"Is this your inn?"

Ye Tian looked at Shi Gongzi, who was full of obscenity and the black aura of Yintang, and asked coldly.

Although Ye Tian did not have a deep understanding of the art of face-to-face, he was far inferior to the attainments of the Ninth Uncle.

But it can also be seen that Shi Gongzi will have a life-and-death catastrophe in the near future, and it is very likely that he will lose his life.

For such a morally corrupt and arrogant guy, Ye Tian has never looked at him in his eyes.

"Here? Of course not! "

Shi Gongzi was a little surprised, but then stood in front of Boss Zhu, patted Boss Zhu's shoulder and said:

"I'm friends with Boss Zhu, what do I have to do with you here?"

"Hehe, this guest officer, I'm dealing with my family affairs, please don't interfere!"

"It's just asking for money! As for being so hard-working? "

Ye Tian angrily stretched out his hand and pointed at Boss Zhu, and immediately two bills of exchange appeared in his hand.

"These two are a total of five hundred oceans! It's more than enough to buy all the things you want! Po's matter, I took it! "


Boss Zhu was stupid directly, and Shi Gongzi was even more stunned.

Seeing this situation, Ao Tianlong hurriedly walked closer, took Ye Tian's hand and said:

"Doctor Ye, what are you doing! How can you use your money? "

"Yes, Doctor Ye, this is my business, I can't use your money!"

Ah Bao didn't expect that a person he had just met would be willing to go out of the five hundred oceans for himself, and he felt extremely moved for a while.

Even Xiao Zhu, the daughter of Boss Zhu, was so shocked that she had nothing to say, hiding behind Ah Bao and secretly looking at Ye Tian.

"Ha, you don't have to worry, my uncle has money, not to mention five hundred oceans, even if you buy this whole street, it's not a problem!"

Wen Cai looked at the surprised faces of several people, and couldn't help but brag on the side for a while.

"You're a good guy!"

Ye Tian glanced at Wen Cai angrily, then patted Ao Tianlong's shoulder, turned to Boss Zhu and said:

"Take this money and go back and prepare to marry your daughter!"

"Good, good! Thanks a lot! Thanks a lot! "

Boss Zhu was extremely excited to take the money order, and even his attitude towards Ah Bao made a 180-degree turn.

"Ah Bao, I'll go to the township office to pick a good day and marry you and Xiao Zhu, hehe!"

After that, Boss Zhu ran out of the restaurant quickly, for fear that the bill of exchange given by Ye Tian was fake, so he hurriedly ran to cash it.


Ah Bao couldn't believe what had just happened, took Xiao Zhu's little hand, and stared blankly at the back of Boss Zhu walking away outside the door.

"Oops, deliberately finding fault!"

Originally, Shi Gongzi wanted to deliberately destroy the relationship between Ah Bao and Boss Zhu, and then let them contact the marriage contract, so that he could justifiably marry Xiao Zhu into the door.

But now it's good, and suddenly a trip to bite the gold.

It is incomprehensible to carry all the bride price for Bao.

couldn't help but feel extremely angry at Ye Tian's interference.

immediately rushed to the front, and shouted loudly at Ye Tian with his waist inserted:

"Okay, you dog, dare to meddle in my son's head! Believe it or not, I can't let you get out of this Gejia Town! "


As soon as Shi Gongzi finished speaking, he only felt that the world was spinning in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, he fell heavily to the ground, and his whole body fell to the ground, passing out.

Ye Tian's sudden slap surprised everyone present.

Unexpectedly, Shi Gongzi, who was rampant in the township on weekdays, was slapped and flew out.

For a while, looking at Shi Gongzi, who was lying on the ground and unconscious, no one was willing to come forward to help rescue him.

"Shi Gongzi! Shi Gongzi! "

At this time, the head descender finally chased the little monkey back and drove it back.

After glancing at Ye Tian and the others standing in the room, he picked up Shi Gongzi with a cold face and ran away.

"Master, this is the person who used evil magic to manipulate Shi Gongzi just now!"

When Xiao Hai saw the head descending master appear, he immediately explained to Ao Tianlong.


Ao Tianlong glanced at the direction where the head descender ran away, and then looked at Ye Tian apologetically, and said sincerely:

"Doctor Ye, I didn't help as a master in Bao's matter this time, but I made you break the bank!

Whatever you see, take it, and I won't blink! "

"Doctor Ye, thank you for helping me so much!"

"Thank you, Dr. Ye! Thank you! "

Ah Bao pulled Xiao Zhu and walked closer, bowed deeply to Ye Tian, and said:

"Doctor Ye, the money you took out today, when my Ah Bao earns money in the future, I will definitely return it to you!"

"No need, just like my nephew said, I have money, I don't care about that."

Ye Tian waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind, while Ao Tianlong and the others smiled awkwardly.

Rich people can really do whatever they want!

"Okay, Bao, take Xiao Zhu to discuss the marriage with Boss Zhu!"

Ao Tianlong turned to Xiao Hai and said, "You go and buy more good wine and food and send them to the Dao Hall, today I will not get drunk with Doctor Ye!" "


Ah Bao and Xiao Hai nodded in unison, turned around and ran out of the restaurant quickly.

"Doctor Ye, go to my gym and sit down!"

"Okay, let's take a look!"

After that, Ye Tianbian took Wencai and followed Ao Tianlong towards his dojo in Gejia Town.

"Brother Dao, didn't you say that you went to Liujia Town to worship your ancestors? How did you come to this Gejia Town? "

Regarding the matter of Aotianlong, Ye Tian still knows something through the movie.

He went away because of love, but the younger brothers and sisters in the door tied the knot, and their lives were very harmonious.

"That's right, I did go to Liujiazhen first!"

As he walked forward, he explained:

"I also met my junior brothers and sisters there, although we have lived together for a while, but I still feel a little uncomfortable!"

Ao Tianlong smiled bitterly and continued helplessly:

"Later, I said goodbye to my brothers and sisters and came to this Gejia Town to open a dojo.

accepted Ah Bao and Xiao Hai as apprentices, and the life is reasonable, and it is not bad to be plain! "

"I see!"

Seeing that Ao Tianlong didn't want to say more, Ye Tian didn't ask any more.

How could he not know that this Ao Tianlong just didn't want to see the happy life of the little sister and the junior brother family he loved in the past, and he was sad.

simply took his daughter out to live on his own, but he didn't have so much thought.

"Here, this is my gym!"

Soon, under the leadership of Ao Tianlong, Ye Tian and Wen Cai came to a cheap courtyard.

"Xiaoshuang, look, who's coming!"

"Dad, who is it!"

With a sound like a silver bell, a beautiful shadow came out of the house.

The tall figure is matched with fair skin, and a pale cyan long skirt moves slightly in the wind.

As if with a hint of agility, the girl's delicate facial features are as beautiful as a little star.

This person is the Ao Ning Frost that Ye Tian had encountered at the beginning!

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