"When was the Ten Spirit Hour born?" Miao Wei was also curious about this and asked.

Miao Wei is now also the leader of the head hunt in the yamen, so he must also have an understanding of all aspects, so that he can carry out his work in the future.

"I don't understand this, it's terrible to be uneducated, how did you become the captain. Ah Zi said with a look of disdain. "In fact, the birth of the ten spirits is the moment when yin and yang meet. "

Miao Wei's face was full of question marks: Does being the captain have anything to do with whether he has culture?

"Ten Spirits: Yihai, Guiwei, Ding Yougengxu, Jiachen, Bingchen, Wuwu, Renyin, Gengyin, Xinhai. You see if these people were born during this time period. Ye Tian handed the file to Miao Wei.

Miao Wei looked at the year on the information that was completely consistent with what Ye Tian said, and couldn't help asking: "Is there anything special about being born at this time?"

Ye Tian explained: "People born at this time are smarter than ordinary people. The essence blood of this kind of person can improve the cultivation of monsters more perfectly. "

"These sucked people have also become a tonic for some monsters. "

Ye Tian thought for a while, and said to Miao Wei:

"You go and find out if anyone has lost some pets lately, cats, dogs, or whatever. "

"Those two, please take care of yourself, I'll send someone to check it out. "

Miao Wei sighed again and slapped his thigh with his hand, somewhat helpless in his voice, still a little uneasy about his subordinates.

Without taking a few steps, Ye Tian stopped Miao Wei and said:

"Miao Wei, find out the addresses of the people born on the tenth spirit day in this town, and send them to your office. "

"I'll tell them to do it. "Miao Wei does not delay, time is life now. There's no guarantee of when the next murder will happen.

Ye Tian said to Ah Zi beside him: "Let's go to Miao Wei's office and wait for news." "

Ah Zi analyzed as he walked: "It doesn't seem to be a big demon or a powerful ghost or something." "

Ye Tian nodded: "There should be some monster that has reached the critical moment of cultivation." "


Bang dang!

Bang dang!

The door of the office was kicked open directly by Miao Wei, and he said with a snort: "Mr. Ye, something is wrong." "

Ye Tian said to Ah Zi: "Quickly give Captain Miao and pour a glass of water." "

Ah Zi poured a cup full of water and handed it to Miao Wei.

Miao Wei drank all the water in the cup and coughed twice.

Miao Wei walked to Ye Tian's side and wanted to grab Ye Tian's hand, but Ah Zi was between the two of them, with a cold face.

"There are several missing children in the neighborhood, and the children were all born on the tenth spirit day, and the parents of the children are looking for the missing children. "

Ye Tian slapped the table and stood up, "Let's go, Ah Zi, let's go meet this evil animal." "

Ye Tian told Tian Wei: "Tell the parents of the missing child, go home first and wait for news." "

When Ah Zi heard this, he knew that his master was already angry.

The three of them walked out of the courtyard of the yamen and got into the car.

Ye Tian said to Miao Wei, who was sitting in the front row, "Tell me about the situation." "

Miao Wei said: "I followed your instructions to check if the nearby people had lost their cats and dogs, and then inquired about the fact that some cats were indeed lost." "

Ye Tiandao: "The case should be done by these lost cats, and these cats should be born with tails." "

There is a folk legend: cats have nine lives, which is just a symbol of the cat demon's cultivation, the more life of the cat, the higher its cultivation, and the life represents the number of cat tails.

This is just like the nine-tailed demon fox, which means that it is a symbol of cultivation to the extreme, and the same is true of the cat demon.

Ah Zi asked, "Master, how do we look for the traces of the cat demon?" "

Miao Wei asked casually, "Those children are only about three or four years old. "

Ye Tiandao: "Don't be too anxious, it's about to be the night of the full moon." The cat demon will definitely perform the tail transformation on the night of the full moon. "

"Are there any open places nearby, such as parks, woods, but there are fewer people at night. "

Miao Wei scratched his hair and said, "There is really a forest next to this city, and there is an unfinished building there. "

Ah Zi whispered to Ye Tian, "It should be that forest." "

Ye Tian patted the driver's shoulder and said, "According to what your captain said, hurry up to that forest." "

"Master, look at the moon in the sky. "

Ah Zi looked at the moon in the sky boredly and exclaimed, it had been a long time since he had seen such a strange moon.

Ye Tian said to everyone: "You guys fasten your seat belts. "

"Heaven and earth are yellow, shrinking the ground into inches. "

The car driving on the road disappeared in place.


In the forest on the outskirts of the city, on the abandoned and unfinished building, there is a blood-colored talisman drawn, and in the middle of the talisman is a cat's head, and in the middle of the talisman lie two children about three years old.

The child's eyes were scarlet, and his eyes looked at the moon that had just appeared.

Next to the rune array, crouched two two black cats half a meter high.

A large cat licking its paws and making a human voice:

"Meow, big brother, this time, can we succeed in turning tails?"

The other large cat raised its paw and stroked the black cat's head and said:

"Don't worry! "

The two black cats looked at the moon in the sky, and the moon slowly rose towards the center of the sky, becoming more and more red.

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