Judy's accident was soon forgotten in the laughter and laughter of everyone, and everyone seemed to stop talking about it.

Towards the end of the night, the celebration finally ended, and the guests began to gradually leave the hotel.

And Ye Tian and the others aimed their eyes at the gate of the women's toilet not far away.

"Mr. Ye, it's really fun to drink tonight, we have a chance to continue!"

With Judy's support, Boss Huo came to Ye Tian with a drunken face, and said happily with a snort of wine.

It seems that Ye Tian has long forgotten about the feng shui thing that Ye Tian said earlier.

"Of course, if you have the opportunity, you will definitely accompany you!"

Ye Tian smiled, his eyes couldn't help flashing on Judy's body, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That's good, that's good!"

Saying that, Boss Huo looked at Judy and said with a smile:

"Judy, arrange for someone to drive Mr. Ye back, do you hear?"

"No need, let's just walk back by ourselves!"

Saying that, Ye Tian no longer stayed, but took Lin Feng with him, and Ah Zi walked out of the hotel quickly.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye!"

At this time, Miao Wei ran out of the hotel quickly and chased in front of Ye Tian and the others.

He clearly remembered what Ye Tian said about ghosts in this hotel just now, and when he saw that several people had left the hotel, he asked with some confusion:

"Mr. Ye, what now? What to do with the ghosts here? "

"There's no hurry!"

Ye Tian saw that many people were walking out of the hotel one after another, shook his head and said:

"Wait for everyone to leave, and then go back!"

After speaking, Ye Tian turned his head to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile:

"Lin Daoyou, you better go back first, after all, you are in public office, and it is most appropriate for me and Ah Zi to handle the affairs here!"

"How's that going to work?"

When Lin Feng heard this, he instantly refused:

"Since I have encountered this incident, I will not stand idly by, besides, I have already told Zhang Biao about this matter just now, and he has no opinion on what you want to do!"

"Zhang Biao?"

Ye Tian was puzzled and a little puzzled.

And Miao Wei covered his mouth in shock, and said in disbelief:

"Uncle Feng, did you tell our supervisor about this?"

"What? Can't I know? "

At this time, the figure of the supervisor Zhang Biao came from another direction with a smile, looked at Lin Feng in front of him, pouted and said:

"Lin Laosi, I thought you would never talk to me, but I didn't expect to take the initiative to find me, it's really strange!"


When Lin Feng saw Zhang Biao approaching, he said with some disgust:

"Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that things are so important here, do you think I'd be willing to deal with you?"

"Lin Laosi, you can't change your stinky temper!"

"Can't change it!"


Zhang Biao was trembling with anger, but after all, he was the leader of the yamen, and he quickly suppressed the anger in his heart.

With a smile on his face, he walked up to Ye Tian and said:

"Mr. Ye, I have heard Lin Laosi say your ability, you can let go of the things here, I will handle what happens!"

"Okay, then thank you Director Zhang!"

Since the high-ranking officials of the yamen intervened, Ye Tian had no worries.

Then he looked at Miao Wei beside him and ordered:

"You take Director Sun back first, just leave the matter here to the three of us to deal with, and ensure that nothing goes wrong!"

"That's good! Thank you very much! "

Miao Wei knew that staying here would not be of any use, on the contrary, it would add trouble to the other party.

hurriedly said yes, and accompanied Director Sun Biao to leave the hotel lobby quickly.

"Lin Daoyou, that Judy has been taken away by a powerful ghost, and Boss Huo is following her, I'm afraid there will be danger!"

"Don't worry, Ye Daoyou, I know how to do it!"

Before Ye Tian finished speaking, Lin Feng opened his mouth and said with a smile:

"The matter of the women's toilet is entrusted to you and Miss Ah Zi, you must be careful!"

"Well, you too!"

Ye Tian smiled, and the three of them instantly divided into two groups and quickly went in different directions.



Ye Tian really resisted the wind, and came to the top floor of the hotel in an instant.

And Ah Zi also flew up and returned to the hotel with the other party.

At this time, the top floor of the hotel was dim, and there was still the lively scene just now.

A stream of yin qi shrouded the corners of the surroundings, and slowly, the two of them took steps and came to the door of the women's toilet where the yin qi was the most vigorous, and stopped.

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