"Ye... Mr. Ye, why didn't you two stop him!"

At this time, Miao Wei staggered to the front, where was there a little figure of Eddie in front of him, and couldn't help but ask Ye Tian and Ah Zi loudly.

"What's the hurry, you can only catch big fish if you put a long line!"

"Catch a big fish?"

Miao Wei was a little surprised, and said curiously:

"Mr. Ye, do you think there is a mastermind behind Eddie?"

"Nonsense, can't you see his panicked look just now? Can such a person be a person who does great things?"

"Uh... Mr. Ye, when you say that, I always feel as if you're talking about me!"

Miao Wei scratched his head a little embarrassed, and asked curiously:

"Then how are we going to chase Eddie back?

"Stupid, my master's tracking skills, can you understand it?"

Ah Zi glanced at Miao Wei angrily, and the other party instantly understood, remembering the situation when the two of them found their home earlier, and immediately understood.

"God, God, God!"

Miao Wei pulled Ye Tian's arm with some excitement and said happily:

"Mr. Ye, pass me a few spells that you know, so that I will be able to catch the thief twice the result with half the effort in the future!"

"You, your wisdom is too bad, it's better to be honest and be your catcher!"

Ye Tian smiled, then walked to the bed where Eddie was lying just now, and with a slight tug, a few small packets of drugs fell from the bed.

"Alright, you know what to do now, right?"

"Ha, understood, understood!"

When Miao Wei heard this, he immediately dialed the phone number of the yamen and asked for support to block the gym.

"Miao Wei, what's going on!"

At this time, Miao Wei's colleagues quickly dared to come after receiving the news, looked at the staggering men lying on the ground, and the packets of drugs in front of them, and asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I'm here to arrest Adi, these people are hiding drugs and attacking the police, and they have all been beaten!"

"You knocked it down?"

Colleagues looked at Miao Wei suspiciously, as if they couldn't believe what he said.

"Of course it's not me, it's Miss Ah Zi!"

As he spoke, Miao Wei flashed his figure, and what caught the eyes of several people was Ye Tian and Ah Zi who were sitting not far away.

"Shhhhh Aren't they the two from last night?"

After everyone saw Ye Tian and Ah Zi's familiar faces, they all gasped.

What happened last night in the restaurant will never be forgotten.

If it was Ah Zi who knocked these people to the ground, no one would not believe it!

"By the way, what about the boss, why didn't he come?"

"The leader brought the arrester from Dongpingzhou to identify the corpse, not in the yamen!"

"I see!"


Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Tian got up again, strolled to Miao Wei, and spoke.

"Alright, alright, let's go!"

"Miao Wei, why are you going!"

"Haha, arrest Eddie, catch the mastermind behind the scenes, you just wait to solve the case and invite me to dinner!

As he spoke, Miao Wei jumped three feet high and ran out of the gym excitedly following Ye Tian and Ah Zi.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I don't know who is behind the scenes!

But everyone has an idea in their hearts, that is, this case should be solved!


"Stop, this is it!"

Out of the gym, Miao Wei drove all the way, and under the guidance of Ye Tian, he quickly came to a manor in the suburbs.

The gates of the manor were closed, and before they could get closer, an eerie chill hit them.

Miao Wei couldn't help but shudder, looked at the gray sky, and asked cautiously:

"Mr. Ye, it's eerie here, will there be ghosts?"

"Well, almost!"

Ye Tian nodded, then looked at the other party jokingly, and said with a smile:

"If you're afraid, stay here, and there may be some terrifying images for you!"


When Miao Wei heard this, he swallowed hard and spat hard.

However, he still forced his composure, touched the pistol on his waist and said:

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid!"

"Okay, there's a kind!"

Ye Tian smiled, and then said:

"Ah Zi, open the door!"

"Yes, master!"

Hearing this, Ah Zi stepped forward and instantly smashed the huge iron door into slag on the spot!


With the scattering of the iron gates, a strong yin wind came from the manor, and it was extremely gloomy!

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