Today's compound can be described as extremely lively, the escaped ownerless lonely souls have finally been arrested, and Renjiazhen has finally returned to its previous peaceful life.

In order to thank these brothers and sisters for their help, Uncle Nine specially set up several large tables in the compound.

Ren sent in the best chefs in town to cook delicious food.

For a while, the whole compound was very lively, and everyone was filled with happy and hearty laughter.

"Senior Brother Lin, what do you want, drink!"

The four-eyed Taoist looked at Uncle Nine frowning and didn't know what he was thinking, so he hurriedly picked up the wine glass in his hand and touched it.

"Hey, I still offended the senior brother this time, I don't know how to face it in the future!"

"Senior brother, it's the senior brother I offended, and it's not you, what are you worried about?"

Ye Tian smiled and poured a glass of wine for Uncle Jiu, jokingly on the side.

"That's it, Senior Brother Ye is not afraid, what are you afraid of! It's good that he's not here, you see how happy everyone is drinking, it's better without him! "

"Hey, let it be!"

"That's, that's it, come, let's go together! I wish Senior Brother and Senior Sister Lin a happy wedding! Happily married! "

The always serious Chizuru Taoist stood up and shouted loudly at the senior brothers around him, cheering for the fun.

Hearing this, everyone raised their glasses and congratulated loudly.

"Haha! Good! Good! Thank you, brothers! Thank you so much! "

Aunt Sue is very happy today, after so many years of marriage contract with Uncle Jiu, I finally have everyone's testimony today.

In an instant, he stood up and drank the wine from his glass.

Seeing this, Uncle Nine said with some embarrassment: "We haven't gotten married yet!" Big guy, isn't it a little early to congratulate you on this happy wedding! "

"Cut, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of! Drink! "

Who knew that as soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he attracted Aunt Sue's displeasure.

When the other party heard this, he directly picked up a glass of wine and poured it into Uncle Jiu's mouth, which instantly attracted everyone's laughter.



At this time, Doudou was playing with Ye Tian's calf under the table, pointing to his mouth, and nodding again and again.

"Here, little one!"

Seeing this, the four-eyed Taoist on the side directly took a pig's trotter from the table and threw it to Doudou, looked at Ye Tian with envy on his face and said:

"Senior Brother Ye, I have to say that among our senior brothers, your luck is the best! This lightning marten can be found by you for such a rare monster, what a envy! "

"Envy is useless! You're not blessed! "

Ye Tian pretended to be sarcastic and pouted at the four-eyed Daoist.

"Hehe, I'm not tough on this, I really don't have this blessing!"

The four-eyed Daoist was not angry when he heard this, and then put on a bad smile, hugged Ye Tian's shoulders and whispered:

"I said, why are you so blessed, you have an eyebrow with the eldest lady of the Ren family, and there is a daughter of the Hua family in this medical hall!

If my apprentice Jia Le had the charm of you, I wouldn't be so worried! "

"Did you drink too much, when did I raise the daughter of the Hua family in the medical hall?"

Ye Tian glanced at the four-eyed Taoist angrily, and said, "Drink some wine and start talking nonsense, be careful that Senior Sister will hear you scolding you for a while!" "

"Cut, I'm telling the truth! Hiccup! "

After speaking, the four-eyed Taoist let out a long wine burp, which made Ye Tian is eyes extremely annoyed.

"You have to teach my apprentice two tricks well, let him turn the apprentice of the stinky monk over, and then he will be angry to death, haha!"

After saying this, the four-eyed Taoist turned his head and shouted around, "Jia Le! Knorr! Where did the stinky boy go! "

"What are you yelling about?"

Seeing that the four-eyed Taoist shouted loudly again, Aunt Sue patted his head and said angrily:

"Didn't they go to the restaurant with Qiusheng and them?"

"This stinky boy, spending money again, see if I don't look back and teach him a lesson!"

Hearing this, the four-eyed Taoist rubbed his red nose and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"What kind of money to spend, Senior Brother Ye gave them fifty yuan, can you afford to pay for it from you, the master of the door!"

"Hehe, I know that Senior Brother Ye is rich! Come, Senior Brother Ye, let's go! "

Looking at this four-eyed Taoist who looked like an old naughty boy, Ye Tian was helpless and speechless.

obviously saved a lot of money, but he was reluctant to spend it on Jia Le.

I don't know if this guy died poor in his last life!

This life is destined to be a miser!


On the other side, Jia Le, Qiusheng, Wencai, Ah Fa, Jingjing and Hua Yanyan came to the newly opened Western restaurant in the town.

Hearing that Ye Tian paid for a treat, Hua Yanyan said that he must be defeated.

Originally, Jingjing didn't want to come with Jia Le and them, but she couldn't stand Hua Yanyan's shouting, so she also followed.

"Everyone, just order, you're welcome, don't save money for that nasty ghost!"

Hua Yanyan was like the host, sitting in her seat and greeting her heartily, as if the meal was invited by him.

"I said, Yan Yan, you always call my uncle that you feed the nasty ghost, isn't it very good!"

"That's it, when I turn around and let my aunt hear it, I have to scold you again!"

Qiusheng and Wencai can be said to be Ye Tian's loyal fans, and when they see Hua Yanyan calling Ye Tian a "nasty ghost", they can't help but feel a little upset about him.

Although Ah Fa on the side didn't know much about Ye Tian, he had also heard a lot of things about him in the past two days.

Inevitably, like Qiusheng Wencai, he shook his head speechlessly on the side.

"Yes, Sister Hua, Mrs. Ye is very good, not a nasty ghost!"

Even Jingjing frowned when she heard Hua Yanyan say this.

"Yes, Jingjing is right! Uncle Ye is very good! It wasn't him last time, my master and Jingjing were already killed by the bronze armor corpse! "

As the hardcore guardian of Jingjing and an admirer of Ye Tian, Jia Le also opened his mouth to protect Ye Tian's face.

"Good, good! It's not a nasty thing, okay! "

Hua Yanyan muttered and puffed out her mouth, raised her head and shouted to the waiter in front of her:

"Waiter, order!"

"Okay, Miss, wait a minute!"

The waiter said yes and walked briskly closer.

"Doctor Hua, Qiusheng, Wencai, you all come to dinner!"

The waiter looked at Hua Yanyan's familiar faces and felt a little surprised.

"Mary, how did you become a waiter?"

Qiusheng and several people were surprised, this beautiful Mary was the only daughter of Boss Zhang of this Western restaurant.

Why is the good daughter of the lady inappropriate, and she came to be a waiter.

"Hey, it's not my father, who picks the door, it's not that I want to exercise and prepare for accepting the family property in the future!

It sounds good, but it's just for me to be a free laborer! "

Hearing that Qiusheng and the others asked like this, Mary muttered angrily, and then nodded helplessly.

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