In the entire Yizhuang, Wencai and Qiusheng were the happiest at this time.

But apart from the two, no one echoed him.

Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan glanced at each other helplessly, and then didn't say anything, then turned around and walked out of Yizhuang together and went back to the medical hall.

"Huh? What's the situation? "

"Yes, Uncle Ye agreed or not!"

Qiusheng and Wencai stared at each other with big eyes, and Uncle Nine was next to him at this time, and his face was already angry for a while, and it was white for a while!

"Say yes!"

Uncle Nine scolded, and then kicked the two of them to the ground, and said angrily:

"I know how to play every day, but I don't know how to work hard to cultivate! I tell you both!

I'll give you two another year, if you still can't reach the cultivation of the third-grade earth master, I won't have you two apprentices! "

"Huh? Three-grade earth master? "

Qiusheng and Wencai were dumbfounded.

The two of them just became a first-class earth master some time ago, and I don't know how much energy and endurance it took the two of them!

To be promoted to a third-grade earth master within a year, for the two of them, it is even more difficult than ascending to the sky!

"I don't even know what to say about you two guys!"

Aunt Su understood very well why Uncle Nine was so angry at this time, and looked at the two kneeling on the ground at the moment, and said helplessly:

"Ask for more blessings, no one can help you!"

After speaking, Aunt Su pulled Uncle Nine into the inner hall and no longer bothered the two.

"We're miserable!"

You look at me, and I look at you, as if you have been greatly wronged.

Finally, he sighed and stood up, stepped aside, and went to meditate.

"How did I collect these two wastes, I'm really angry!"

Back in the inner hall, Uncle Jiu still felt very angry in his heart, and couldn't help but pat the table and say angrily.

"Okay, senior brother, the two of them are like this, why are they so hot?"

"It seems that I have to tell my junior brother to help me pay more attention when he goes to the provincial capital, can I find a good seedling of cultivation to inherit my mantle!"

"Well, don't be in a hurry at this time, you take a sip of tea first!"

"Senior sister, you are still injured, sit down quickly!"

Seeing that Aunt Sue poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to herself, Uncle Nine hurriedly helped her to the seat, eagerly concerned.


At this time, on a vacant lot outside Renjia Town, Zhang Yifan found a big tree and sat down.

Seeing that no one was passing by, he opened his mouth and complained:

"Bastard, I made an appointment to meet here, why didn't you show up yet!"


However, as soon as Zhang Yifan's words fell, a small pebble hit the ground at his feet like a bullet.

In an instant, it exploded, and a small crater collapsed!


The sudden explosion startled Zhang Yifan and hurriedly jumped up from the ground.

He saw a masked figure dressed in black walking towards him.

"What are you doing! If you want my life, you can't do it! "

Seeing the man in black approaching, Zhang Yifan rushed forward angrily and asked loudly.

"If you don't want to die, shut your foul mouth!"

The black-clothed man's eyes exuded a cold light, his fingers moved slightly, and a fierce sword aura came out.

In the blink of an eye, the big tree behind Zhang Yifan was smashed to pieces.


Looking at the powerful skills of the man in black, Zhang Yifan snorted resentfully, and then took out a letter from his arms and handed it to the man in black.

"Here's the information I've collected about the man I've collected in the past two days, and it's all here!"


The man in black nodded, took the letter into his arms, and turned to leave.

"I'll give you a word of advice, that person is very powerful, you better not act rashly!"

"The alliance does things, and there is no need for outsiders to intervene!"

The man in black didn't reply, just said coldly, and the figure slowly disappeared in front of Zhang Yifan's eyes.

"Humph! What a bullshit league, I really thought this was twenty years ago! "

Zhang Yifan pursed his lips disdainfully, stretched his waist widely, and said with a smile on his face:

"Alright! I'm finally free, and I don't have to worry about this ghost king's anymore! Joyfully! "

Laughing, Zhang Yifan walked away quickly, and the whole person looked extremely refreshed!

Doudou fell asleep again for some reason, and woke up for several days in a row.

Ye Tian was helpless, he wanted to take it to the provincial capital with him, but now it seems that he can only temporarily hand it over to Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue to take care of him.

Another day later, Ye Tian took Hua Yanyan and Uncle Jiu to say goodbye, and then embarked on the road to the provincial capital.

Unlike the usual carriage to go out of the door, you only need to go to the next door Llama Town to take the train, and there will be a direct special train to the provincial capital.

"It's been a long time since I've been on a train, but I'm a little nostalgic!"

On the train, Hua Yanyan lay on the window, looking at the scenery that kept flashing in front of her, with a look of intoxication.

"Really? Why don't you go home and have a look? "

Ye Tian sat opposite Hua Yanyan and said jokingly.

"Well, it's time to find a chance to go back and have a look!"

Hua Yanyan's face became a little sad when she heard this, nodded and said:

"I don't know how my father and grandfather are doing during this time!"

Hua Yanyan's affairs in Renjia Town, Aunt Sue has already sent a letter to the Hua family.

And Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan's affairs were not told to the family.

Now the Hua family is still waiting for Hua Yanyan's reply to consider marrying the Xiang family, and before they know it, they only have half a month to think about it.

Seeing Hua Yanyan's expression becoming more and more solemn, Ye Tian gently held the other party's small hand in his hand, and said with a smile:

"I'll go around your house with you when I go back, and it's time to talk to them about the two of us!"

"Really? Are you sure? Would you really like to go home with me? "

"Why not?"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile:

"But you also have to accompany me to Maoshan with Tingting when you go back, after all, you have to let my master meet you two, right?"

"Huh? Go to Maoshan Mountain! "

Hearing Ye Tian speak like this, Hua Yanyan's cheeks instantly turned red, and her expression was a little cramped and uneasy.

"Stinky daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws!"

"Phew, you're ugly, shameless!"

Hua Yanyan glanced at Ye Tian angrily, but there was a thick sweetness between the words.

"May I ask this young lady, may I sit here?"

Just when Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were talking and laughing, a voice came into the ears of the two.

I saw a young Westerner who looked to be in his twenties and looked very handsome standing in front of Hua Yanyan.

The young man looked very friendly, with a smile on his face and spoke fluent Chinese.

"Miss, may I sit here?"

"No, you can't!"

Hua Yanyan glared at the Western young man with some annoyance, then pointed to the other seats in the carriage, and said unhappily:

"Aren't there all empty seats over there? Why do you have to sit here! "

"But there is no vacant seat over there, there is no girl as beautiful as you, Miss!"

The young man smiled, and as soon as his words fell, he sat directly on the vacant seat beside Hua Yanyan.

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