"Yes, yes, get down to business!"

The bold also felt that the prelude was too much foreshadowing, so he continued to speak:

"Wasn't it because I was bold that I made a bet with someone yesterday that if I could sleep in the cemetery, I would win 1 ocean!"

"Did you really go to sleep?"

"Of course!"

Looking at Hua Yanyan's curious gaze, Zhang boldly said: "As soon as it gets dark, I will go straight to the cemetery in the south of the town, wandering around alone, eating roast chicken alone, it's delicious!"

"Are you really not afraid?"

"Hehe, to be honest, don't be afraid to be fake!"

Zhang Daring explained with some embarrassment: "Staying in such a gloomy ghost place in the middle of the night, of course I will be afraid, but I am definitely different from ordinary people." "

And so, in the middle of the night, when nothing happened, I fell asleep. "

"In my dream, I dreamed that I was still wandering around this cemetery alone, and as a result, two ghosts, an old man and a young one, popped out of two broken jars!"

"The little ghost grabbed my neck, and the old ghost grabbed my foot, bit me hard, and tore off a piece of meat on the spot!"

"And then?"

"Later, the rooster crowed, and when it was dawn, I woke up in pain!"

After that, Zhang Daring pointed to the tooth marks on his ankles and said puzzledly: "Originally, there were no tooth marks here, but who knew that I felt pain in my feet and neck on the way here, and when I opened it, there were these tooth marks!"

"Two doctors, how did you say that the scar of being bitten by a ghost in my dream appeared in reality?"

"Well, you've been bitten by a ghost!"

Ye Tian stared at the bold injured ankle at this time, except for the brown tooth marks on the surface, under the skin, there was a thick ghost aura surrounding.

Then, the golden needle between Ye Tian's fingers flashed, and it fell on the bold wound.

"Oops! it hurts me!"

This needle pricked down, and Zhang Dadao almost jumped up in pain.

However, he was pressed by Ye Tian's single palm, unable to move.

As the golden needle entered the body, a thick black liquid flowed down from the needle hole, and then fell to the ground with a sizzling sound.

"This... What's going on?"

With the flow of black liquid, Zhang Daring only felt that the pain had been reduced a lot.

Especially when I saw the black liquid that kept bubbling and making a sound, I was so scared that my jaw was about to fall.

"This is the yin qi left in your body by that powerful ghost!"

After that, Ye Tian took out a handful of glutinous rice and put it on the wound, then stood up and admonished:

"After I go back, I wash the wound with glutinous rice water, and I will be fine after a day!"

"Doctor, are you really a doctor?"

Zhang Daring stood up, looked at Ye Tian curiously, and looked carefully.

"Of course, but what I am practicing is Maoshan medical skills, which are a little different from ordinary medical skills in the world!"

"Maoshan still has medical skills?"

Zhang Daring suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "I thought that the Taoist priests of Maoshan were all ghost hunters and zombies, but I didn't expect that there would be a doctor like you, what a long insight!"

"The world is so big, it's normal for you to not know some things! Thank you, the diagnosis is twenty copper plates!"


Zhang Daring hurriedly got out of his arms and handed twenty copper plates to Ye Tian, and said with praise:

"Doctor, you have absolutely nothing to say about your medical skills, if I am sick again, I will come to you to see!"


Hearing Zhang Daring speak like this, Hua Yanyan instantly laughed.

"You fat man is really funny, you don't get sick and you expect to be sick!"

"Hehe, that's what I mean!

"Okay, remember not to bet with others in the future!"

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he patted Zhang Bold on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Take time to watch more "Water Margin", there is a story of Wu Dalang in it, which is very good!"

"Ha, the Water Margin, I like to read it! Uncle Wang, the storyteller in the teahouse, always tells this story!"

"Well, it's good if you understand, go ahead, don't delay on the way, go back quickly!"


Zhang Daring thanked him again and again, and ran out of the hospital with ease.

"It's so decent, why did you let him watch "Water Margin"?

As soon as Zhang Daring left, Hua Yanyan approached curiously, and asked Ye Tian puzzled.

"Well, green prairie, don't you think it's an interesting story?"

"What a green prairie, what the hell are you talking about!"

Hua Yanyan didn't know why, and she didn't understand what Ye Tian was talking about.

"It's right if you don't understand, look at the infirmary, I'll go out for a few days!"

"Why are you going?"

Seeing that Ye Tian was leaving, Hua Yanyan grabbed the other party and hurriedly asked.

"Didn't that Zhang Daring say? There are two man-eating ghosts in the cemetery outside Shili Town, I'll go and see the situation!"

"All the way for these two ghosts?"

Hua Yanyan looked at Ye Tian puzzled, always feeling that he was making a big fuss.

"Of course, not for this, but for something else?"

Of course, Ye Tian would not say that this time he went to Shili Town, he still had to eradicate a Maoshan Sect man who was doing evil.

Although this person is not an inner disciple, it is very likely that he is a descendant of an outer sect.

But if he did such an unrighteous thing in the name of Maoshan, Ye Tian would not have been left out like this.

"Then you wait for me, I'll go too!"

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan hurriedly went to the side and picked up the sharp sword she was carrying with her and followed Ye Tian.

"You're not staying in the infirmary?"

"What a stay!"

Hua Yanyan angrily pointed to the passers-by walking outside the door, and said unhappily:

"They only recognize you Doctor Ye, and don't take me seriously at all! You're not here, I'm bored to death alone! It's better to go to Shili Town with you to catch ghosts!"

"Okay, close the door and let's go!"



On the other side, Zhang Daring became more and more aware of Ye Tian's superb means because of what happened just now, and he actually drove the carriage and muttered to himself to the horses in front of him.

"Hehe, I definitely don't have to say about the level of this doctor, it's a pity that he is not from Shili Town, otherwise I would have asked him for a good drink or two!"

"It's quite interesting to think about what he said, he even asked me to watch more "Water Margin", tsk, it's still the story of Wu Dalang!

Gray slightly!

The horse seemed to understand what Zhang Daring was saying, and even shouted in response.

"Ha, then it's boring all the way, I'll tell you this story!"

"It is said that there is such a little man, his name is Wu Dalang, and he also has a beautiful daughter-in-law named Pan Jinlian, tsk, it is said that it is called a beautiful ah... "

In this way, Zhang Daring told the story of Wu Dalang all the way, and he listened to it quite beautifully.

Before I knew it, it was close to evening, and I had already arrived in Shili Town.

"Hey, Wu Dalang's story is really tragic, it's strange that such a beautiful daughter-in-law is at home and doesn't steal people!"

Zhang Daring mocked while driving the car, but suddenly his heart moved, and he frowned and said:

"Yes, a beautiful wife is easy to steal people, my wife is so beautiful, if she steals people at home behind my back, then won't I become a martial artist?

No, I'll have to go home and have a look first!

Originally, this bold one was to pull the goods in the carriage back to Master Tan's house first, but who knew that after telling the story of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian all the way.

actually thought about his wife in his heart, so he didn't go directly to Master Tan's house at the moment, but turned around and drove the carriage towards his small courtyard.

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