"How did this happen?"

"Yes, Second Master Ren, what's wrong?"

"Hey, power and money kill people!"


For a while, everyone looked at this scene, and they all felt sorry for what happened to Ren Cai.

There is no need to explain more, everyone naturally understands the purpose of Ren Cai's behavior.

With such a big cake in front of the Ren family, it's no wonder that Ren Cai will not be tempted and will not go down the wrong path!

"Tingting, let go of the second uncle! Good no good! "

Ren Cai still knelt on the ground and cried with tears streaming down his face, during which he did not forget to point to his broken arm by Ye Tian, and said loudly:

"Tingting, my arm is useless, you just look at the past feelings, let me go! The second uncle really knew that it was wrong! "

Although this provincial capital is a metropolis, there are law enforcement agencies such as the yamen.

But an existence as wealthy and powerful as the Ren family, even the yamen is unwilling to take the initiative to provoke!

And because of the particularity of this era, the family law of the Ren family is more authoritative in the Ren family!

A person like Ren Cai who plotted to kill the helmsman and wanted to seize the family property, even if he was executed by the Ren family, the yamen would not ask more.

Thinking of this, and looking at Ye Tian's cold eyes, he knew that his only hope now was Ren Tingting in front of him!

As long as she doesn't kill herself, then she has that glimmer of life!

"Tingting, don't listen to his nonsense! He almost killed you, you can't just let him go! "

Hua Yanyan stepped forward and kicked away the kneeling Ren Cai, and then pulled Ren Tingting's wrist and said loudly.

"Sister Hua...

Ren Tingting was entangled in her heart, and she didn't know how to make a decision for a while!

Hua Yanyan is right, the second uncle in front of her, who used to be very good to herself, really wants to kill herself.

But now that the other party is in his own hands, can he be ruthless and take his life?

Thinking of this, Ren Tingting didn't know what choice to make, and she was in a dilemma.

And Ye Tian stepped forward and pulled Hua Yanyan to his side, and whispered:

"Yan Yan, let Tingting make up her own mind about this matter, let's leave it alone!"


Hua Yanyan still wanted to speak, but after seeing Ye Tian's firm eyes, she didn't say anything more and stood aside silently.

"Tingting, you can make a decision on this matter, no matter what kind of decision, Brother Ye will support you!"

"Yes, Tingting, I also support you!"


Looking at the two people beside her who gave her incomparable confidence, Ren Tingting looked down at Ren Cai who fell to the ground, and said:

"Second uncle, although you once wanted to harm me, I still call you second uncle! From now on, you are no longer a member of the Ren family, you will go to the account office to take 1,000 oceans and leave the provincial capital! "

"Good, good! I'll go right away! I'll go right away! "

As everyone expected, Ren Tingting finally did not make up her mind and killed Ren Cai.

And Ren Cai was also like being amnesty, he desperately kowtowed to Ren Tingting, and quickly got up and ran out of the hall.

Even if there are tens of millions of dissatisfaction in my heart, I don't dare to have other superfluous thoughts.

Now that Ren Tingting has a master Ye Tian by her side, if she has the intention of killing again, she is afraid that Ren Tingting will not be able to save herself if she comes forward in person.

Ren Cai had already run far away, but the Ren family executives present didn't seem to have reacted yet.

Qi Qi stood aside, not daring to speak out, especially those cronies who originally belonged to Ren Cai were so frightened that they hid aside after seeing Ye Tian's sharp eyes, not daring to say a word, as timid as a cicada!

Seeing this, Ren Tingting took a deep breath, immediately walked to the center of the hall, looked at the people who were looking at each other, and said loudly:

"Do you have any opinions on the disposal of my second uncle's wealth?"

"Nope! Not! Miss Ren is kind-hearted and let go of the second master, no, letting go of Ren Cai's guy is already his great blessing! "

"That's right, that's right, Miss Ren's punishment like this is already enough to give that Ren Cai's face!"

"We support Miss Ren's approach! We will definitely do a good job for the Ren family! "


For a while, everyone was emotional, and they were anxious to draw a line with that Ren Cai and express their determination.

Looking at this scene, Ren Tingting shook her head helplessly, then waved her hand, and said in a deep voice:

"Tonight's matter, that's the end of it, it's so late, let's all go back and rest!"

"Yes! Miss Ren, you should also rest early! "

"Let's step back first! Goodbye, Miss Ren! "


For a time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

couldn't wait to say goodbye to Ren Tingting, and many people didn't forget to nod to Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, and turned to leave.

It can be said that the existence of Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan has given these people a great deterrent!

It is precisely because of the presence of these two that even if Ren Tingting drove Ren Cai out of the Ren family, no one dared to stand up and intercede for Ren Cai.

"Tingting, you're tired tonight, go back and rest!"

Ye Tian walked closer, looked at Ren Tingting's sad face, and comforted him with some distress.

"Yes, Tingting, I'll go back and rest with you!"

Hua Yanyan was also very concerned and whispered on the side.

"No need, Brother Ye, Sister Hua, I want to be alone, you don't have to accompany me!"

Ren Tingting turned her head and glanced at Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan gratefully, and said with a smile:

"Thank you tonight, let Xiaoru arrange a room for you later, and you can rest early! Don't worry about me! "

"Okay, what's the matter, remember to look for me, you know?"

"Yes, and me!"

"Well, don't worry! With you by my side, I'm not afraid of anything! "

Ren Tingting nodded, gently let go of Ye Tian's palm holding her, turned around and left the hall and walked up the stairs.

Seeing Ren Tingting leave sadly, Hua Yanyan couldn't help but sigh and murmur beside Ye Tian:

"Tingting has suffered a lot of blows this time, her second uncle actually wants to harm herself, anyone will feel sad!"

"Indeed, Tingting must feel uncomfortable in her heart!"

Ye Tian nodded in response.

"The most damn thing is that Ren Cai, he was just kicked out of the Ren family, it's really cheap for him! If it were me, I would have broken him to pieces! "

"Rest assured, within three days, he will die!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan so angry, Ye Tian smiled and patted her on the shoulder, his face full of confidence.

"I have left a true qi on his body, and within three days, all the meridians in his body will be slowly shattered!

When the true qi breaks the heart on the third day, it will be the day when Ren Cai's life will be lost! "

After speaking, Ye Tian caressed Hua Yanyan's cheeks dotingly, and said with a smile:

"Whoever it is, if he hurts the person I care about the most, I will definitely make him pay for it!"

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