"It's strange to say, Master Ren seems to have changed these days!"

Hua Yanyan looked at Ye Tian and asked herself curiously, and then opened her mouth to explain.

In the past few days, Master Ren seems to have changed as a person, first he wants to take back all the land leased to the farmers, and then he has to make them pay an extra half a year's rent.

Not only that, but even the shops on several streets in the vicinity, Mr. Ren also proposed a fifty percent rent increase.

If anyone does not agree, they will unilaterally tear up the contract, and the Ren family will come forward and take back the shop.

There are already several families who are dissatisfied with Ren Fa's domineering behavior, and they come to the door to find Ren Fa's theory.

As a result, the price was that the family broke out of the door, and even the contract was torn up.

The Ren family is rich and powerful, and he is the emperor of the soil in Renjia Town, even the mayor of the town does not dare to offend him head-on.

Therefore, in the face of such a domineering and barbaric behavior of the Ren family, the villagers dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

"How did Master Ren become like this? Could it be a ghost? "

After listening to all this described by Hua Yanyan, Ye Tian felt that Ren Fa felt like a different person.

On weekdays, although Ren made a big fortune, he tried his best to maintain his face and status.

For the people in difficulty, they can help.

Especially some time ago, the Ren family caused a lot of panic to Ren Jia Town because of the zombie incident.

Therefore, in order to save the Ren family's former face and status, Ren Fa is more cautious and cautious in doing things on weekdays.

A person's temperament will not change so much, in Ye Tian's opinion, Ren Fa is very likely to be taken by a ghost and manipulate the other party's behavior.

"If it's really a ghost, this matter is still simple!"

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian, and then said:

"Uncle Nine thinks the same as you, and he also thinks that Master Ren has been ghosted!

But he found a reason to go to Ren's Mansion to take a look, and found that Master Ren didn't have any ghost energy on him, and he couldn't see any problems! "

"That's right, Yan Yan is right!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu's voice came from the door, and I saw him strolling closer, nodding and saying:

"I don't see any clues in Master Ren, but I always feel that this matter is not so simple!"

"Senior brother, didn't they come with you?"

Seeing Uncle Nine walk in, Ye Tian hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"They were almost recovered from their injuries and went back. You also know that four-eyed guy won't let go of the opportunity to chase corpses to make money! "

Uncle Nine shook his head, and then asked Ye Tian:

"Is things going well with Senior Brother? I heard Wen Cai say that you met Nanyang's head descending master on the road this time! "

"Well, all the best!"

Ye Tian nodded and continued:

"That head lowerer is just a small role, so there's nothing to worry about. It's just that I didn't expect such a big thing to happen in Renjiazhen during the time I was out. "

"Speaking of which, I also feel strange, I really can't see any evil in that master!

Senior brother, your cultivation is stronger than mine, and you are still the son-in-law he recognizes, why don't you go and see what happened to that master? "

Uncle Nine frowned, as if he was disturbed by this incident.

"Well, that's exactly what I wanted!"

Ye Tian nodded, and then snapped his fingers lightly, and the lightning mink bean jumped on Ye Tian's shoulder in an instant.

"Doudou has a strong spirituality, bring it, maybe you can see some clues!"



Doudou also seemed to agree with Ye Tian's statement, and nodded vigorously.

"In that case, let's go to Ren's Mansion later, come with me to Yizhuang first, your senior sister has made a lot of meals for you!"

"Okay, then you're welcome!"

Ye Tian smiled, and together with Hua Yanyan, he followed Uncle Jiu to Yizhuang.

Night fell, and Ye Tian had already come to the outside of the Ren Mansion.

And Doudou was lying on his shoulder, curiously looking at the surrounding environment, trying to find clues.

"Doctor Ye, you're here, please come inside!"

Seeing that Ye Tian arrived at the door, the family hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, with a smile on his face.

"Is Master Ren at home?"

"At home, at home, I'll tell you!"

Because of the relationship between Ye Tian and Ren Tingting, everyone in the Ren Mansion regarded him as the future son-in-law of the Ren family.

Moreover, Ye Tian has also let the Ren family get out of the crisis many times, and he has great respect for Ye Tian and the Ren family.

Soon, Ren Fa walked out of the study and came to the hall of Ren's mansion.



As soon as Ren Fa appeared, Doudou obviously became a little restless.

He kept whispering, as if he was very afraid.

Seeing this, Ye Tian also had an answer in his heart.

Seeing that Ren Fa approached, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Master Ren, I came here this time to thank you for borrowing a carriage from me last time."

Although Doudou felt a little anxious, Ye Tian did not notice the evil aura on Ren Fa's body.

It can be said that there is not a trace of ghost or demon energy from his body.

But Doudou's reaction just confirmed Ye Tian's guess that there must be evil attached to Ren Fa's body.

In this way, there is only one possibility, this evil is very powerful, and he is good at hiding his aura.


Ren Fa didn't speak, but noticed Doudou on Ye Tian's shoulder, frowned and said:

"Doctor Ye, this is what you raised?"

"Well, little pets, it's fun to take with you!"

In order not to startle the snake and hurt the hair itself, Ye Tian smiled and hugged Doudou in his arms and gently wiped its back.

Hearing this, Ren Fa's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to be able to detect a trace of cold light.

stared at Doudou for a while, then raised his head again and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye is polite, he will be his own family in the future, so he doesn't have to mind like this!"

After that, Ren Fa waved his hand, beckoned Ye Tian to sit down, and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye came this time, there should be something else!"

"Well, there are indeed some things!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he said straight to the point:

"I heard that Master Ren suddenly made a lot of decisions in the town, and these decisions made many villagers feel dissatisfied, I don't know what the reason is?"

"Dissatisfied? Hum! "

Ren Fa snorted disdainfully, then picked up the teacup and took a sip lightly, and said coldly:

"My family has a big business, why do I need to look at the opinions of those vulgar villagers, it's ridiculous!"

After that, Ren Fa glanced up at Ye Tian, and asked with a sneer:

"Doctor Ye, you won't be here to say good things to those villagers, right?"

Looking at Ren Fa's cold expression, Ye Tian was completely sure that the Ren Fa in front of him was definitely not the Ren Fa he knew at the beginning.

It's just that now this Ren Fa is controlled by evil spirits, and I don't know what its strength is.

If you really do it, I'm afraid it will damage the life of this human body.

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