Baili Town, although the scale is much smaller than Renjia Town, but the people are vigorous and peaceful, and it is also a Taiping town that is rare in troubled times.

As the most famous Zhuge family in this town, there were already many people queuing up for a long time at this time.

Without him, come to tell fortunes and ask about the future!

Although Zhuge Kongping is a descendant of Zhuge Waimen, his cultivation is also quite profound.

In addition to him and his son Zhuge Ming, there is also a wife named Wang Hui and a daughter named Zhuge Hua in the family.

Wang Hui was a master of the master, and he was very good at divination and fortune-telling.

On weekdays, Zhuge Kongping is everywhere with his son Zhuge Ming to exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts, while Wang Hui is taking his daughter Zhuge Hua to tell fortunes and ask about the future.

The entire Baili Town can be said to be known to everyone, and no one knows it.

"Aunt Sun, according to my instructions, don't go out for these three days, and the disaster will be avoided!"

Wang Hui sat in front of the desk, looked at the tortoise shell and copper coins on the table, and told Aunt Sun in front of her what she had approved.

When the other party heard this, he immediately took out a few copper coins and handed them to Wang Hui, and said gratefully:

"Thank you Mrs. Zhuge for your advice, thank you Mrs. Zhuge for your advice. "

"Where, where!"

Wang Hui smiled and waved his hand, and then Zhuge Hua, who was standing beside him, took the copper coin and put it in the money box.

In this way, the long queue at the door is slowly decreasing, and Wang Hui is constantly commenting on words and divination, divining the future for everyone.

Suddenly, Wang Hui suddenly raised his head and looked towards the east, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he said apologetically to the villagers who were still queuing:

"Folks, I'm really sorry, there will be distinguished guests at home, I'm afraid the reception is not good, everyone will disperse, come tomorrow, I will ask for the future for everyone, not a penny!"

"That... Oh well!"

Everyone sighed uncontrollably, but there was nothing to say.

The Zhuge family has an excellent reputation in this town, and is kind and charitable, although everyone is a little unhappy that the queue for such a long time is not effective, but it is not easy to say anything, so they can only disperse and come back tomorrow.

Zhuge Hua stood aside, listening to Wang Hui's words, and immediately asked in surprise:

"Mother, there are distinguished guests coming from the house, is my father and brother coming back!"

"You stupid girl, are your father and brother guests!"

Wang Hui was packing up the tools for divination on the desk, and at the same time glanced at Zhuge Hua angrily, and explained:

"I just accidentally noticed a faint purple gas rising from the east, which is a statue of great nobility and good fortune, I immediately calculated in my heart, knowing that there was a noble person coming to the door, of course I had to receive it ceremoniously!"

"Mother, you know that your father and brother have been gone for a few days, aren't you worried?"

"You dead girl, didn't I calculate a hexagram for the two of them! This trip is thrilling, don't worry about anything! You hurry up and clean up here, clean up well, and get ready to welcome your guests!"

Wang Hui stood up and reprimanded Zhuge Hua solemnly, then looked at an oil-paper umbrella suspended in mid-air in the hall, and said angrily:

"Ghost servant, don't play, hurry up and clean up the hall, and if you neglect the distinguished guests later, be careful that I beat you!"


As soon as Wang Hui's words fell, a middle-aged ghost wearing a blue robe appeared under the oil-paper umbrella.

This is the ghost servant raised by the Zhuge family, who helps with some housework at home on weekdays, as if it has been more than ten years.

"Yes, ma'am!"

The ghost servant knew Wang Hui's temper and didn't dare to slack off, so he removed the oil-paper umbrella and began to work in the hall.

"What's going on!

Just as Wang Hui was about to put away the desk and help clean it together, a team of people walked in from outside the door.

These people all looked arrogant, each of them had a pistol pinned to their waists, and a middle-aged man led by him walked forward with a frown.

Seeing that Wang Hui was still packing up her things, she said loudly:

"Lao Tzu has traveled so far to come here, why is his grandmother's closed for business!"

As soon as the middle-aged man's voice fell, a young man immediately came out behind him, and said dissatisfiedly to Wang Hui who was standing in front of him:

"Our boss is talking to you, what are you doing at the end of the day!"

"I'm sorry, two adults, there are important guests coming to the house, so I can only call it a day early and greet you!"

Each of these people has a murderous and bloody aura, and the middle-aged man still has the momentum of a superior person.

Wang Hui could see at a glance that these people were warlord soldiers in troubled times.

For these people, Wang Hui disdained and didn't want to offend, so she had to explain.

"What a nobleman!"

The middle-aged man was a little surprised, and muttered to himself, while the young man beside him rolled his eyes wildly, and said with a flattering smile:

"Haha, boss, isn't it you the noble person she said!"

"Yo, that's right, it's me!haha, aren't I a nobleman!"

When the middle-aged man heard his subordinates say this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and laughed heartily.

And Wang Hui shook her head speechlessly, unable to say anything too much about these two stupid hats.

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