"Lin Fengjiao! Go to hell! "

Shi Jian roared and roared loudly, thunder and lightning all over his body, with boundless and fierce energy, straight to the top of Uncle Jiu's head.


However, just as Shi Jian's punch was blasted out, a loud noise came in an instant.

I saw that Shi Jian was instantly knocked out by a huge force, and a figure flashed in front of Uncle Jiu.

If it's not Ye Tian, who will it be!

"Ye Tian! How could you be so fast! "

Shi Jian had already fallen to the ground at this time, and he was extremely surprised to see Ye Tian's ghost-like figure appear in front of him.


Ye Tian glared at the other party fiercely, then turned around and helped the ninth uncle who was kneeling on the ground to his feet, and said with a smile:

"Senior brother, I'm afraid your obsession is a little too deep!"


Seeing Ye Tian looking at himself with a smile, Uncle Nine let out a long sigh, immediately wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and replied:

"After all, it's still not strong!"

After saying that, Uncle Nine shook his head, stood up straight and said to Shi Jian:

"Senior Brother, my cultivation is not as good as yours, but now that Senior Brother Ye has made a move, you don't have to be stubborn anymore!"


Today's Shi Jian is already resentful, and his killing intent is raging.

In his eyes, these people in front of him were not fellow disciples at all, but all deserving people.

"Ye Tian, if you have the ability, let the horse come over, I want to see what the strength of your seven-rank heavenly master is at the peak!"

Shi Jian roared and was tyrannical, and thunder and lightning appeared around him again.

Suddenly, outside the courtyard, several huge wooden stakes, with the power of powerful thunder and lightning, had come to the front of everyone.

"Oops! It's the Great Law of Wooden Stakes! "

Looking at this stake as thick as a waist, the four-eyed Taoist screamed in surprise.

"Haha! Give me all death, all give me death! "

Shi Jian was already in a state of madness at this time, watching one wooden stake after another attack, and laughed out loud.

"Golden needle! Break! "

Outside the courtyard, the four-eyed Taoist and the others were no match for this huge wooden stake containing the power of thunder and lightning, and although they dodged again and again, they were still flawless after all.

For a moment, everyone was hit by the stake that rushed into the sky, and they fell to the ground.

However, just as those stakes attacked again, a speeding golden light flashed out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With one explosion after another, it came!

The stakes had all burst into powder and scattered in the courtyard.

"What! How so! "

Shi Jian didn't expect that his stake Dafa, which he had cultivated for many years, would be wiped out by Ye Tian's golden needles, and he couldn't understand it.

For a while, the thunder and lightning exploded again, with boundless explosive power.

Shi Jian opened and closed widely, and the left and right fists came straight to Ye Tian's front door.

"Get out!"

I saw that Ye Tian's body of qi and blood churning out in an instant!

The surrounding air waves suddenly appeared, and most of the thunder and lightning on Shi Jian's body had been blown away.


Ye Tian raised his hand and punched, and it instantly smashed on Shi Jian's right hand.


There was a sound of bones breaking, and Shi Jian's right arm showed a strange twist in the blink of an eye.


As Shi Jian's scream came, the other party's body fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, wailing in pain.

"Senior Brother Ye is too strong!"

At this time, Uncle Nine and the others had already been shocked by the big battle in front of them.

Looking at the almost crushing battle, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Ye Tian! You bastard! I want you dead! I want you dead! "

Shi Jian roared again, and instantly flew up from the ground!

An incomparably shining thunderbolt burst out, and then turned into a huge thunder python, appearing in front of you.

"Ye Tian, die!"

Looking at the hovering thunder python in front of him, Ye Tian's hands shook.

Two golden flames instantly enveloped the fists.

"What! Samadhi is really hot! "

After Shi Jian saw this scene, his jaw seemed to fall in shock.

Ye Tian is just a seventh-rank Heavenly Master's realm cultivation, how could he summon such a powerful Samadhi True Fire!


The sound of the explosion was like a blast in the sky.

The blue thunderbolt python was completely defeated by Ye Tian's fire fist in an instant.

The thunder and lightning summoned by Shi Jian were mortal thunder after all, how could they be able to defeat the Daoist divine fire above Ye Tian's fists!

For a time, the golden light was shining and the flames were soaring into the sky.

Ye Tian's figure suddenly appeared, not waiting for Shi Jian to react.

In the blink of an eye, he slapped his left arm.


Shi Jian's left arm was shattered by Ye Tian in the blink of an eye, and he didn't have time to scream.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the dantian of my lower abdomen.

For a while, the mana of the body was rapidly dissipating, and the sea of qi in the dantian could no longer be mobilized.


A golden light flashed, and a golden needle instantly sank into Shi Jian's lower abdomen.

"Seal your dantian first! Seal your meridians again! "

I saw several golden needles appear in Ye Tian's hand again.

Shi Jian's eyes had already changed from anger just now to intense fear.

It was as if Ye Tian, who was standing in front of him at this time, was not his junior disciple, but a demon who came out of hell!

Ye Tian's hand speed was extremely fast, as if he was doing kung fu in the blink of an eye.

The twelve golden needles instantly sealed Shi Jian's twelve meridians.

That Shi Jian didn't even have a chance to make a sound, and instantly fell to the ground.

His eyes flashed with horror and uneasiness, and he was also full of disbelief!

"That's it!"

Now Ye Tian first broke Shi Jian's arms, and then sealed his dantian and twelve meridians.

At this time, he was lying on the ground like a wasted man, and although his face was full of anger, he couldn't make a sound at all.

"Hey, senior brother, I knew today, why bother in the first place!"

Looking at Shi Jian, the elder brother of the inner gate of Maoshan who had infinite scenery in the past, now fell to the ground like a lost dog, Uncle Jiu's heart was very uncomfortable.

The Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist looked at Shi Jian in front of them with a frown, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

"Senior brother, it doesn't matter to you!"

Aunt Sue helped Uncle Nine with red eyes, looked at the wounds on his body, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Uncle Nine calmed down the aura in his body, and then turned to Ye Tian and said:

"Senior Brother Ye, I've worked hard for you for today's incident!"

"Senior Brother Lin doesn't have to mind! Senior brother is willing to fall, it has nothing to do with you and me, so don't be so persistent! "

Ye Tian waved his hand, he knew what Uncle Nine wanted to say!

At that moment, he bent down and carried the paralyzed Shi Jian on his shoulder, picked up Shi Shaojian's body on the ground with one hand, and slowly walked out of the house.

"How far has Senior Brother Ye grown now, I feel more and more unpredictable about him!"

Looking at Ye Tian's back as he gradually walked away, the four-eyed Taoist muttered to himself, and his heart was filled with infinite emotion.

"Yes, fortunately, Senior Brother Ye is not like Senior Brother, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!"

Qianhe Daoren also nodded with emotion on the side, and couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

"Okay, the two junior brothers are injured, hurry up and go back to recuperate, don't say more!"

Uncle Nine opened his mouth and reprimanded the two, and then was supported by Aunt Sue and walked slowly towards the gate.

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