Ye Tian: !!

Hua Yanyan: !!

Xu Daochang: !!

The three of them didn't expect that in addition to having an affair with Master Tan, this bold wife would also have an affair with this Master Liu!

I have to say that the grassland on Zhang Dada's head is enough to gallop tens of thousands of cattle and sheep!

"Okay, you stinky bitch, you dare to find another man behind my back, I'll kill you two dogs!"

Obviously, Master Tan felt extremely angry because of this bold wife who had a leg with his master.

I saw him step forward and pinch the bold wife, cursing angrily.

And Master Liu on the side saw Master Tan doing it, and the next turn was himself.

Hurriedly ran to the side, picked up the flower pot in the corner and smashed it on Master Tan's head.


The flower pot was smashed simply, and I saw that Master Tan was covered with blood at some time.

Then the red and white instantly flowed on his face, and there was no chance to fight back at all.

Master Tan rolled his eyes, turned around and fell to the ground, completely silent.

To be honest, the sudden dog-eat-dog incident between the three of them surprised Ye Tian and the others.

Originally, he wanted to bring these three people to Zhang Daring and let him make a decision, but obviously, this idea was shattered.

Here, Master Liu smashed Master Tan to death with a flower bed, and the bold wife fell to the ground in a panic.

Seeing that Master Tan in front of him was breathless, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"A few Taoist chiefs! This old man Tan does evil things on weekdays, and in the fish and meat township, I have long seen him unpleasantly!

I stoned him to death on the spot today, and I only hope that the three of you will give me a chance to live, and I promise that I will never go to that daring trouble again!"

"Phew! Letting you live in this world is just ruining the air here!"

Hua Yanyan scolded angrily, and in an instant, the sword in her hand fell, and Master Liu's bloody head rolled to the side, just stopping in front of the bold wife.


Maybe it was because I kept seeing someone die in front of me tonight, and Zhang Daring's wife had completely broken down at this time.

Seeing that Master Liu's eyes were not closed, but looked at himself with wide opens.

Zhang Daring's wife was so frightened that she retreated again and again, then stood up and screamed, and kept running around the yard.

"What is she going to do?"

Looking at the bold wife's crazy appearance, Hua Yanyan didn't know what to do with the other party for a while, and looked up at Ye Tian.

"Her heavenly soul has been scared out of the body, and now she has become a fool, and she is all to blame for falling into such an end!"

Ye Tian had innate yin and yang eyes, and when the other party screamed just now, a soul in the other party's body was scared out of his body and disappeared.

People have three souls and seven souls, and the three souls deal with the three souls of heaven, earth and man respectively.

When a person is extremely frightened, it often causes one of the three souls to detach from the body.

Therefore, if you don't call the soul in time or put the lost soul back into the body.

Then this person will become stupid and stupid, and he will be an idiot for the rest of his life.

Obviously, at this time, Zhang Daring's wife has become like this, and her scared away heavenly soul has long disappeared and disappeared.

"Since she's crazy, let her continue to live like this!"

Ye Tian didn't bother to look at the bold wife again, and three samadhi true fires flew out of his fingertips.

In the blink of an eye, the corpses of Master Tan, Daochang Qian and Master Liu were burned cleanly.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

Xu Daochang was also shocked by Ye Tian's samadhi true fire, and he could only praise it again and again, and the admiration in his heart reached the achievement point.

"Let's go, go see that guy Zhang Daring! I don't know how scared he is!"

After this incident, Ye Tian stopped staying, got up and jumped out of the courtyard, and took Hua Yanyan and Xu Daochang towards the ancestral hall of the Ma family.

In today's Ma family ancestral hall, Zhang Daring has long been frightened by the zombie incident just now.

At this time, he was sitting on the ground with straight eyes, looking at the ground in front of him in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.


With a muffled sound, the door that had been closed was instantly broken open by a force.

I saw Ye Tian and the three of them walking in slowly, looking at Zhang Daring who was still in a daze on the ground, and said with a smile:

"Zhang Daring, are you okay?"

"Damn! You're finally here!

The bold look at Ye Tian and the three of them appeared, reacted instantly, and then stood up directly and rushed in the direction of the three of them.

Seeing this, Ye Tian hid aside in a flash.

Before Xu Daochang, who was behind him, could react to what was happening, he was firmly held in his arms by Zhang Daring, unable to move.

"Great! You're finally here! Scared me to death! There are zombies!"

It seemed that he could finally get ideological relief, Zhang Daring hugged Xu Daochang and cried.

A handful of snot and a handful of tears made Xu Daochang extremely disgusted, but he couldn't break free.

Ye Tian smiled and didn't speak, then put away the golden needles scattered on the ground again, turned his head to Zhang Daring and said:

"Zhang Daring, do you dare to bet with others casually in the future?"

"No more betting! No more betting!"

The bold one wiped his tears and kept agreeing, for fear that a few people would not hear it.

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan covered her mouth and snickered quietly, and said:

"I don't think you will be called Zhang Daring in the future, let's call Zhang Xiaodang!haha!"

"That's not good, this name was given to me by my father, and I can't change it casually!"

Hearing this, Zhang Daring wiped away the tears on his face, let go of Xu Daochang, who was holding him tightly, and asked suspiciously:

"By the way, how can there be zombies in this Ma family ancestral hall! Master Liu, he didn't tell me in advance!"

"Zhang Daring, here's the thing!"

Seeing Zhang boldly asking, Xu Dao patted the other party's shoulder seriously, and told him the ins and outs of the matter.

"These bastards, how can they do this to me!"

After listening to what Xu Daochang said, Zhang Dada's cheeks flushed. 、

A punch slammed on the desk next to him, cursing angrily.

"Forget it, it's over, let's get over when it's over!"

Xu Daochang gently patted Zhang Bold on the shoulder and said:

"I guess you won't be able to stay in this ten-mile town in the future, I don't know what your plans are?"

"I... I want to worship Dr. Ye as a teacher and learn Maoshan Taoism! In the future, I will eliminate violence and peace, and help the common people!"

Hearing this, Zhang Daring hurriedly turned around and ran to Ye Tian's approach, looked at the other party with a longing expression, and said loudly.

"No, I can't take you as an apprentice!"

Ye Tian looked at the other party's eager eyes, but he shook his head and did not agree to Zhang Daying's request.

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