In Yizhuang, after learning the ins and outs of the matter.

Wang Yangming and Wang Gan looked at Qiusheng and Wencai behind Uncle Jiu, and they were trying their best to suppress the anger in their hearts.

"Associate Lin, please give our brothers an explanation for this matter!"

Although Maoshan has great influence in the Yin Si Difu, but if such a big thing happens, even if the ninth uncle wants to rely on Maoshan's power, it is in vain.

After all, the two people who let go of the hundred ghosts are their own apprentices, and no matter what, there must be an explanation for this matter today.

"Explain what! You don't do a good job of being on duty, leaving the paper man there, and complaining about us when something happens, how can there be such a reason! "

"That's right, you're lazy yourself, it's nothing to do with us!"

"Bastard! Do you have a part in speaking? Get out to the side and kneel! "

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai hadn't realized the wrong opening and the two yin backmouths, Uncle Nine was extremely angry.

slapped the table vigorously at the moment and scolded the two angrily.


"Don't kneel yet, stop talking!"

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai wanted to argue again, Aunt Sue glared at the two of them fiercely on the side and scolded them in a low voice.

Seeing this, the two had no choice but to kneel aggrieved and not dare to make any more noise.

"Two Yin Mischief, this incident is indeed caused by my two untalented apprentices, why don't you do this, how about I capture these ownerless lonely souls and hand them over to the two of them as soon as possible?"

Seeing that Uncle Nine opened his mouth to ask himself, Wang Yangming shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"Today's incident is too serious, once the boss knows about it, I'm afraid that our brothers will also suffer!"

After that, Wang Yangming pointed to Qiusheng and Wencai, who were still kneeling on the ground, and continued: "I want to take them to Yin Si for trial!" "

"Wang Yincha, this must not be!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he immediately waved his hand and refused.

Qiusheng and Wencai have made a big disaster, once they are brought into the Yin Division for trial, I am afraid that there will be no return.

Although his two apprentices are not successful, Uncle Nine still cherishes these two people from the bottom of his heart.

"It's better to use the paper as compensation, and the two of you can use the paper to dredge up the relationship.

I will catch this escaped ownerless lonely soul as soon as possible, I hope the two of you can take this matter lightly! "

"Big brother, if you don't think about it, this Lin assistant is Daoist Ye's senior brother after all, and I still owe someone a favor!"


Wang Yangming frowned a little, this Wang Qian had just become a ghost, and he didn't know a lot of things.

Now that such a big thing has happened, I am afraid it is difficult to solve it by relying on a single favor.

"What happened to the two of you!"

Just when Wang Yangming was a little hesitant, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan's figures came from outside the house.

Seeing Ye Tian appear, Uncle Jiu seemed to have more confidence in his heart, and Wang Yangming and Wang Gan looked at the two of them with a smile on their faces.

"Daoist Ye, your two nephews have let go of all the ownerless and lonely souls brought by the two of us, and we are discussing with Assistant Lin how to solve this matter!"

"I see!"

Ye Tian pretended to be suddenly enlightened, then glared at Qiusheng and Wencai who were kneeling on the ground, and said:

"You two guys, poke such a big basket, I see who can save you!"

"Huh? Uncle Shi, why do you say this! "

"Yes, Uncle Shi, hurry up and think about just the two of us!"

Qiu Shengwen listened to Ye Tian's reprimand, and was very frightened, so he could only kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, hoping that Ye Tian could help say good things and plead.

"Now you know you're scared? Why didn't you know to be scared when you put down the two paper figurines? "

Uncle Nine also reprimanded angrily when he heard this, his face full of anger.

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai were about to cry out in fear, Ye Tian immediately turned around and said to Wang Yangming and Wang Gan:

"The two of them are in trouble, these two people have caused a big disaster, but I wonder if the two of them can suppress the matter and not take them to the Yin Division for trial?"


Wang Yangming was a little sad, but he still loosened his mouth, nodded and said:

"Since Daoist Ye has spoken, our brothers have nothing to say!

I'll try to hide it, but I can't do it for long!

I'll give you and Helper Lin five days, as long as these ownerless lonely souls are captured and returned to me, I won't pursue this matter anymore! "

"So good! Thank you both! "

Ye Tian nodded with his fists when he heard this, looking very polite.

And Uncle Nine was also very satisfied with seeing that this matter was handled like this, and hurriedly took out a stack of dark paper from his arms and stuffed it into Wang Yangming's hand.

"Wang Yincha, I know that you will dredge up the relationship at this time to conceal it, these dark papers are 20 million taels, please accept them!"


Uncle Nine is right, if you want to hide the escape of the hundred ghosts, you must pull other ghosts to hide it together.

And these dark papers can just seal the mouths of these yin people, so that they can turn a blind eye and stop asking more.

Wang Yangming wanted to take over the money, but he was a little embarrassed to see Ye Tian beside him.

After all, I have already said this way of compromise just now, and it is indeed a little inappropriate to accept the other party's dark paper now.

"Wang Yincha, this matter needs to be dealt with up and down, you can accept these dark papers, if it is not enough, I will let the senior brother take it again!"

"Good! In that case, then our brothers will take it! "

Seeing that Ye Tian also spoke, Wang Yangming stopped squirming, took the money handed over by Uncle Jiu, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Since that's the case, I'll go back to the underworld as soon as possible to take care of this matter, and I'll ask Daoist Ye and Gang Lin to handle those things that have no owner and lonely souls!"

"That's how it should be!"

Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu nodded in unison, Wang Yangming and Wang Qian returned the salute one after another, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Oh my God, it's finally gone!"

Seeing that the two yin cha finally left Yizhuang, Qiusheng and Wencai let out a sigh of relief, patted their knees, and stood up.

"Bastard! Who made you both stand up! "

Uncle Nine scolded angrily, and when the two saw this, they instantly knelt on the ground again, their faces full of horror.

"You two broke into such a big cargo, if it weren't for me and your uncle to intercede, you two would be dead now!"

The more Uncle Nine spoke, the more angry he became, his whole face turned red, and he reprimanded loudly:

"This time, in order to settle the matter between the two of you, it cost me 10 million taels of money!

20 million taels of money is 2,000 yuan! Two thousand pieces of ocean! Deduct from your wages! "

"Huh? Deduction again! "

Qiusheng and Wencai seemed to cry.

Originally, the two of them received very little salary from Uncle Jiu.

A thousand oceans, the two of them are afraid that they will not be able to exchange for a lifetime!

After that, the two of them looked at Ye Tian with pitiful eyes.

Because they know that the only person who can help the two of them in front of them is their uncle.

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