"Dashuai, calm down!"

"Dashuai, don't be impulsive, you're still injured!"

"Dashuai, lie down, don't hurt your vitality!"

The three ladies all stopped Xu Dashuai on the bed, for fear that if he was impulsive again, he would lose his life at that time.

You must know that the three of you can enjoy such a luxurious life now, completely because of the identity and status of Xu Dashuai.

If he dies, there will be nothing left!

"Ahem... Ahem... "

Maybe it was because Edward's punch was really good, Xu Dashuai only felt extremely stuffy in his chest, and with a little force, he immediately felt like he was overwhelmed in his abdomen.

I want to vomit, but I can't.

"Dashuai, that Ye Tian is very capable, so many soldiers in the courtyard didn't stop him tonight, Adjutant Li even broke his limbs, and now he is still crying out for pain, if you want to deal with him, you better think about it in the long run!"

"! Bastard! Bastard! When Lao Tzu recovers, he must destroy Ye Tian and Mao Mountain! "

At this time, the eldest lady told the original story just now and told Xu Dashuai.

The other party was extremely shocked in his heart, but he couldn't swallow this evil breath.

It can be said that he has lost face in front of the squires of the province tonight, if this face is not recovered, I am afraid that I will not be able to gain a foothold in the provincial capital in the future!

couldn't help but think about it in Xu Dashuai's heart, waiting for the opportunity to find Ye Tian for revenge!

"Ouch, it hurts... It hurts... "

At this time, in the room of Adjutant Li of the Great Marshal's Mansion, Adjutant Li, who was covered in gauze, was crying out in mourning, and the resentment against Ye Tian in his heart had reached the extreme.


At this moment, a figure slowly pushed open the door of the room, and then carefully closed it again.

"Scream, look at your voice, it's like killing a pig! Annoying! "

At this time, the figure of the third aunt came to Adjutant Li, looked at Adjutant Li who was full of wailing, and couldn't help but reprimand.

"You stinky, you're only here now, are you going to watch me die in front of you?"

"You won't be quiet! If outsiders hear it, we'll both die!" "

The third aunt frowned when she heard this, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the door, and saw that there was no movement, so she was relieved.

Casually hit Adjutant Li's injured body, and said angrily:

"I didn't come here with my two sisters to appease the handsome first, if I don't care about you, who wants to come!"

As she spoke, the third aunt was too distressed to caress Adjutant Li's gauze-covered limbs, and couldn't help but scold in a low voice:

"That Edward, he was so ruthless that he broke your hands and feet, it's just too unusual!"

"Damn, it's not because of that Ye Tian, if it weren't for him, Edward would have made such a heavy hand!"

Adjutant Li shouted angrily, then looked at the third aunt and said anxiously:

"Don't talk about these useless things, have you done what I asked you to do!"

"That's it! That's it! You want me to die! Dare to shout so loudly, if you let the big man know that I exchanged the fake Golden Buddha for his real Golden Buddha, he would have to kill me! "

The third aunt and Adjutant Li had already had an adulterous affair in private, and Adjutant Li was also worried about the golden Buddha enshrined in Xu Dashuai's study.

This golden Buddha was dug up by Xu Dashuai and himself and others, and it was extremely precious.

Adjutant Li had a plan, so he proposed that the third aunt exchange the fake golden Buddha for the real golden Buddha.

When the time is ripe, he will take the third aunt and the real golden Buddha out of the handsome mansion and live his life happily!

"Just him? How many more days will you live? "

Although he hated Ye Tian in his heart, Adjutant Li was very jealous of his terrifying spells.

Especially when he heard that Ye Tian said that Xu Dashuai was haunted by ghosts and that there would be a bloody disaster in the short future, he was already convinced.

I don't know that he Adjutant Li, even those soldiers under him began to waver, thinking to each other about leaving this marshal's mansion as soon as possible, so as not to set themselves on fire!

"You say, what Ye Tian said is true?"

"It's better to believe what you have than what you don't have!"

Adjutant Li endured the severe pain, and immediately looked at the third aunt beside him, and said in a deep voice:

"You hurry back to your room and pack your things and bring all the valuables! In two days, let's get out of here together! "

"Can you go?"

"Whatever nonsense, do whatever you want! When Lao Tzu recovers, he will still play to death, believe it or not! "

"You're a thousand cuts, okay!"

The third aunt scolded too impatiently, then glared at Adjutant Li fiercely, turned around and left the room.

"Third lady, you're back, hurry up and freshen up, the lanterns are hanging in the yard tonight!"

The area of the Marshal's Mansion is huge, and as the wife of the marshal, the third aunt also has her own small courtyard.

At this time, the third aunt had just come to the front of the courtyard, and saw the maid running to the front quickly, and hurriedly narrated:


Sure enough, as soon as the third aunt looked up, she saw a tall red lantern hanging on it in front of the courtyard gate, which was particularly eye-catching!

I had been looking down and thinking about Adjutant Li's words just now, but I didn't even notice this red lantern at all!

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