"Xiao Ya, Xiao Ya is gone!"

It can be said that all the things that happened tonight are absolutely immediate!

In the past, you could see ghosts, but tonight, it's definitely a small thing!

Xia Dongqing's whole body fell to the ground, looking at everything in front of her in a panic, trembling all over.

"Xiaoya, are you a human or a ghost!"

"I am God!"

Ya glared at Xia Dongqing, then looked at Ye Tian, and a gleam burst out of her eyes.

"I saw everything just now, you said that you are a person from Taishan Mansion, do you have any evidence?"


Ye Tian smiled, spread his hands, and had an indifferent expression.

"In that case, then please leave here! Taking care of Chiyou is the joint responsibility of Kunlun and the underworld, and it is not your turn to interfere with this imposter!"

As she spoke, Ya flicked her arm, and an invisible wave of qi surged out, heading straight for Ye Tian's front door!


However, just when that wave of qi was about to hit Ye Tian's body, a purple light instantly appeared, blocking Ye Tian's face!

A loud bang came, and Ya was instantly knocked away by this purple light, and she flew straight out and fell to the ground!

"Dare to do something to my master, look for death!"

This purple light is nothing else, it is the corpse qi of Ah Zi!

Seeing that Ya was knocked away, Ah Zi was going to do it again and kill her completely!

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Ye Tian called out to Ah Zi, and then walked to Ya's approach, and said with a smile:

"Why? Didn't you say you were a god, and where did that majesty go?"

"No way... No way... "

Ya only felt a sharp pain in her chest, resisted the urge to vomit blood, and said in surprise:

"I am God, you can't defeat me, impossible!"

"God, it's just a big bird covered in five-colored feathers!

"You... What are you talking about!"

Hearing Ye Tian tell his biggest secret, Ya looked at each other in surprise, her eyes were full of horror!

Zhao Yan didn't speak on the side, but his brows were furrowed, as if he already knew this secret.

Only Xia Dongqing was stunned, especially when she saw Ah Zi and Ya doing it, she shook her head in shock:

"Xiaoya, are you a monster?"

"Fart, how can I be a monster! I am a god, the Nine Heavens Xuannu, the god of war from Kunlun!"

Ya looked indignant, and then gritted her teeth and stood up, roaring angrily.

"I didn't expect that the gods of your world turned out to be a group of big demons, it really surprised me! The realm of the blue pupil big demon is indeed extraordinary!"

Ye Tian smiled, tilted his head to look at Ya, and said in a low voice.

There are seven levels of demons!

Distinguish your own strength, cultivation and level by the color of your eyes and pupils!

It is seven levels of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple!

The red pupil is the lowest, and the purple pupil is the highest!

A blue-eyed demon like Ya is indeed very strong, but in front of Ah Zi, a purple zombie, it is still not enough for her to see.

After all, one is a demon and the other is a zombie!

Ontically, there is this world-wide difference!

What's more, the strength cultivation level is not equal at all!

How could such an existence be Ah Zi's opponent!

"Nine Heavens Xuannu, why, why is it a monster?"

It seemed that Xia Dongqing didn't believe what Ya said at this time, but threw the question to Ye Tian.

"I don't know about this, maybe these big demons have walked some rumors and elevated their status to the status of gods in order to deceive people!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said, then walked towards Ya and continued:

"And that Kunlun of yours, I'm afraid it's also a special space opened up by a group of big demons that is independent of this world, right?"

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