
For some reason, Wang Xiaoya couldn't feel a little breath belonging to the underworld and the heavenly realm on Ye Tian's body.

But he always gives himself a feeling that the person in front of him, Ye Tian, is by no means simple!


At this moment, Xia Dongqing, who was not far away, let out a miserable scream.

I saw that the bearded man pushed Xia Dongqing to the ground and was beating him frantically.

And Xia Dongqing was powerless to fight back, so she could only let the man beat her.


Wang Xiaoya had a mission, and when he saw Xia Dongqing being beaten, he hurriedly rushed over.

"You get out of here!"

As he spoke, Wang Xiaoya dragged the man up and pushed him aside.

The man looked at Xia Dongqing with anger on his face, and shouted loudly:

"You give me back the painting, give it back to me!"

"Nonsense, I lost this word, and I will definitely not give it to you!"

Xia Dongqing held the ancient scroll that had just been in the man's arms tightly in her arms and retorted loudly.

And the man, as if he was crazy, pulled out a dagger from his back waist and pounced on Xia Dongqing:

"You return my paintings, you return my paintings!"

"Holly dodge!"

Seeing that the man was menacing, Wang Xiaoya directly pushed Xia Dongqing away and blocked her in front of her.

Although she is one of the thousands of doppelgangers of the Nine Heavens Xuannu Ya, Wang Xiaoya has no magic power, but she only knows that her mission is to protect Xia Dongqing from harm!

Therefore, in the face of that man's attack, Wang Xiaoya chose to use his body as a shield and blocked Xia Dongqing's body.


Just as the man was about to stab Wang Xiaoya with a dagger, his figure was instantly thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

Wang Xiaoya and Xia Dongqing were shocked, and when they opened their eyes, a man dressed fashionably and with an angry face appeared in front of them.

This man is too familiar to them, it is the owner of this No. 444 convenience store, the soul ferryman of the underworld, and the ghost sends Zhao Yan!

"Asi, I'm not here for a while, look what you've done!"

Zhao Yan looked at Xia Dongqing and Wang Xiaoya on the ground with an angry face, and then his eyes swept over Ye Tian and Ah Zi's bodies, and then walked quickly to the man who was beaten by himself.

"Boy, the one who dares to touch me here, are you looking for death!"

"Give me back the painting, give it back to me!"

Although the man was injured, he still looked in the direction of Xia Dongqing with an angry face and roared loudly.


Zhao Yan was a little curious, but then he noticed that there was not much yang essence left in the man in front of him.

The whole person is like a shell, and it is estimated that such an existence will not live for a few years!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan directly threw the man out again, walked quickly to Xia Dongqing, and said in a cold voice:

"Give me the painting!"

"Don't give it, I lost this painting some time ago, I won't give it to you!"

To Zhao Yan's surprise, today's Xia Dongqing is extremely abnormal, and she will take the initiative to argue with herself!

And on his body, there is also a faint demonic aura, which is very weird

"Damn, dare to talk to me, give me the painting!"

It's a pity that Xia Dongqing's skills can be Zhao Yan's opponent, I saw that the other party pulled the ancient scroll out of Xia Dongqing's arms, and then opened it!


Looking at this fixed word, Zhao Yan frowned.

The man, on the other hand, seemed to have found something wonderful, rolled his eyes, and instantly fainted to the ground.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, took a step forward lightly, shook his head and said:

"I can't imagine that this painting has appeared in this world again, it seems that I have to do it again!"

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