Tianxu Zhenren is the descendant of Maoshan Medical Dao, the descendant of the golden needle of the Trick Gate, and the holy hand of Xinglin at that time!

And the Hua family is also a family of medical Taoists, and it is reasonable to visit Tianxu Zhenren in Maoshan in person.

What's more, Aunt Sue is also a descendant of Maoshan and the younger sister of Mrs. Hua Manjiang, plus this layer of relationship, it is normal for the two parties to move around a little.

It's just that Ye Tian has no memory of what the innocent people said at all, so it could be that it was what happened before he crossed over to Maoshan Mountain.

"What? You don't remember? At that time, you were only three years old, so you hugged Ren Jiahua's girl and said that you would marry someone else as a daughter-in-law in the future! It made people's fathers and grandfathers cry and laugh! "

How could a Tianxu real person know what Ye Tian was thinking, he was very surprised when he saw it, and thought that he couldn't remember what happened back then, so he laughed and joked on the side.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Ye Tian instantly understood the reason.

When he crossed into this world, in this body, the other party's age was already more than four years old.

For those previous things, it was normal for Ye Tian not to remember.

And Hua Yanyan was a little red after hearing the words of Tianxu Zhenren, and she stepped forward and twisted Ye Tian's arm vigorously, and said angrily:

"Okay, you bad guy, you've been so unserious since you were a child! What a shame, Xiuxiuxiu! "

"Hahaha, fate, fate!"

Ye Tian couldn't cry or laugh, it seemed that his encounter with Hua Yanyan had already been doomed.

"Tianxu Zhenren, you just said that the zombie was destroyed by you, is this true?"

Seeing that everyone's atmosphere was very harmonious, Ren Tingting did not feel jealous, but was worried about the affairs of the people in the provincial capital, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask the other party.

Seeing this, Tianxu Zhenren gently stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"Of course, it's just stiff, I haven't paid attention to it yet!"

As he spoke, the eyes of the Tianxu real person inadvertently glanced at Ye Tian on the side, which made Ye Tian's heart ripple.

Ye Tian knew that everything he had done just now was seen by his master, and now the other party had hidden it for himself, but he was afraid that he didn't know what kind of reprimand he would have.

Tianxu Zhenren is one of the strongest people in the world, and the super master of the Tribulation Period exists, Ren Tingting may not know the true strength of this Tianxu Zhenren, but Hua Yanyan is very clear.

Although the stiffness is powerful, it is not impossible to destroy it.

At the very least, it has to be a strong master in the Transformation Period, and for a strong person in the Tribulation Period like Tianxu Zhenren, it will not be difficult to subdue and destroy the zombie that has just appeared!

Sure enough, the words of the innocent real person reassured Ren Tingting, and all the worries and concerns disappeared.

Edward, on the other hand, has been standing cautiously aside, not daring to say anything, let alone taking the initiative to leave.

"Great, thanks to your timely appearance, the people of our provincial city will escape this difficulty!"

Ren Tingting was full of joy, and immediately hurried to the door of the hall, and said to the family members and maids who were packing their packages in the courtyard:

"Don't pack up your things, the zombies have been wiped out by the real people, and there will be no danger!"

"Huh? Are you sure! "

"Hah! Great! Great! "

"Scared the hell out of me! It's finally all right! "


Everyone was startled at first, then cheered in unison, and many people ran out of the gate of the manor to spread the good news to the other villagers.

Seeing this, Edward's heart moved, and then he bent down and bowed to Ye Tian and Tianxu Zhenren, and said softly:

"Mr. Ye, a real person, if there is nothing wrong, I will take my subordinates back. Just let them bring this good news to other villagers! "

Ye Tian didn't answer immediately, but first glanced at the Tianxu Zhenren beside him, and seeing that he didn't say anything, he nodded and agreed:

"Okay, you go back, I've made a note of today's incident!"


Edward's heart moved, and then he led the internal guards behind him to bow to the four of them again, turned around and left the Ren family manor quickly.

Seeing that the matter was finally resolved, and Ye Tian's master Tianxu Zhenren also came here, Ren Tingting looked at each other with a smile and said:

"Tianxu Zhenren, you and Brother Ye are here first, and I will arrange someone to prepare meals and rooms for you, please wait!"

"Ha, there's a little doll!"

Tianxu Zhenren smiled, with a happy face, and Hua Yanyan watched Ren Tingting leave, so she quickly chased after her, and said loudly:

"Tingting, I'll go with you!"

With the departure of Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan, there were only two people left in the hall at this time, Tianxu Zhenren and Ye Tian.

Seeing this, Tianxu Zhenren raised his hand and pointed at it, and a golden light instantly fell outside the door.

Then a series of golden ripples were formed, as if they appeared in mid-air.

Seeing this, Ye Tian knew that the master had cast a kind of enchantment spell to temporarily isolate the hall from the outside world and not be disturbed by outsiders.

"Xiao Yezi, your ability is getting bigger and bigger now, you even dare to take the vampires of the West under your command, it's not a small courage!"

Sure enough, as the enchantment spell was cast, the face of the Heavenly Void True Man suddenly became serious, and he sat on the sofa with a stern look in his eyes.


Ye Tian didn't expect that this Heavenly Void True Person was really angry, so he knelt on the ground and explained:

"Tingting is doing business alone in the provincial capital, which is mixed with fish and dragons, and her strength is even more intricate. The matter of subduing Edward is also for the sake of Tingting's safety. And I have put my natal soul mark into the body of those blood clans, as long as they disobey my orders or have rebellion, I will destroy them as soon as possible, and I will definitely not bury hidden dangers, and please don't be angry, and please don't be angry! "


Ye Tian tried his best to explain, but he didn't know that the originally serious face of that innocent person burst out with laughter instantly, and then he covered his stomach and laughed, looking like an old naughty boy alive.

"Look at how scared you look, joking with you for the teacher! You're really serious! Hahahaha! Get up, get up! "

Ye Tian: .

Seeing the innocent real person laughing so happily, Ye Tian really didn't know what to say!

This old guy's temper hasn't changed after all these years!

will play tricks on himself as an apprentice!

"What kind of person you are, what kind of character you are, how can I not know? Now that you've subdued those vampires, you've got a point! I won't bother with it! "

Tianxu Zhenren said and pulled Ye Tian to sit down in front of him, then looked at the other party with a relieved face, nodded and said:

"I haven't seen you for a while, and you are already a real person's cultivation, if it weren't for that Zhao Jingqi little thing to tell me, I wouldn't know it!"

After speaking, Tianxu Zhenren's face showed some doubts, and he sighed:

"I just don't know what kind of means you used to subdue a stiff! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it was true! "

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