"You guys! You guys! What are you going to do! "

Seeing that the subordinates in front of him were all gathered in front of him, Wu Dashuai looked at everyone in horror and asked silently.

"Dashuai, don't blame us, why did I do this today, it's a last resort!"

"That's right, Dashuai, with your legs, you can save the legs of all of us, this deal is very cost-effective!"

"That's right, don't you always say that you love soldiers, when we are brothers! This time, the brothers are really helpless, don't blame us! "


For a while, the voices of his subordinates sounded in Wu Dashuai's ears.

To his ears, it was like a thunderclap, looking at everyone's faces, he couldn't help but scold:

"Fuck! If you dare to beat Lao Tzu today, Lao Tzu will turn around and kill you bastards! Grass! "

"Oh, Dashuai, you hurt the hearts of all of us when you say that!"

Who knew that as soon as Wu Dashuai's words fell, the flame of anger in everyone's hearts was instantly ignited.

In fact, this Marshal Wu doesn't love soldiers as much as they said just now, on the contrary, he still beats and scolds soldiers at every turn!

Usually everyone has a bad breath in their hearts, and they don't dare to attack, but now that they have arrived in such a field, everyone's anger has also burst out, and they are too lazy to care about anything!

"That is, we say that if it sounds good, it is your soldier, and if it sounds bad, it is your minion! When have you opened your eyes to us! "

"Grandma's, that is, Lao Tzu was broken by you last time, and now it's still sour on a windy and rainy day!"

"Adjutant, let's support you as our new commander, break his leg and throw him into the field!"

"Brothers are so loving, then I'm disrespectful!"

When the adjutant heard everyone say this, his eyebrows immediately fluttered.

Without him, he also has a lot of opinions about this Wu Dashuai.

However, Wu Dashuai's aunts and wives are very marked!

This time, he was abolished, and he could naturally accept all his aunts, and he was happy to fly to the sky when he imagined it!

"You ... You're going to rebel! Oops! Oops! Stop it! Hurt! It hurts! "

Wu Dashuai's cries and begs for mercy sounded in the courtyard, and a group of soldiers took spears and slammed them down on Wu Dashuai's body, as if to relieve the resentment in their hearts.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian still stood aside and did not speak.

And Zhuge Kongping didn't have any reaction, on the contrary, he felt very happy in his heart.



Finally, after a series of attacks, there was two crisp bones cracking.

That Wu Dashuai screamed and completely fainted.

The legs also take on a very strange twisted shape.

"That's it! ! "

Seeing that the matter was over, Ye Tian finally opened his mouth and commanded coldly.

"Yes! Michigan! "

The group of soldiers all showed the evil anger in their hearts, and they all felt much more relaxed.

didn't dare to stay any longer, so he quickly dragged the unconscious Wu Dashuai out of the courtyard.

And the adjutant also ran to the front very familiarly, took out two gold bars from his arms, and handed them to Ye Tian:

"Dao Chief, Wu Dashuai didn't give money in the morning for fortune telling, please smile at this little heart!"

"You're pretty good at doing things!"

Ye Tian nodded approvingly, and when the adjutant saw this, he nodded again, and the beautiful and moving aunts and wives in his heart ran out quickly.

"Take it, Brother Dao, this is my sister-in-law's reward!"

"How does this work!"

Seeing that Ye Tian actually threw the two gold bars to himself, Zhuge Kongping was very surprised, and wanted to stuff the gold bars back into Ye Tian's hand, but was directly stopped by Ye Tian.

"It's not for you, let Ling Lang and Ling Qianjin go and get some wine and food and come back, it's been a day's trip, no matter what the food is!"

"Oh, look at my brain!"

Seeing Ye Tian looking at him with a funny face, Zhuge Kongping couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

Ye Tian was a distinguished guest invited by himself, but after he came back, because of this matter of Wu Dashuai, he has been delayed until now.

Without saying a word, he rushed into the hall and said loudly to Zhuge Hua and Zhuge Ming:

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua, hurry up and go to the Drunken Immortal Building to book a good banquet on the table and send it, I want to get drunk with Ye Daoyou today!"


Ye Tian's arrival easily resolved the crisis of the Zhuge family, which made the Zhuge Kongping family feel extremely happy and respectful.

The banquet of the Drunken Immortal Building was quickly delivered to the Zhuge family's house, and Wang Hui's body also recovered under the good effect of Ye Tian's elixir.

For a while, the whole banquet pushed the glass and changed the lamp, so unhappy.

If it weren't for the inheritance of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Ming would have wanted to kneel on the ground on the spot and worship the Maoshan faction and recognize Ye Tian as a teacher.

And Zhuge Hua is full of admiration for a large number of Ye Tian, and in his mind, some sweet fantasy pictures always appear, sweet and moist, welling up in his heart.

At this time, in a dilapidated house fifty miles outside Baili Town, a young man in a yellow robe walked up to a coffin trapped by a rope and smiled smugly.

"Hey, hey, Xishuangbanna bronze armor corpse, this time I have to rely on you to help!"

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