
I saw that the golden needle pierced into the forehead of the Western zombie, although it was not completely pierced, but it really brought great pain to the Western zombie!

Thick black smoke kept flying, and the yin qi around the Western zombie instantly skyrocketed, and then the corpse qi disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn the Chinese!"

The Western zombie spoke again, and the yin qi exploded instantly, and the golden needle that had just pierced into the forehead was unexpectedly exploded by it and returned to Ye Tian's hand.

"I'll see how many times you can switch forms!"

With that, Ye Tian waved his hand again, and two more buckets of garlic water instantly flashed above the head of the Western zombie.


The garlic water poured down, and in the blink of an eye, the Western zombies were covered in a cloud of black smoke, and the stench was strong.

"Damn! Damn it! "

The Western zombie was really angry this time, and the yin qi in his body spilled out wildly, but this time, he couldn't completely throw out the garlic water.

"Don't worry, I've prepared a lot of garlic water!"

Ye Tian sneered, and then another bucket of garlic water appeared in front of him, splashing it towards the body of the Western zombie.


With a roar, the Western zombie soared into the air, dodging the attack of the garlic water, and then ran towards the church in the distance.

The three evil positions where the church is located have an extremely strong yin and evil aura, and for Western zombies who can't suck the blood of living people at this time, it is the most promising place to recover their strength at the moment.

"Want to run? How can it be so easy! "

Of course, Ye Tian would not allow the idea of the Western zombie to succeed, otherwise he would not have hung on the street so far away from the church.

And if the Western zombies are put into the three evil seats of the church, it will make Ye Tian extremely restrained.

If the three evil positions are not handled properly, I am afraid that it will cause an extremely difficult situation to clean up.

At that time, even if this Western zombie is in front of it, it will be a small role-like existence.

The Western zombie's movements were very fast, jumping more than ten meters, and in a blink of an eye, it had already passed through three streets.

It's just that the strength of Western zombies at this time has been greatly discounted because of garlic water, and no matter how fast the speed is, it can't play its former strength.

In an instant, a figure flew in front of the Western zombie and landed on the ground.


A punch was blasted, and in an instant, the Western zombie was knocked dozens of meters away and landed in a ruin.


I saw that the chest of the Western zombie had been pierced by Ye Tian's punch, and at this time, it was oozing thick green slime.

Although it is also recovering at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, it is much worse than before!


A thick black fire erupted, Ye Tian jumped up, and a palm-sized metal ball instantly flew in front of the Western zombie.


The Western zombie was furious, and a fierce whirlwind came out, and in an instant, the metal ball was smashed into powder on the spot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But to the surprise of the Western zombie, the metal ball had just exploded, and a burst of garlic smoke was raised in an instant.

As soon as he wanted to turn around and dodge, he felt that many parts of his body were injured by a huge force in an instant, and the piercing pain spread throughout his body.

"Ahh It's silverware! It's silverware! "

The Western zombie stared at the injuries on his body in disbelief, only to see hundreds of silver needles densely pierced into many corners of his body.

Although those silver needles were small, the damage they caused was incomparably great.

In less than a breath, the tiny silver needles turned black and softened, and then turned into a silver liquid that burrowed into the skin of the body.

Like maggots on tarsal bones, it destroys every corner of the body.

In the blink of an eye, the lower abdomen of the Western zombie was corroded into a black hole the size of a fist.

The silvery liquid continued to erode the body around the wound, spreading as if it couldn't be stopped.

"How? I didn't sleep much all night trying to make this thing! "

Ye Tian smiled at the Western zombies that were now full of holes, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

How could the Western zombie have thought that Ye Tian had expected that he would turn into a vampire in advance, and had prepared so much garlic water and silverware to deal with him.

But I don't have so much effort to think about these things at the moment, if I delay it any longer, then I will inevitably be played to death by Ye Tianhuo!

Thinking of this, the corpses around the Western zombies were boiling, and then they once again showed the appearance of zombies, standing straight in front of Ye Tian.

"Now is the time to wait!"

Sure enough, after turning into the native zombie form, the silver liquid on the Western zombie no longer continued to corrode the body, as if it had turned into a useless object, dripping on the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Tian flew around his body with several talismans, and in an instant, all of them had been pasted on the body of the Western zombie!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

This time, the talisman exerted great power, and the Western zombies seemed to have been bombarded by artillery fire.

The whole body was exploding violently, and the green mucus was spraying incessantly, and an incomparably miserable state appeared in front of Ye Tian.


The Western zombie roared, and then transformed into a vampire form again, and just as he wanted to escape, another bucket of garlic water fell firmly on top of his head, black smoke billowing out!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

The Western zombie was furious, screaming endlessly, and the boundless magic fire ignited on its body in an instant, but it couldn't boil its own garlic water at all, so it could only let it continue to invade every body!

It had just changed its form, and in the blink of an eye, it was soaked with garlic water, and the silverware that had not been shaken off before was now in effect again.

For a while, the Western zombie had begun to struggle in pain, and the black smoke on his body continued to collapse, as if he had been in great pain.

Seeing that the demonic fire on his body was getting less and less, and the black smoke on his body continued to weaken, the Western zombies had no choice but to transform into the form of a native zombie again, and once again took advantage of Ye Tian's approach.

"Good! I've had enough of you, too! "

Seeing this, Ye Tian came out with twelve golden needles around his body, with boundless golden light, all of them pierced the body of the Western zombie.

"Get out!"

Without waiting for the Western zombie to roar, Ye Tian picked up his body and threw it vigorously into the sky, and in an instant, the Western zombie was thrown into the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The golden needle entered the body, and the whole body of the Western zombie continued to burst out with golden light, as if a huge light source was generated inside it, gradually devouring its body!

"The Jade Emperor is ruthless, and the gods are scorching! Today, Ye Tian, a disciple of Maoshan Mountain, asked for a decree, and the thunder Puhua Tianzun gave the Nine Heavens Thunder! Haste as a law! "



Dark clouds roll in the sky and thunder explodes!

Seeing this, before the Western zombie could change its form, it was instantly hit by a thick thunderbolt, and then completely annihilated in the dazzling white light and completely dissipated.

"Ding! Destroy a mutant zombie, gain 1200 merit points, and get the supernatural power: Samadhi True Fire! "

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