"! Look at this guy like a dog! If he didn't know the truth, who would have thought that he was a corpse demon! "

Qiusheng watched Shi Shaojian, who was smiling, walking towards this side from the street, and couldn't help but scold on the side.

"Qiusheng, can't you go up?"

Wencai, Jia Le and Ah Fa only held the bamboo tube in their hands, just waiting for that Qiusheng to give an order.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Qiusheng nodded, and then quickly inserted the bamboo tube into the belt behind his body, and then walked forward quickly, walking towards Shi Shaojian.

Seeing this, the three Wencai also learned from Qiusheng's appearance, and followed quickly.

"It's them!"

Seeing Qiusheng and a few people approaching, a cold light burst out in Shi Shaojian's eyes.

In the final analysis, he became like this, and it was inseparable from Uncle Jiu's gang.

Several people were apprentices of those uncles, and in Shi Shaojian's eyes, they were like his enemies.

Seeing that these people were about to approach, the killing intent in their hearts was getting stronger and stronger.

"Shi Shaojian!"

Qiusheng strode forward and shouted at Shi Shaojian.

"Autumn birth! What do you want? "

If it weren't for Shi Jian's special advice earlier and being on the street at this time, I was afraid that Shi Shaojian would immediately brutally kill a few people.

"What? Hum! "

Qiu Sheng snorted coldly, and then stretched out his back waist with one hand, and said loudly:

"Let's get on it!"

"Humph! Bite off more than one can chew! "

Shi Shaojian thought that these people were going to fight with him, and he couldn't help but feel extremely contemptuous of them in his heart.

With the skills of these unsuccessful guys, they are not their own opponents as corpse demons at all.

For a while, Shi Shaojian opened the stance, and just waiting for the four of them to make a move, he could completely cripple them!


But what Shi Shaojian never expected was that the four of Qiusheng had no intention of fighting with him at all.

Instead, he quickly took out a bamboo tube from behind him, then opened the lid and splashed it in his direction.



The Baibao soup was like concentrated sulfuric acid, and bursts of black smoke rose instantly when it splashed on Shi Shaojian's body.

"Ahh Yes! "

For a while, Shi Shaojian's loud screams echoed throughout the street.

All the pedestrians were dodging to the side, not knowing what happened to Shi Shaojian.


With a fierce scream, Shi Shaojian's originally fair skin instantly bulged one big blister after another.

Then the skin fell off in large chunks, and streams of black mucus began to bubble up from the blisters, which was extremely disgusting.

"Mom! Hell! "

The villagers, who were all curious about what was going on, screamed one by one, and fled in all directions in an instant, terrified.

And Qiusheng and the others were extremely shocked to see the changes in Shi Shaojian in front of them, and they were so frightened that they retreated again and again.

As Shi Shaojian's superficial skin began to decay and fall off, the sunlight shining down from the sky instantly caused great damage to his body.

"Bastard! Bastard! "

For a while, Shi Shaojian felt extremely painful and uncomfortable, and the corpse qi in his body was also dissipating rapidly.

If you continue to be exposed to the sun, I am afraid that it will turn into a cloud of black ash on the spot.


With a strong hatred in his heart, Shi Shaojian yelled hideously at the four of Qiusheng, and then ran quickly towards the rented courtyard.

Shi Shaojian knew that there was only one person who could save him at the moment, and that was his father Shi Jian!

Seeing that Shi Shaojian, who was covered in black gas, ran away like a wind, Qiusheng and the others were already a little frightened, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Qiusheng, Qiusheng, what should I do now!"

"Didn't the master say let us go back to Yizhuang! Hurry back! "

"Good, good!"

Hearing this, the four of Qiusheng did not delay any longer, and according to what the ninth uncle had ordered before, they hurried towards Yizhuang.



Shi Shaojian ran wildly all the way, screaming all the way.

The intense exposure of the sun made Shi Shaojian miserable at this time, and with the glimmer of hope in his heart, he gritted his teeth and walked towards the house.

"It's coming!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu, who was hiding far away outside Shi Jian's house, saw Shi Shaojian running over from the other end of the street, and was shocked.

He was just about to rush into the mansion after him when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Senior Brother Lin!"

With a familiar voice coming, I saw four figures quickly flash in front of my eyes.

It is Ye Tian, the Four-Eyed Daoist, the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Cane Girl!

"Message from the Elders?"

Uncle Nine knew that it must be the elders' decision that had been replied to at this time, and hurriedly asked.

"That's right, the master asked Senior Brother Ye to go out and subdue Senior Brother and Shi Shaojian!"

Hearing this, the four-eyed Taoist nodded.

And Uncle Nine frowned and said loudly:

"That Shi Shaojian ran into the house, let's go quickly!"


With that, the few people did not delay any longer and walked towards the mansion not far ahead.



"Help me!"

"Help me!"

At this time, Shi Shaojian, who had already run into the house, was already exhausted, and his corpse collapsed.

Ignoring the taboo of the title, he screamed loudly.

Shi Jian, who had just come back from outside to rest in the inner hall, heard Shi Shaojian's call for help, and secretly said that it was not good in his heart.

Immediately ran out of the inner hall quickly, and Shi Shaojian's figure instantly fell into his arms.

Immediately after, Ye Tian, Uncle Jiu and others also rushed into the mansion together.

For Shi Shaojian's shouting just now, several people heard it really well!

Except for Ye Tian, there is no one who is not surprised and shocked!

The elder brother of the inner door of the Maoshan faction actually violated the precepts of his own sect and became his own son privately!

I am afraid that such a crime will be punished greatly!

Shi Jian glanced angrily at the people standing outside the courtyard, and then looked at Shi Shaojian in his arms with an angry face.

Thunder and lightning surge in the palm of your hand!

With a heavy blow, Shi Shaojian's head was shattered in an instant, and there was no sound at all.

"Senior brother! You can do that! "

Uncle Nine and the others were once again shocked by Shi Jian's ruthlessness!

A person who can even do his own son, what kind of hard-hearted person will such a person be!

"What? Is there anything wrong with my apprentice who practices evil arts privately and kills living beings, and as a master, I kill my relatives in righteousness? "

Even so, Shi Jian still never mentioned that Shi Shaojian was his son.

Instead, he threw Shi Shaojian's body aside, stood up and glared at the few people in front of him.

"Fart! Can your apprentice practice evil arts and become a corpse demon? I think it's your senior brother who did it himself! "

"Bastard! How dare you talk to me like that! Look for death! "

Shi Jian was already angry, but now he saw that the four-eyed Taoist actually pierced himself in public.

In an instant, the thunder in his hand instantly rolled out!

A punch is blasted out, and it is an extremely fierce lightning training!

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