
With an eerie laugh, clumps of long black hair spread out from the well, like a pouring river, with a thick yin qi, and quickly came to Ye Tian's side.



Those long hairs seemed to have life, and in the blink of an eye, they were wrapped around Ye Tian's hands and feet, trapping each other tightly like iron chains.

"It's finally here!"

Ye Tian opened his eyes slightly, looking at everything that was happening around him at this time, he did not take any action, but laughed faintly.

"What a handsome young man!"

Immediately after, a flirtatious voice came from the well, and I saw a black shadow rising from it, landing in front of Ye Tian, turning into a hideous female ghost with a pale face.

"It's ugly!"

Ye Tian raised his head and glanced at the other party, only to see that his two pupils were snow-white and had no pupils, half of his face was still ulcerated and pus, and from time to time there were deworms coming out of it, so disgusting.

"Stinky boy!"

When the female ghost saw Ye Tian say this, she was furious in her heart, and in an instant, a whole yin wind came wildly, blowing around her.

"It's been a long time since there's been a living person, stinky boy, aren't you scared?"

"Scared? Who do you think you are? "

Ye Tian glanced at the other party with disdain, then smiled coldly, and said contemptuously:

"Fifty years of Taoism, you still dare to be presumptuous in front of me, it's just beyond your strength!"


As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, he saw a strong white light instantly emitting from his body!

One after another True Qi burst out of his body in an instant, and in an instant, all the long hair around him was cut off, and there was no Yin Qi at all!

"Real people!"

The female ghost was shocked, she could see the true qi emitted from Ye Tian's body at a glance!

The other party is right, his fifty years of Taoism in front of him are indeed not enough to see!

Thinking of this, the female ghost no longer had any delay, turned around and flew towards the dry well behind her, hoping to avoid Ye Tian's attack!

But after all, the female ghost is just a lowly female ghost, and Ye Tian is already a strong person with a real person!

No matter how fast it was, it couldn't disappear from Ye Tian's front at all!


I saw a golden light hit the female ghost's back in an instant, and with a scream, the female ghost was knocked out in an instant and fell heavily to the ground.

The yin qi in her body was rapidly dissipating, and the female ghost kept letting out miserable screams, resounding throughout the courtyard!

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I'm stuck here, too! Put... "

The female ghost screamed loudly and kept begging for mercy.

But the spiritual power contained in the golden needle of the Tricky Gate was completely beyond her imagination, and in just a few seconds, the female ghost was scattered and disappeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes!

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 30 merit points and 30 oceans! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: a real person

Merit: 1580/2000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches

Skill: Martial arts mastery, the power of ten thousand jun

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor

"There are still four hundred and twenty merit points left, and you can level up!"

Ye Tian looked at the changes in the personal attribute panel in front of him, smiled slightly in his heart, and then set his eyes on the dry well in front of him.

As the female ghost just said, she is trapped here.

Then this dry well must have some special secret!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian stepped forward and came to the edge of the dry well.

At a glance, the inside of the dry well was pitch black, and it was impossible to see the inside clearly.

Yes, just the messy, sprawling vines and dead grass.

"Liuding Liujia, left and right blessings, divine soldiers order fire, ten thousand magic powers, Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as the law!"


A flash of fire appeared, and the vines and dead grass in the dry well instantly turned into dust and ashes, floating in the air.

As those unsightly vines and withered grass disappeared, a deep dry well appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes, but he couldn't see the specific depth.

"Go down and have a look!"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's heart moved, and he jumped into the dry well with a dodge and disappeared.


It seems that this dry well is more than 20 meters deep, and after Ye Tian landed, he found that there was a hole in it.

I saw an underground river in the direction of the river, and the direction of the river was a bright light in the distance, and I didn't know what it was.

Looking at this, Ye Tian's body moved, and his feet stepped on the river, and white Zhenqi appeared under his feet, supporting Ye Tian not to fall into the river.

"Could it be that which underground palace can't do it?"

Ye Tian looked at everything in front of him, and the plots of some tomb robbery novels he had read in his previous life appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but joke to himself.

Then his body moved, and he quickly walked towards the bright light in front of him, and galloped away.

Ye Tian's speed was very fast, and in less than a moment, he followed the flowing river to the place of light.

This is a vast Shandong, and the light is reflected by some unknown stones on the stone walls of the cave, as if it were daylight.

Returning to the shore, what appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes was a gate engraved with various rune imprints and huge stone carvings of gossip in front of him.

Obviously, it's a seal!

And Ye Tian glanced at the appearance of this seal, but he couldn't tell what kind of sect this sealing technique belonged to, but he was a little confused.

"The hosts! This is the Ghost King Seal, the one that seals the thousand-year-old Ghost King! "

Just when Ye Tian was a little confused, Ah Zi's voice, which had been silent for a long time, came into Ye Tian's ears.

"Ah Zi? Do you know this seal? "

Ye Tian was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ah Zi to see this kind of seal, but he was more knowledgeable than himself.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's heart moved, and Ah Zi turned into a purple light and stood in front of Ye Tian.

After Ah Zi came out again, he first smiled sweetly at Ye Tian, then turned his head to look at the strange mark, and explained:

"This is the Qingyun Sect's spell seal talisman!"

"Qingyun Sect?"

Ye Tian muttered the name of this sect that he had never heard of, and he was a little surprised:

"The Dao sect in the world is so big, I have never heard of the Qingyun Sect, a cultivation sect, is it because I am lonely and unheard?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately looked at Ah Zi and asked:

"Ah Zi, do you remember what happened before?"


Ah Zi shook his head and said in confusion:

"To be honest, when I saw this seal in the master's body just now, something inexplicably appeared in my mind, and as for what the Qingyun Sect is, I don't know!"

"I see!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian stopped asking, it seems that the former Ah Zi must have been a great existence thousands of years ago!

It's just that for this Qingyun Sect that came inexplicably, as well as the ghost king sealed at the door, Ye Tian has a strong interest in his heart!

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