"It's okay, I don't have such rules!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

For this Xu Daochang, Ye Tian still has some understanding of his character when he is watching the movie.

In the end, in order to help Zhang Daring, this Xu Daochang even lost his life, for such an outer disciple, Ye Tian did not have any entrance hall to speak of.

"This... Not so good!"

Xu Daochang still didn't dare to make a mistake, and said cautiously.

"What's this?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian pointed to Hua Yanyan beside him, and said with a smile: "This guy is still my niece, isn't he as big or small as me!"

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you so involved with me!"

As soon as Hua Yanyan heard this, she instantly felt a little unhappy, and said unhappily with her hands on her chest.

"I don't know if this senior Hua is a real person in the inner door?"

Xu Daochang didn't know the identity of this Hua Yanyan, and when he saw Ye Tian say this, he thought that he was the same as him, and he was the heir of the inner gate of Maoshan.

"I'm not from your Maoshan family! Miss Ben is from the Hua family!"

"Hua family?"

Xu Daochang was a little surprised, but soon realized that "Could it be that the medical family?"


Hua Yanyan replied proudly.

"I didn't expect to meet the master of the inner gate of Maoshan and the heir of the Hua family at the same time today, what a fortunate thing for the poor!"

"It's a blessing, but how did you know we're here? Could it be that Zhang Daring told you?"

Hua Yanyan looked at Xu Daochang's happy face and asked curiously.

"That's right, that's what Zhang boldly said!"

Hearing this, Daochang Xu nodded in response, and continued: "Hey, speaking of this matter, it's all because of my senior brother. "

"Your senior brother?"


Seeing that Hua Yanyan was curious, Xu Daochang sighed and continued: "This is actually the case... "

Soon, Xu Daochang told Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan about Master Tan and Qian Daochang's killing of Zhang Daring without concealment.

Ye Tian knew about this, and his expression didn't change much.

And Hua Yanyan became more and more angry when she heard it, patted the table and said:

"How can this be reasonable, this Master Tan and your senior brother are too disagreeable!

Man, there's not a good thing!"


Ye Tian and Xu Daochang coughed awkwardly.

"Xu Daoyou, your senior brother has violated the precepts of Maoshan in vain and cast spells on ordinary people to kill them, which is already a big taboo!"

Ye Tian opened his mouth and continued: "I'm going to go to Na Tan Mansion tonight to have a look, if he really does such an unscrupulous thing, I will definitely not spare him!"

"Brother Dao, I understand what you mean, but if I can, I hope I will solve it first, okay? After all, he is our senior brother!"

"Well, it's up to you!"

Ye Tianxu asked for it, so he agreed to the other party's promise.

"Okay, then thank you Brother Dao!"


Before I knew it, it was already late at night, and at this time in the compound of Tan Mansion, Qian Daochang had already begun to set up the altar of practice.

And Master Tan and Master Liu didn't know what they were muttering in a whisper, and a woman in a big red dress slowly walked out with her waist shaking and came to Master Tan's approach.

"Why did you get out! This is not something you women can mix into!"

That woman was Zhang Daring's wife, and when he saw her come out, Master Tan stepped forward and whispered.

"Hmph, you do what you do, I don't care!"

Zhang Daring's wife waved her hand impatiently, and said with a fierce face:

"I just want to see Zhang Daring being killed by you with my own eyes, so that I will be more happy!"

"Alright, alright!

Master Tan likes Zhang Daring's wife very much, and when he sees him talking like this, he no longer stops him.

But a few people didn't know that at this time, on top of a big locust tree outside the Tan Mansion, there were three figures standing on the branches, watching the movement below.

"This woman is so ruthless, as the saying goes, a husband and wife are a hundred nights, and she would treat her husband like this, it's really hateful!"

Hua Yanyan heard the conversation between Master Tan and Zhang Daring's wife, and the roots of her teeth felt a little itchy for a while.

"So, sometimes women are not good!"


Seeing Ye Tian interjecting on the side, Hua Yanyan snorted angrily, and then looked at the two of them and said:

"Didn't you two say that you were going to make a move?

"Don't worry, Miss Hua!"

Xu Daochang waved his hand and said, "That bold golden needle given by Brother Ye Dao can definitely guarantee his safety!"

"That's right, and I have also discussed it with Daochang Xu, this time the matter should be a lesson for Zhang Daring, to see if he dares to bet with others casually in the future!"

"There's a bit of a sense to what you say! Just scare him!"

Hearing Ye Tian say this, Hua Yanyan immediately understood the intentions of the two, nodded and said:

"It's time to teach this guy a lesson, every day I don't know how thick the sky is high and I bet with others, and I don't have any awe at all!

If he hadn't run into us, he would have died today!"

"So, there's no rush on this matter!

Ye Tian nodded in reply, then shouted to the two beside him and continued to look towards the courtyard.

At this time, in the courtyard of Tan Mansion, Daoist Qian had already prepared the altar.

Xuan placed a coffin the size of a palm in front of him, his hands sealed, and he kept chanting incantations.

Buzz! Buzz!

The small coffin began to shake incessantly, and then puffs of dark smoke erupted from the coffin and landed on the altar.

Here, Qian Daochang is doing it.

And at this time in the ancestral hall of the Ma family.

Zhang Daring had already eaten and drunk enough, lying on the ground and sleeping.

I didn't know that one of the coffins parked in front of me was gradually changing.



I saw that the lid of the coffin began to shake incessantly, and then there was a burst of noise.

And Zhang Daring slept soundly, and he didn't notice anything unusual about the coffin at all.


Suddenly, there was a bang from the coffin, and then it broke and scattered aside.

The loud noise in this life made Zhang Daring wake up in an instant, and looked in horror in the direction where the sound came from.


I saw a yin wind blowing, and a figure wearing a shroud and covered in rotten flesh stood up straight and fell to the ground.

"It stinks!"

Zhang Daring looked carefully, and then felt a thick stench coming, and rushed to the door.

At this time, the ancestral hall of the Ma family was dim, and it was impossible to see what was happening in front of him.

With great curiosity, Zhang Daring pretended to be calm, and then slowly walked in the direction where the smell came from by a little moonlight.

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