Looking at the five little ghosts who possessed the paper people, they turned around and walked in the direction of the two of them with paper knives.

Ye Tian looked at Hua Yanyan beside him with a smile and said:

"Last time, you said you would meet this kind of imp again, right?"

"Don't worry! It's just a few little ghosts, and I haven't paid attention to it yet! "

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian with disdain, and then immediately held the sword in her hand and headed towards the five little ghosts.

"Whoever said they wanted to eat people just now, let the horses come!"

"Hehe, this young lady looks delicious!"

"That's right, I'm going to drink all her brains!"

"Leave that ass to me, tsk, it looks so tempting!"


Listening to the conversations of a few little ghosts becoming more and more obscene, Hua Yanyan's face gradually turned a little blue.

raised his sword to the five paper figures in front of him, and scolded loudly:

"A few little kids come here and die!"

"Hey, hey, brothers!"

The leader of the imps shouted, and then the rest of the imps swarmed up.

Raising the sharp paper knife, he slashed towards Hua Yanyan.

"Breaking the Trick! Chi! "

The paper figure possessed by the little ghost began to show a red aura, and Hua Yanyan immediately bit her middle finger and smeared blood on the sword.


I saw that the steel knife was slashed by a sharp sword, and in an instant it turned into a piece of paper and fell to the ground.

The little ghost was startled, and immediately manipulated the paper man to grab Hua Yanyan's body.

was hit by a talisman and flew out in an instant.

"Cut, what rubbish!"

Hua Yanyan disdainfully took out four more talismans, waved her hand and flew away, and instantly pasted them on the bodies of the other four paper figures.

"Fire Spell! Chi! "


I saw that the bodies of the four paper figures instantly ignited red flames, and for a while, the four paper figures let out a miserable cry.

But what followed was the emergence of evil qi on his body, extinguishing all the flames and losing momentum.

"What's going on?"

Hua Yanyan didn't expect that the evil qi infused into this paper figure could actually extinguish her fire curse, and she was a little stunned for a while.

"Girl, the paper figures on these little ghosts are very strange, you have to be careful!"

At this time, the yin cha finally stood up, holding his injured chest and shouting to Hua Yanyan anxiously.

The evil aura on these little ghosts is so strong that they can't get close to them at all.

Therefore, I can only stand aside and watch anxiously, anxious.

"The first time I came out to hook the soul, I encountered such trouble, and I don't know how to explain to my eldest brother when I turn around!"

The yin cha looked at the panicked geists around him and the three or four devoured geist remnants, and frowned helplessly and shook his head, not knowing what to do.

"Hmph, I don't believe I can't kill you little devils!"

Hua Yanyan was already angry at this time, and she couldn't tolerate being bullied by such five little ghosts.

At that moment, five silver needles flew up behind him in an instant, exuding a blue-green light, and went straight towards the five paper figures.

"People from the Hua family!"

That yin cha instantly recognized Hua Yanyan's nine needles of green sac, and he was a little surprised.

"Nine stitches! Break the Soul! Chi! "


For a moment, the five silver needles flashed blue, turning into five cyan rays of light, which instantly broke through the body of every paper figure.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were several explosions in succession, and the five paper figures were like flames, and they fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

The red aura of the body continued to pour, and then five little ghosts flew out of the paper figure in unison and landed on the ground.

"Damn woman! Broke our paper man armor! "

The little ghost headed by him was full of yin qi at this time, looked at the silver needle in Hua Yanyan's hand, and scolded angrily.

"Big brother, what now?"

The other four imps also sensed that the two people who suddenly appeared were not easy to mess with, and immediately hid tightly behind the imps.

"Escape! Run! "

Seeing that Hua Yanyan was walking towards her step by step, the little ghost led by her showed a fierce light, and then her eyes narrowed, and she fell into the ground in the blink of an eye and disappeared.


Seeing this, the other four imps also turned around and jumped towards the ground, and they disappeared for a while.

"Damn! Careless! "

Hua Yanyan saw that those little ghosts disappeared in front of her, and she was angry at the moment.

Ye Tian smiled and pointed in the direction where the little ghost ran away, and said, "Don't worry, they can't run!" "

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As soon as Ye Tian's words fell, there was an explosion on the ground!

Then all the imps were all flown out of the ground in unison, and the back they gave a person was blinking with golden needles that had been shining all the time!

"The Golden Needle? The people of Maoshan! "

Yin Cha saw that Ye Tian had used the tricky golden needle again, and he was even more shocked and speechless.

I didn't expect that it would be the people of Maoshan and the Hua family who saved me this time, if they hadn't appeared, I was afraid that I would have been eaten by those little ghosts now.

"Hey, when did you put a golden needle on them, why don't I know?"

Hua Yanyan came to Ye Tian with an unhappy face, puffed out her cheeks angrily, and said loudly:

"Didn't you say give these little imps to me? Why are you making a move! "

"Blame me!"

Ye Tian spread out his hands and said with an innocent face: "You didn't look at them, you almost let them escape, why don't you say it!" "

"You! You! "

Hua Yanyan was so angry that she didn't know what to say, so she grabbed Ye Tian's sleeve angrily for a while, and her face turned red!

"Thank you two for coming to the rescue, in the lower prefecture Yin sent Wang Qian, to meet Maoshan, the master of the Hua family!"

On this side, Hua Yanyan still wanted to reason with Ye Tian a little more, and on the other side, Wang Qian had already come closer.

He immediately bowed and clasped his fists in salute, his face full of awe and gratitude.

"Wang Yin's words are serious, it's just a gesture!"

Ye Tian waved his hand with a smile, and said with the same salute: "Maoshan Ye Tian!" "

"My name is Hua Yanyan!"

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan no longer entangled with Ye Tian, and opened her mouth to introduce herself to Wang Gan.

"I have always heard that the Maoshan Trick Gate Golden Needle and the Hua Family Green Capsule Nine Needles are extremely powerful existences in the Yin and Yang Realm, and now when I see it, it really lives up to its name!"

Wang Qian bowed down again to express his gratitude, and then pointed to the four wailing and screaming imps on the ground and said:

"This group of little ghosts was tricked, but it's good that the two of them appeared, otherwise I would be miserable today!"

"Well said, no thanks! Hey! "

Hua Yanyan was very happy to see that the matter had been solved, while Ye Tian walked up to the five little ghosts and asked in a cold voice:

"Say, who taught you the evil arts that manipulate evil qi and paper figures!"

"Stinky Daoist! You let us go quickly, or I will go back and tell grandpa that I will definitely break you into pieces!" "

Although the little ghost led by the golden needle was pierced by the golden needle, the pain was unbearable, but it was still difficult to hide his arrogance and cursed loudly.

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