Jiangbei, a martial arts family, Xiangfu!





At this time, in the courtyard of Xiang Funuo's mansion, dozens of burly, well-dressed and sturdy young men were practicing boxing and martial arts.

Between one move and one style, they are all fierce and resolute, and they are full of strength!

On the Taishi's chair, an old man with gray temples looked leisurely at the disciples who were boxing in front of him, smiling and bowing his head.

If you put the old man in the middle of the street crowd, no one will notice what makes him special.

But if someone familiar meets this person, he will definitely show great respect and respect.

He is the head of the family who has been inherited for thousands of years and entered the yin and yang with martial arts, Xiang Wuji!

One of the peak powerhouses of the world's martial arts, the top master of the King Kong Realm!

It is never an exaggeration for one person to suppress a thousand armies and use it on this person!

"Head of the house, head of the house!"

Just when Xiang Wuji was watching the disciples practice martial arts with a flat face, a disciple staggered in from outside the gate, came to Xiang Wuji, and said breathlessly:

"The head of the family, the eldest master and the eldest young master, they are back!"

"Oh, Kunlun and Dingtian are back!"

Hearing this, Xiang Wuji's eyes opened slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that the matter has been completed, and the Hua family is now in the palm of our Xiang family!"

With that, Xiang Wuji stood up, looked at the disciple, and said:

"Go, let them in, I want to listen to the interesting things that happened in the Hua family!"

"Family master, I'm afraid the eldest master and the eldest young master won't be able to come in by themselves!"

When the disciple heard this, he trembled and replied to Xiang Wuji's order, his face full of horror.

"What do you mean by that?"

"The head of the family, the eldest master and the eldest young master were seriously injured and are now being treated in a side hospital!"


Xiang Kunlun roared angrily, like a male lion roaring, shocking.

Those disciples who were practicing martial arts rushed to their hearts and trembled, and then each spurted out a mouthful of blood, as if the qi and blood in their whole body were tumbling, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiang Wuji was furious and angry at this time.

He never imagined that his son and grandson would be seriously injured!

Thinking of this, he directly kicked the disciple who was vomiting blood next to him to the side, and immediately rushed out of the lobby of the mansion in the blink of an eye.

"Kunlun, Tian'er!"

With shouts of concern, Xiang Kunlun had already come to the side hall at this time.

On the bed, Xiang Kunlun and Xiang Dingtian's whole body was only wrapped in gauze, unable to move, and everyone's faces were extremely ugly.

Seeing Xiang Wuji coming, the family doctor in Nafu hurriedly put down the gauze and ointment in his hand, and knelt on the ground in fear, not daring to make any more sound.

"Daddy... "

"Grandpa... "

Xiang Kunlun and Xiang Dingtian lay weakly on the bed, watching Xiang Wuji cry out weakly.

"How could it hurt so badly!"

Xiang Wu was greatly shocked and immediately checked the injuries of the two people.

To his surprise, most of the bones on the two of them had been broken, and they were seriously injured!

Especially Xiang Dingtian, many meridians on his body were shattered, even if he recovered from his injuries, his martial arts cultivation in this life would not make any progress!

Seeing that Xiang Kunlun cried, Xiang Wuji was sad, but he still said angrily with a calm face:

"What are you crying about! I've been bullied outside, and I'll cry when I go home! Are you still my son of Xiang Wuji? Are you a good son of my Xiang family!"

As he spoke, Xiang Wuji looked at the black-clothed men behind him who followed Xiang Kunlun to the Hua family, and asked gloomily:

"Say, what's going on? I don't believe that with the few green onions of the Hua family, and there are so many of you who follow to fight, and Hua Manlou as an internal response!

A few masters of the Hua family are categorically unable to hurt Kunlun and Tian'er so badly!"

"Daddy... Avenge us!"

At this time, Xiang Kunlun, who was lying on the bed and couldn't move, looked at his father Xiang Wuji and couldn't help but shed tears.

Once upon a time, how could I have suffered such humiliation!

The dignified innate great grandmaster, a martial arts powerhouse, would be seriously injured by someone, which is unimaginable to outsiders!

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