With the departure of the real people, the matter of zombies in the provincial city has slowly calmed down.

But the workers at the construction site were reluctant to continue working, after all, there had been a zombie crisis in that place.

There is no guarantee that there will be any other horrors and evil beneath the earth.

For this reason, a group of wealthy businessmen came to the door one after another to seek Ye Tian's help.

In their opinion, Ye Tian and his master Tianxu Zhenren are people with great abilities, and only their presence will solve these troubles.

Originally, Ye Tian didn't want to participate in this matter, after all, Hua Yanyan tried her best to dissuade her, but these people were motivated by the desire for profit and defected.

However, there is a share of the Ren family in this construction site, and if the work is stopped, the Ren family will also suffer a lot of losses.

In this regard, Ye Tian had no choice but to agree to these rich businessmen, and went to the construction site again for the sake of Ren Tingting's face.

With the complete destruction of the Seven Star Lock Dragon Array, and the stiff Ah Zi was subdued by himself with the Soul Dispatch Card.

At this time, the construction site is free of other hazards and potential hidden dangers.

However, it was still under Ren Tingting's strong request, Ye Tian was forced to do a seemingly very grand ceremony.

In order to appease the worries of those wealthy businessmen and workers, so that they will not be unable to return to work for a long time.

Sure enough, Ye Tian's Dharma was like a reassuring pill for these people.

The workers also mustered up the courage to start resuming work, and the next two or three days were safe and sound.

The Ren family and other wealthy businessmen also compensated the families of those workers who died tragically on the construction site, solving their worries.

At this point, the workers began to work in full swing again, and soon forgot the zombie panic.

Zuo Jiatang's death also alarmed the head of the Zuo family and the eldest and younger of the Zuo family who were far away in his city, until a week after the incident, they finally rushed back to the provincial capital.

To everyone's expectations, the Zuo family, the first family on weekdays, did not take the initiative to investigate the responsibility of the Ren family and other wealthy businessmen this time.

It seems that he has no idea of looking for the future of Zuo Jiatang's death at all, but he just hastily handled a funeral without a body, and he understood the matter.

In this regard, Ye Tian did not have any sense of surprise.

In the final analysis, the zombies at the construction site were because of Zuo Jiatang's self-assertion, which can be said to be self-inflicted.

If the Zuo family really sent someone to the Ren family to deliberately find something to hold them accountable, Ye Tian wouldn't mind, teach them a good lesson, and see how rampant the strength of the first family in their provincial capital could be.

The atmosphere of the provincial town has returned to its old state, and the streets and alleys are full of laughing pedestrians and tourists.

As for the zombie disaster, everyone seems to have reached a unified opinion, and they don't mention it.

On this day, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting went out shopping together, but Ye Tian didn't want to follow the two girls behind, so he stayed alone in Ren's mansion.

"Doctor Ye, is someone looking for you at the door?"

At this time, Xiao Ru trotted all the way to the hall, and seeing that Ye Tian was resting with his eyes closed, he came to his side softly and whispered.

"Who's looking for me?"

Except for these people from the Ren family, it can be said that there are no other people in Yetian in the provincial capital.

Therefore, hearing that someone came to find him, Ye Tian was a little curious, and he didn't know who it would be.

"It's Zuo Jiajun, the eldest son of the Zuo family!"

"Zuo family?"

Unexpectedly, the Zuo family really found it, Ye Tian was a little surprised, and said:

"Are you sure he's coming for me? Didn't you talk to Tingting about business? "

"It's looking for you! Doctor Ye! "

Xiaoru kept nodding and hurriedly explained:

"He also brought a lot of gifts, saying he was going to visit you!"

"Oh? Then invite him in, shall we? "

What is the purpose of Zuo Jiajun's trip, Ye Tian is a little unclear.

Listening to what Xiaoru said, he shouldn't have come to investigate the matter of his younger brother Zuo Jiatang, otherwise it would be impossible for him to bring a gift.


Seeing this, Xiao Ru said yes and ran out of the hall quickly.

In less than a while, a dignified young man walked in with Xiaoru.

With a straight figure and a straight suit, a dignified appearance and a noble temperament, it does have a feeling of being a family.

Obviously, this young man is the eldest son of the Zuo family, Zuo Jiajun.

Seeing Ye Tian standing in the hall, Zuo Jiajun walked quickly forward, looked at Ye Tian with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Doctor Ye, I have admired your name for a long time, and this time I finally have a chance to meet you!"

"Hello, Young Master Zuo!"

Seeing the smile on the other party's face, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and shook it with the other party.

"Before I came, I heard that Dr. Ye's master was a master of the Maoshan faction, and he single-handedly wiped out the cholera zombies and protected the people of our provincial capital!

I wanted to come to visit his old man's house as soon as possible, but I didn't expect that the old man had already left the provincial capital, and I was really a little disappointed to think about it! "

Zuo Jiajun looked grateful, and then pointed to the seven or eight gift boxes held by the two Zuo family members who came in with him in the back, and said with a smile:

"Since Doctor Ye and your master are not here, you can accept these gifts for Master Ling, which can be regarded as our Zuo family's gratitude for his old man's help."

Seeing that Zuo Jiajun never mentioned Zuo Jiatang's matter, but put on a grateful look, Ye Tian didn't know what he was thinking.

However, for the gift he sent, Ye Tian had no intention of refusing, and it was okay to stay for Ren Tingting to keep.

"Destroying demons and defending the road is the purpose of my Maoshan faction! Young Master Zuo, you are so polite! "

After speaking, Ye Tian nodded to Xiao Ru, and the other party understood, so he led the two writers out of the hall.

At this time, in the hall, only Ye Tian and Zuo Jiajun were left.

Seeing that there was no one else, Ye Tian beckoned Zuo Jiajun to sit down, and said with a smile:

"Young Master Zuo has something to do with me today, it's better to go straight to the point and explain it directly!"

"Doctor Ye is really fast-talking, then I won't hide it!"

Hearing this, Zuo Jiajun also looked at Ye Tian happily and continued:

"To be honest, I came here today for two purposes, the first is to thank Lingshi for his help at the beginning, saving the people of the whole city, and making up for the catastrophe caused by the second guy!

The second guy is completely to blame this time, and my father and I have no opinions or complaints about his death! "

"Oh? I see! "

Zuo Jiajun's expression seemed to be extremely righteous and awe-inspiring, as if that guy in Zuo Jiatang was innocent!

In this regard, Ye Tian smiled in his heart, but he never showed it.

The Zuo family is the first family in the provincial capital, and once the future head of the family dies, an heir will inevitably be elected among Zuo Jiajun and Zuo Jiatang.

Now Zuo Jiatang's unexpected death is just in line with Zuo Jiajun's thoughts.

What's more, Zuo Jiatang almost broke into a catastrophe, which increased the family's dislike for him.

From now on, the future heir of the head of the Zuo family is only Zuo Jiajun!

I recommend two new books of the big guys: "Elf: Ambush Little Nebula at the Beginning", "Zongman, Start with the Demon Forbidden".

If you are interested, you can take a look, it's very good!

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