I thought that I would become a green-eyed demon and easily kill the human in front of me, but...

But things are not as simple as you think.

This human actually burst out with a speed that he couldn't even see with the naked eye, and he came behind him in an instant.

"What do you want to do?!"

Seeing that his neck was being hugged by this human, the big black cat looked panicked.

It was shocked to find that no matter how strong the demonic aura it exuded, even causing the surrounding trees to die, the human was still able to hold his neck tightly and immobilize.

The big black cat's heart is turbulent!

Ye Tian laughed at it, without explaining too much to it, with a little force, countless golden rays of light bloomed from him.

One by one, the golden needles stabbed towards the fatal acupuncture points of the big black cat!

"Keep your men!"

An angry roar suddenly rang out.

Where would Ye Tian leave this monster to continue to plague the world, and kill the big black cat in the next second.

"Ding, destroy a four-tailed cat demon, get 600 merit points, 200 catties of gold!"

Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation for: Seven real people.

Merit: 1330/2000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

The big black cat's neck was crooked, and he died on the spot, and the demonic energy in his body slowly leaked out.

Ye Tian directly ignored the man in white who came here, and took out a demon pill from the belly of the big black cat.

He threw it to Ah Zi and said with a smile:

"Ah Zi, this is not a demon pill that doesn't look bad, try it. "

Ah Zi didn't doubt him, of course he didn't think that his master Ye Tian would harm him, so he put the demon pill in his mouth.

She immediately smiled happily: "It's delicious!"

Although it doesn't help the advancement of cultivation in the slightest, after all, it's just a small four-tailed cat demon, but the taste is really good.

"This demon pill was originally not delicious, but it was fused with the yin energy of the full moon tonight, so it was a delicacy for you. "

After Ye Tian finished speaking with a smile, he turned his attention to the man in white who came here.

"This, this is dead?"

Miao Wei looked at the big black cat excitedly, didn't take the man in white who came here seriously, and said excitedly:

"Mr. Ye, we can go back now, right? This strange place, just staying here is weird!"

"Don't worry, there's a new guest. "

Ye Tian stared at the man in white with a smile on his face.

The face of the man in white was completely different from Ye Tian's, he showed a look of rage, and he wanted to tear Ye Tian apart on the spot.

His pupils are blue!

How could Ye Tian miss it?

Killing a blue-eyed demon can get 1,500 merit points!

"You actually killed my child!" said the man in white with an angry face, "You guy who can't die well!"

"Oh, is it your child?" Ye Tian said with a smile: "Then you really have enough to teach your son, there are thousands of cultivation methods in this world, and you let your child choose the most embarrassing path." "

The man in white said angrily: "You want to take care of it, you little human being, do you know who I am? You dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

"Listen up. "

Ye Tian faced the angry look on the man in white, but he still didn't take his anger seriously.

He stood indifferently in his place, calmly looking at the man in white, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The man in white said angrily: "I am the gods on Kunlun Mountain, haven't you heard of the name of Kunlun?"

"Why don't you quickly kneel down and beg for mercy?" The man in white stared at Ye Tian contemptuously and said indifferently:

"If you kill my heir, I will make you pay a very heavy price!"

"Then you hurry up, why do you want to stand there chattering?"

Ye Tian faced this self-proclaimed immortal cat demon, but his eyes were not wavering.

Even if the other party exuded the terrifying aura of the blue-eyed demon, in Ye Tian's eyes, it was just a child's play.



The man in white didn't expect Ye Tian's posture to be so high, and he was about to make a move on Ye Tian immediately.

Next second!

The Nine Heavens Xuannu Ya appeared here, glared angrily at the man in white and said:

"Bai Ling! You are simply ridiculous! Do you know who this noble gentleman is? He is a messenger from the Taishan Mansion Junjun Mansion!"

Bai Ling's heart was shocked, but he still stared at Ye Tian with an angry face:

"Who do I care who he is? He killed my heir, and I will make him pay! Ya, don't stop in front of me, or I will beat you together!"

"You don't know what to do!" Ya looked at Ye Tian with a begging face for mercy, and said, "Venerable Ye Envoy, my subordinates are really too reckless and ignorant, and they should be damned to face you with such a lofty attitude!"

"Please spare his life. Ya looked pleading.

Ye Tian did not relent, and said lightly:

"I said, if you people from Kunlun Mountain don't come to me for trouble, I naturally won't do anything to you again, but he took the initiative to send it to the door..."

He sneered, and suddenly burst out of the terrifying realm of the seventh-grade real person, and rushed towards the blue-eyed demon!

Like a storm!

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