"No kidding! Even if it is a real human realm, it is impossible to summon so many samadhi true fires out of thin air! "

The four-eyed Taoist interjected directly on the side and said:

"Even our masters and uncles have such strength after stepping into the Jindan realm!

If the True Human Realm wants to summon so many Samadhi True Fires, it is absolutely impossible without the help of masters above the Jindan Realm! "

"Senior brother! Where are you now? Why can so many samadhi true fires be summoned! "

Ordinary masters of the real realm want to summon the Samadhi True Fire Trend, and they also need to draw talismans and chant mantras.

Even then, it's just a matter of summoning a wisp.

If you want to achieve an effect like Ye Tian, at least it is the strength of the master of the Jindan Realm.

But even then, you need to chant a mantra!

Like Ye Tian, who summoned so many Samadhi True Flames so easily and effortlessly, I'm afraid that only a master like the Transformation God Realm could do so!

"It's the Seventh Heavenly Master, the senior brothers think too much!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, and the golden Samadhi True Fire disappeared in an instant.

"I'm a good girl! The Seven Rank Heavenly Master can summon so many Samadhi True Fires! Is the power of this Spirit Gathering Fruit so strong? "

The four-eyed Taoist looked at the Gathering Spirit Fruit in his palm and muttered to himself in shock.

"Hey, after all, it's still a matter of talent, I also took the Gathering Spirit Fruit, but the result is not as good as Senior Brother Ye at all!"

"Senior brother, you're boring like this! The opportunities are different from person to person! "

Ye Tian patted Uncle Jiu's shoulder with relief, and said with a smile:

"As long as you cultivate diligently, senior brother, it will be a matter of time before you surpass me!"

"Don't tease me! Can I surpass you? "

When Uncle Nine heard this, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Forget it, I'll do my best!" "

"I thought that among the four of us, Senior Brother Lin would have the best future in the future! I didn't expect it to be a little junior brother! What a surprise! "

The Thousand Crane Daoist carefully put the Gathering Spirit Fruit into his arms, shook his head and said:

"It's a pity, Senior Brother Ye, you are not the head of the family, otherwise even if Senior Brother Mao Xiaofang is here, he will not be able to compare to you!"

"yes, that's a pity!"

When the four-eyed Taoist heard this, he also shook his head helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about that!"

Ye Tian spread his hands and said that he didn't care: "My master loves me again, it's better than Senior Brother Mao, who is always restrained!"

The burden on my shoulders is too heavy for someone like me! "

"That's right, those of us in the same generation, I'm afraid that the pressure of this head is great!"

"Okay, okay, put away this spirit gathering fruit, don't let the other brothers see it!"

Uncle Nine waved his hand and said to a few people: "Hurry up and eat, I have to point to you tonight!" "

"Let's go, it's rare for Senior Brother Lin to pick the door and treat him, don't eat for nothing!"

"Stinky four eyes, be careful that I beat you!"

"Hehe, if you beat Senior Brother Simu, count me in!"

"Don't forget me! Count me in! "

"Pull it down, Senior Brother Ye alone can kill me! Rest now, all of you! "

At this time, the four of Ye Tian seemed to have returned to their youth, and everyone's hearts felt warm and happy.


At this time, Aunt Sue took everyone to the restaurant to eat, while the disciples of the younger generation stayed in the house. Even Shi Jian, who stayed to take care of his son, had already gone to the restaurant at this time.

Ren Fa personally sent people to the house to deliver food, which was also very delicious.

When those disciples saw so many delicacies, it was as if their eyes had dropped.

Anyway, there were no masters and uncles present, and everyone ate without rules, so they were happy.

"Haha, it's been a long time since it's been so lively!"

"That's it, Knorr, Ah Fa, let's have one!"

"Let's go!"

Here, Jia Le and Qiusheng and the others touched the cup, then looked at Jingjing, who was sullen on the side, and asked with concern:

"Jingjing, why don't you eat! Come on, I'll clip you a chicken leg! "

"No, I don't want to eat it!"

Jingjing waved her hand and rejected Knorr's kindness.

This came as a bit of a surprise to Knorr.

On the way to Renjiazhen, Jingjing's mood looked quite good, and a smile was on her face.

I don't know why after coming to Renjia Town, my mood is much lower?

I really want to break my head!

"Jingjing, why don't you eat it! Not with the appetite? "

Hua Yanyan was eating with vegetables, and at the same time looked at Jingjing and lowered her head and did not move her chopsticks, and asked curiously.

Seeing Hua Yanyan asking, Jingjing raised her head, looked at the other party's curious gaze, and mustered up the courage to ask:

"Sister Hua, can I ask you something in private?"

"Huh? Ask me? "

Hua Yanyan was very surprised, and when she looked at the family music next to Jingjing, she understood what Jingjing meant.

"Okay, let's talk over there!"

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan got up and walked to the corner next to Jingjing.

"Jingjing, what are you talking about, I want to hear it too!"

Seeing that Jingjing seemed to ask something particularly important, Jia Le hurriedly followed behind, unwilling to leave.

"Listen to what you hear! Our girl's family whispers, you follow what the fun! "

Unexpectedly, as soon as this Le spoke, Jingjing turned his head and scolded him.

Jia Le couldn't believe that it was Jingjing herself standing in front of him, and he was a little stunned and didn't know what to do.

"What's wrong with Jia Le, I was scolded by Jingjing?"

"Haha, Knorr! I remember that Uncle Shi seemed to say, lick the dog until there is nothing left! "

"Huh? Uncle Ye told me this sentence again? What do you mean! What is a licking dog! "

"This licking dog, that's you!"

Qiusheng seemed to be a veteran of the love scene, and walked back to his seat with a confused look on his face, explaining the meaning of licking the dog.

In the other corner, Jingjing looked at Hua Yanyan beside her, and mustered up the courage to ask:

"Sister Hua, do you know if Dr. Ye has any favorite people?"

"Huh? Why do you ask? Hiss! Are you ... "

Hua Yanyan was a little curious at first, but then suddenly realized, and put on a wicked smile towards Jingjing.

Hearing this, Jingjingqiao's face turned red and hurriedly said:

"Sister Hua, don't think about it, I just asked, I don't mean anything else!"

"Haha! I understand, I understand! "

Hua Yanyan nodded evilly, pouted and said:

"I don't know what's so good about that guy, there are two girls who like him at the same time! It's really flowers stuck in cow dung! "

"Sister Hua, you mean, you also like Dr. Ye, don't you?"

Jingjing originally wanted to ask about the relationship between Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian, but she was embarrassed to speak directly, so she asked around the corner.

"Love him! How can it be! "

Hearing Jingjing ask, Hua Yanyan waved her hand again and again, shook her head and said:

"I don't like this stinky guy! That's right, no! "

"Huh? So who is the person who likes Dr. Ye? "

"It's Ren Tingting, the daughter of Ren's house! Today's meals were sent by her father! "

Looking at Jingjing's eyes full of surprise, Hua Yanyan opened her mouth to explain.

The two didn't notice that at this time, in another corner of the hall, there was already a pair of sinister eyes aimed at the two of them, and a faint sneer hung on the corner of their mouths.

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