! You are daughters of God! "

"And what about them! It's the infidels, it's the persecutors of us! "

The fat nun seemed to get more and more excited as she spoke, and reprimanded everyone loudly, and continued:

"Don't forget why we crossed the ocean to get here!"

"The Holy See has entrusted us with such an important missionary task! We must spread the teachings of God to everyone here! "

"Let them all be like us, bathed in the glory of God! Feel the warmth and harmony of God! "

"May the Lord be with us! Amen! "

The fat nun's reprimand made the little nuns more determined in their belief in preaching, and they immediately raised the cross around their necks and responded loudly:

"May the Lord be with us! Amen! "

At this time, in the church, the nuns prayed to the huge cross in front of them.

What I didn't notice was that a black evil aura that was invisible to the naked eye was slowly emerging from under the floor of the church, gradually permeating every corner of the church.


At this time, in the mayor's house, although David was fine, the sense of humiliation always lingered in his heart.

Looking at his embarrassed appearance in the mirror, and thinking of the scene of being humiliated by Ye Tian in front of Anne during the day, David punched out and directly smashed the mirror in front of him.


The debris fell to the ground, the blood flowed, David picked up the rag and wiped it, and then stopped care.

"Son, son, what are you doing here!"

The mayor who was eating noodles saw David's situation at this time, and hurriedly put down his chopsticks and ran to the front, asking with concern.

"Out of the way!"

David shook off his hand impatiently, then poured a glass of foreign wine and drank it slowly.

"Son, why do you say you are doing this, that Ye Tian beat you like this, why don't you let me find a security team to arrest them all!"

"Security team, hehe!"

David smiled disdainfully: "As for the waste wood of the security team, will it be Ye Tian's opponent?"

Besides, I'm not just trying to get them down, I'm trying to kill them! "

"Kill them?"

Obviously, the mayor didn't expect David's plan.

"Of course, locking them up, in case they die, will only be bad for us!"

David snorted coldly and continued: "But if he dies outside, it will have nothing to do with us at all!" "

"And who are you going to ask for?"

"Just look for the dragon slayer!"

David drank all the wine in the cup, and said angrily: "Dragon Slayer is also a native of Maoshan Mountain, and his kung fu is very good, just one Ye Tian, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Dragon Slayer!" "

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

The mayor said no more, and continued to eat the garlic and noodles in front of him.

And a sneer appeared on David's face.

Knock knock.

Just as the two of them were busy with their own business, there was a knock at the door.

Seeing this, David smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then quickly opened the door.

"Sure enough, it's you!"

As David expected, the person who came was the Dragon Slayer Daoist who had just finished chattering!

"Why are you so ugly?"

The Dragon Slayer Daoist was stunned for a moment, looked at David's cheeks that were almost cold and watery, and asked curiously.

"Let's talk about it first!"

David stretched out his head to take a look, and when he saw that there was no one else around, he let the Dragon Slayer Daoist into the room, and then closed the door.

"Ha, Dragon Slayer Daoist, you're finally here!"

The mayor greeted him with a smile on his face at this time, and walked quickly to the approach of the Dragon Slayer Daoist.

"Stay away from me!"

Suddenly, a strong smell of garlic came to his face, and the Dragon Slayer Daoist only felt that his chest was turning over the river and the sea, and he waved his hand again and again, and hurriedly flashed to the side.

"Ha, Dragon Slayer Daoist, what are you doing here!"

After all, the arrival of the Dragon Slayer Daoist marks the arrival of those opiums, and for the mayor who is full of money, he is definitely a nobleman!

Therefore, he completely ignored the smell of garlic all over his body, and almost wanted to give the dragon slayer a big hug.

"Dad, you go back first, I'll talk to him!"

Not only the Dragon Slayer Daoist, but even David couldn't stand the smell of the spicy eyes on the mayor.

Seeing this, the mayor agreed with a happy face, and then sat back at the table and ate the noodles, ignoring the two of them.


The Dragon Slayer let out a long breath, as if he had been reborn.

And David smiled and asked, "Slay the dragon, where are the goods?" "

"Where's the money?"

The Dragon Slayer Daoist glanced at David and asked the other party as well.

"Hehe, don't worry, as soon as the goods arrive, the money will be delivered immediately! It's just that... "

"Just what?"

When the dragon slayer heard this, he hurriedly asked.

"It's just that I want you to sell it cheaper."

"Hey, David, what are you doing here!"

When the Dragon Slayer Daoist heard David's words, he immediately stood up and said unhappily: "We negotiated the price at the beginning, why did you change your mind again at the moment!" Those brothers of mine are still waiting for me to make money back! "

"Don't worry, Dragon Slayer, after all, I am a businessman, and I value the most important matter of interest, if you don't agree, I'll talk to my father with you!" Right, Daddy? "

"Hey, yes, yes!"

When the mayor heard this, he nodded again and again, then put down the chopsticks in his hand and stepped forward again.

"Don't! Other! "

Seeing this, the Dragon Slayer Daoist waved his hand again and again, looking at the mayor's enthusiastic appearance, the Dragon Slayer Daoist only felt uncomfortable.

Then he thought for a while, nodded and replied: "Okay, after all, we still have a lot of opportunities for cooperation in the future, this time I will cheapen you, and I will charge you eighty percent!" "

"Okay, happy!"

David clapped his hands when he heard this, then poured a glass of wine and handed it to the other party, and said with a smile: "You will bring the goods outside the church courtyard tomorrow night, and we will pay the money and deliver the goods with one hand!" "

"Good! No problem! "

Slayer Dragon drank all the foreign wine in the cup and answered.

"Besides, I have one more thing, I want to ask you for help!"

"What's the matter?"

When the dragon slayer Taoist heard this, he asked the other party curiously.

"Help me kill someone, someone I want him to die without a place to bury!"

David replied coldly, and then slammed the wine glass in his hand to the ground, and a terrifying light flashed in his eyes!

I recommend three books from friends, which are very well written, and you can read them if you are interested.

"Me: The Invincible Second Male at the Beginning", "Basketball Swingman", "Demon High School: A Sky Lock at the Beginning"!

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