


The golden needle broke through the stone door, and a huge explosion broke out in an instant!

I saw that the gossip on the stone gate quickly showed a cracked shape, and the whole cave seemed to be shaking violently, and a lot of rubble fell down.



As the crack grew bigger and bigger, the stone gate turned into countless pieces in the blink of an eye, scattered all over the ground.

As the thick smoke and dust dispersed, a sarcophagus suspended in mid-air, covered with various talismans, appeared in front of him.

"Master, there's a sarcophagus there!"

Hearing this, Ah Zi pointed to the sarcophagus in front of him and said:

"Looks like the Ghost King is among them!"

"Come up and take a look!"

For some reason, Ye Tian looked at the sarcophagus in front of him, thinking about what had just happened, and he always felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was.

At that moment, he didn't say more, and took Ah Zi with him, and walked quickly to the sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus was suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a black yin qi.

And those talismans attached to the sarcophagus have already weathered a lot, and I believe that it will not be long before the talismans on this sarcophagus will lose its original power.

And this ghost king inside will reappear in the world at that time!

Unexpectedly, in the short ten days of coming to this provincial capital, he first discovered the seal of the Zombie Ah Zi, and then saw the bottom of the well where the Qingyun Sect sealed the ghost king.

It's not just that there is a providence in the dark, so that Ye Tian encountered all this.

Otherwise, whether it is the Ghost King or the Zombie Birth, it will be a catastrophe for the people of the provincial capital!

"Master, what are you thinking?"

Ah Zi looked at Ye Tian standing in front of the sarcophagus and was silent, asking in a low voice.

Ye Tian came back to his senses, carefully observed the sarcophagus in front of him, and said:

"This rune also looks similar to the rune outside just now, and it is thought to be from the hand of the Qingyun Sect."

With that, Ye Tian raised his hand and waved, and a white True Qi flew into the sarcophagus!

In an instant, the talisman on the entire sarcophagus turned into ashes and disappeared in the blink of an eye, while Ah Zi stood quietly aside, without saying anything.

For her, everything Ye Tian did had his own reason, and she was a spiritual servant, so she didn't need to ask for the reason.

Besides, the seal in the sarcophagus is just a ghost king, and for himself as a zombie, it is as easy to deal with him as it is to deal with an ant!



Like the stone door just now, the sarcophagus also made a loud noise, and the lid of the sarcophagus began to reveal the cracks in the forest.


There was a muffled sound, and the sarcophagus fell to the ground in an instant, as if the ground was shaking.

Immediately, the lid of the sarcophagus was slowly pushed open from the inside by a force, and a small pink hand pressed the coffin mouth, and then a red figure appeared in front of Ye Tian and Ah Zi!

To Ye Tian's surprise, the ghost king in front of him was not as hideous as the original Dragon and Tiger Mountain Ghost King, but a beautiful girl who looked very smart!

The girl looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, but she was dressed in a bright red wedding dress.

The star-like eyes seemed to exude a faint glow, and the long hair hanging down the waist flew in the air, as if dancing lightly.

The skin is like clotted fat, light and moving, these two words are just right for the girl in front of her.

At this time, the girl was suspended in mid-air with a mixture of yin qi, looking at Ye Tian who was watching her in front of her and Ah Zi behind her, revealing an evil smile:

"You released me?"


Looking at this scene, Ye Tian finally knew why he had that familiar picture imprinted in his mind just now!

The girl ghost king in front of him is none other than Yue Qiluo!

A ghost king with an impermanence but strong strength!

"What a handsome little brother!"

Yue Qiluo saw that Ye Tian didn't pay attention to him, but stood aside with a faint smile.

Immediately, his figure fell and landed in front of Ye Tian.

Seeing that Ye Tian's white clothes were like snow and his temperament was extraordinary, Yue Qiluo's heart suddenly rose with a good feeling, he looked at the other party carefully, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect such a handsome little brother to release me, hehe, I'm really lucky!"

As he spoke, Yue Qiluo stretched out his green jade hand and touched it towards Ye Tian's chest.


However, just when Yue Qiluo's palm was about to touch Ye Tian, he saw the other party's figure move, and he appeared behind Yue Qiluo in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? Monk? "

Yue Qiluo was surprised, he didn't find the slightest trace of cultivation aura on Ye Tian's body just now.

Combined with his temperament and appearance, Yue Qiluo thought that the other party was just a rich kid who strayed here.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Tian was still a monk!

Not only that, he was already in the cultivation realm of the ghost king, Ye Tian looked like he was only in his early twenties, but the footwork of his body movement made him not notice it at all.

Thinking of this, Yue Qiluo's originally smiling cheeks were instantly filled with doubtful gazes.

"Who the hell are you?"

"What? Aren't you going to say thank you to the benefactor who released you? "

Ye Tian didn't pay attention to Yue Qiluo's question, but looked at the other party and said jokingly.


Hearing this, Yue Qiluo's face was raised, and her mouth pursed, as if she was a little dissatisfied with Ye Tian's attitude, but she still spoke:

"My name is Yue Qiluo! As for thanks! Hee-hee, I see that you look good, why don't you stay with me forever! "

"Sure enough, it's still so narcissistic!"

Ye Tian smiled helplessly when he heard this, and thought of Yue Qiluo's entanglement with Wuxin in the original world.

I didn't expect to release her this time, but it made her think like this about herself, which is really funny.

"What's your name?"

"Ye Tian."

Ye Tian's answer was very calm, without a trace of waves.

"Ye Tian... Ye Tian... "

Yue Qiluo whispered Ye Tian's name, a touch of red appeared on his cheeks, and then he straightened his waist and looked at the other party.

"Ye Tian, I want to be with you!"

Although Yue Qiluo looks like a girl, her upright figure is already excellent.

With its delicate appearance, it is a standard beauty.

"Huh? Together? Why should I be with you? "

Ye Tian was covered with black lines by Yue Qiluo's straightforward words, and he didn't understand how different her brain circuits were.

"I see, you don't want to be with me because of her!"

Yue Qiluo's eyes kept rolling, then he turned around, and raised his hand to Ah Zi, who had been standing aside and had never spoken.

To be honest, in terms of appearance and temperament, Ah Zi is better than Yue Qiluo.

In particular, Ah Zi's body also exudes a royal sister-like charm, which is more attractive than the Lori feeling given by Yue Qiluo!

Seeing this, Yue Qiluo couldn't help but feel jealousy rise in his heart, and his gaze at Ah Zi was also full of anger.


Ah Zi couldn't understand why this Yue Qiluo hated him so much, and blinked his eyes curiously, but there was an expression of indifference on his face.

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