"Where did you come from, a thing that doesn't have long eyes, and how dare you stop in front of my master?"

Ah Zi immediately scolded, stared at the other party directly, and said disdainfully:

"Get out of here!"

The corners of the young man's mouth twitched, his eyes looked at Ye Tian coldly, and said:

"You're the one who killed six of my family members?"

Ye Tian said calmly: "Western Blood Clan vampire, I have no interest in you. "

"No, to be precise, I don't have any interest in all of you so-called vampires. "

"Hurry up and stay where it's cool!"

The young man stared straight at Ye Tian, and suddenly laughed and said, "Arrogance, it's really arrogant, do you know..."

"I have the strength of a duke!"

"Do you think I'm one of those six useless pieces of shit? You're so underestimating! Remember, your father's name is Jerry. "

As Jerry spoke, he suddenly burst out with the strength of the Duke Vampire, revealing two vampire teeth, and rushed towards Ye Tian with a cruel smile.

Ye Tian looked at each other speechlessly and said:

"A waste who only dares to travel under the dark of night dares to be so arrogant in front of me. "

"I really don't know who gave you the confidence?" Ye Tian sneered and immediately slapped his palm.

The palms of the two collided instantly.


Jerry screamed and flew upside down for dozens of meters, rolling to the ground in extreme pain, looking pained.

In this regard, Ye Tian just pulled the corners of his mouth and turned around to leave.

"Don't run!"

Jerry was not reconciled, and turned into the ugly appearance of the vampire itself, turning into a huge bat!

As he spread his wings, countless small bats came out of his wings and rushed towards Ye Tian and Ah Zi like a storm.

"It's disgusting. "

Ye Tian was too lazy to hurt the life of this vampire, but seeing that the other party was so entangled, he didn't bother to ink with the other party again.

"Less nonsense!"

Jerry laughed and said, "These children and grandchildren of mine have not drunk the blood of the Chinese people for a long time, let them have a good drink today!

As his voice sounded, those little bats excitedly began to shake their wings and rushed towards Ye Tian.

One by one, the scarlet eyes stared straight at Ye Tian and Ah Zi.

Ye Tian sneered: "The grasshopper shakes the tree, it's ridiculous. "

Listening to Ye Tian's incomprehensible Chinese language, Jerry angrily reprimanded:

"Hurry up and drain me of his blood!"

"Three flavors are really hot!"

Ye Tian's palm suddenly lit up, and he shouted: "Divine powers can't be powered, left and right blessings, the fire burns the sky, and it is as urgent as a law!"

The three-flavored true fire suddenly turned into a large net, like a life harvester, and there was not even ashes in its passing.

The swarms of bats, before they even had time to scream, drowned in the flames and disappeared.

Ye Tian saw Jerry stunned and motionless, and said with a playful smile:

"Your children and grandchildren have been reduced to atoms and dissipated between heaven and earth. "

Jerry was furious: "You, you hateful Huaxia, you killed more than 3,000 of my heirs, you bastard!"

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows, and said with a strange face: "You are so capable of giving birth, you are also awesome enough." "

Hearing Ye Tian laughing at himself, Jerry couldn't laugh, and roared towards Ye Tian to kill.


Seeing that Ye Tian was too lazy to make another move, Ah Zi disappeared in a flash, and hit Jerry's chest with a punch, smashing it upside down and flying out, smashing out of the big hole.

Dust was everywhere.

Jerry let out a terrible scream, retreated in defeat, and fled in a hurry, and disappeared in a flash.

Ah Zi asked, "Master, do you want to chase it?"

"It's just a little vampire, it doesn't matter if you chase it or not. "

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "Go home and rest." "

I looked for Taishan Mansion Jun for a day today, but I didn't find it, which made Ye Tian very depressed and didn't want to stay outside any longer.


In a cave with a dark night and high wind, Jerry bandaged his last wound and roared angrily.

"Huaxia people, I want to make you and your compatriots pay an unimaginably heavy price!"

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