"Well said!"

Ye Tian nodded, then glanced at Anthony beside him, and said no more.

From his body, Ye Tian also felt a little vampire breath, but it was much more secretive than the William he met on the train.

It seems that this Anthony's strength realm is one level stronger than William.

Following Anthony's steps, Ye Tian walked quickly to the manor, and from a distance, he could see a young Westerner in a suit standing in front of the western-style building, smiling.

Ye Tian knew the identity of this person, it was Edward who he saw at the commercial cocktail party last night, and he was also the helmsman of the Rothschild family's power in the provincial capital!

Seeing Ye Tian follow Anthony to the front, Edward walked forward with a smile and said heartily:

"It is a great honor for Mr. Ye to come to my manor in person!"

"Oh? Do you recognize me? "

Ye Tian didn't break the other party's identity, and looked at each other with a smile on his face.

"At the cocktail party last night, I had already noticed that Mr. Ye was different, but I didn't dare to come forward and disturb!

And what happened in the Ren family last night is now known all over the city, and Mr. Ye's name has already spread to the ears of those of us! How could I not know who you are? "

With that, Edward took a step to the side, and then humbly stretched out his hand towards the door, and said:

"Mr. Ye, please inside!"

"Good! Thanks a lot! "

Ye Tian was not polite, and walked into the door as soon as he started.

Edward, on the other hand, followed behind him with a smile, and immediately glanced at Anthony beside him.

The other party nodded knowingly, then turned around and left the two of them, and walked to the side.

Edward's décor is extremely luxurious and resplendent.

The walls were covered with various canvases that marked Western art, which added a bit of artistic atmosphere, but it surprised Ye Tian.

"Mr. Ye, please take a seat!"

Edward pointed to the sofa next to him and smiled, and immediately poured a cup of coffee himself and handed it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took the coffee with a smile, then put it on the table on the side, and said:

"Edward, there are some things, let's get straight to the point! William was killed by me! I killed two of his men! "

"Mr. Ye, I've already guessed this matter!"

Edward sat on the couch beside him, smiled and waved his hand, and replied:

"To tell you the truth, I should thank you for killing William!"

"I've heard this!"

When he was in the hotel last night, Ye Tian had already noticed the conversation and conversation of everyone present.

I also heard a little about the situation on both Edward and William's side.

It can be said that his actions on the train can be regarded as removing an obstacle for Edward's future path!

"In that case, what is the purpose of Mr. Ye's coming to me today? I don't think it's so simple to tell me! "

"That's right, you're smart!"

Ye Tian nodded approvingly, then stood up, looked at Edward, and said in a deep voice:

"I came this time to let Tingting have no worries in the provincial capital in the future and help her eradicate those threatening existences!"

After speaking, Ye Tian slowly raised his palm, and in an instant, several golden needles appeared in his palm, flashing with bursts of golden light.

"Also, what is the identity of your Rothschilds, I don't need to explain it anymore! As a descendant of Maoshan, it is impossible to sit back and watch you do anything wrong in China! "

"Mr. Ye is here this time, he can't fight!"

Seeing that the matter had been clarified, Edward no longer hid it.

In an instant, the originally brightly lit hall instantly became dim, and then more than a dozen figures rushed to the front from all directions like ghosts, surrounding Ye Tian and Edward in the center.

And Anthony also gently closed the door of the hall, and then walked quickly to Edward, nodded and said:

"Young master, all the internal guards have arrived!"

"Looks like you're really prepared!"

Ye Tian looked at the posture around him, with an approving look in his eyes, and then looked at Edward on the opposite side and said:

"Do you think you low-level bloods can trap me here?"

Bang Bang Bang!

Edward's face was relaxed, he looked at Ye Tian in front of him, clapped his palms and said:

"I have to say, I appreciate your demeanor and courage Mr. Ye. If it weren't for the difference in position, I'd love to sit down with you for a drink and make friends!

What a pity! What a pity! I must find a suitable reason for William's death, otherwise the family will point the finger of suspicion at me!

Originally, I was thinking of observing Mr. Ye for a while, and then find another opportunity to have a showdown with you! What I didn't expect was that you took the initiative to come to the door today! "

After saying that, two sharp fangs slowly emerged from the corners of Edward's mouth, and his blue eyes turned crimson.

The yin qi of the body was gradually rising, and the surrounding members all showed their true colors one after another.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire hall could be described as extremely tense, and the temperature became extremely cold, and there was a thick yin atmosphere around the surroundings.

"Mr. Ye, I admire your courage, what courage it takes to dare to go to my blood clan's camp alone at such a young age!

But do you know how big the gap is between me and William! How far apart is there between these men of mine and his two wasted followers? "

"Hey, that's a nuisance!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and immediately the golden needles in his palm turned into rays of light and flew out instantly, and then more than a dozen golden rays of light flew out of his body!

Those Blood Clan guards who were still waiting for Edward's order were instantly hit in the chest by a stream of golden light, and they fell to the ground in an instant, screaming miserably!


Edward was amazed, and Anthony beside him was even more stunned.

He knows exactly how strong these guards are.

Don't look at the number of these internal guards is only a dozen, but the strength of each internal guard has the cultivation of a baron, the same as the dead William!

Even if Ye Tian had killed William, but now that there were so many barons in front of him, it was absolutely impossible to defeat them in an instant in the blink of an eye.

"It hurts... It hurts! "

At this time, more than a dozen internal guards who fell to the ground rolled on the ground, wailing in pain.

Everyone's chest exuded a golden light, and when they looked up, there was a trace of white thunder and lightning surging in it, exuding fierce energy!

"Ye Tian! I didn't think you still had such skills, but I was impressed! "

Edward felt angry and frightened at this time, and immediately a yin qi surged again, and a blood-red light flew out from his claws, heading towards Ye Tian!

"Scarlet fangs! Break! "

A handful of snot, a handful of tears, everyone must take care of their bodies and don't get sick!

Although Xiao Langjun and I have not been infected with pneumonia, the tonsil inflammation is also very uncomfortable!

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