Ye Tian smiled, looked at Zhao Yan, and said, "It's only been a few days, and your master's temper is really big enough." "

Zhao Yan was embarrassed.

Hades Cha Cha said angrily: "Ye Tian, you killed my brother, this revenge is not shared!"

"Now, you are running in front of me and shouting, what qualifications do you have?"


Ye Tian stepped out in one step and stepped on the ground, and the entire Hades Temple trembled violently.

A lot of rubble fell from the top of the head to the ground.

And the yang energy on Ye Tian's body was so strong that it even suppressed the yin energy of the entire underworld, just standing in front of him made Hades Chacha and Zhao Yan frightened. And those who were squatting on the ground screamed one after another.

In an instant, the seven yin chases present were all gone.

"Ding! Destroy a Yin Soul and gain 10 merit points and 1 jade wrench. "

"Ding! Destroy a Yin Soul and gain 10 merit points and 1 catty of gold. "


Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation: a product of God.

Merit: 900/10000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

Ye Tian said calmly: "I don't have time to play with you, try talking nonsense with me again?"

He stared at Hades Chacha and raised his eyebrows very defiantly.

Hades Chacha's eyes were angry, and he couldn't wait to rush in front of Ye Tian and tear Ye Tian apart.

However, this kind of idea can only be thought about, and it is impossible for her to make it.

She said weakly to Zhao Yan: "Do what he says." "

"Yes. Zhao Yan said respectfully to Ye Tian: "Mr. Ye Tian, please come with me." "

Hades Chacha gritted his teeth, and after Zhao Yan left with Ye Tian, he disappeared on the spot in an instant.

The top of Kunlun Mountain.

Hades Chacha wandered in the clouds and mist on the top of Kunlun Mountain, not daring to get too close, but even so, he couldn't feel the slightest breath of the gods.

This made Hades Chacha very shocked, where did all the gods go?

Just when she was puzzled, a figure suddenly bumped into her!

Look closely, isn't it the boss of the gods of Kunlun Mountain-who is Emperor Yan?

"Hades Chacha, you don't take good care of the affairs of the underworld in the underworld, what are you doing here?"

Emperor Yan stared coldly at Hades Chacha, in his eyes, Hades Chacha was just a junior who was not worth mentioning.

Hades Chacha snorted coldly and said, "I'm here to ask you to kill Ye Tian!"

"I'm willing to pay any price for this!"

Saying that, a glimmer of hope flashed in Hades' eyes, he was not Ye Tian's opponent at all, but the combined power of these gods might be able to kill Ye Tian.

However, Emperor Yan's eyes changed, and he said in a deep voice: "We, the gods of Kunlun Mountain, were also slaughtered by that Ye Tian, nearly half!"

"Not only that, but even an old ancestor who came to the world of Taishan Mansion Jun was beheaded by Ye Tian. "


Hades Chacha was originally full of hope, but after hearing this, he showed a look of horror, and shook his head in disbelief:

"He, he killed the ancestor of Taishan Mansion Monarch? No, this is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Those ancestors of Taishan Mansion are a true god who is more powerful than one, how is this possible..."

Emperor Yan said indifferently: "No matter how shocked you are, this is a fact that has already happened. "


Hades Cha Cha said angrily: "Don't you have any other way to deal with this person?"

"Absolutely. Emperor Yan sneered: "Today is the death period of that kid. "

"That kid actually killed a true god, the true gods of Taishan Mansion Jun are all angry, he is sure to die!"

"You can go to the human world now to inform that kid that Taishan Mansion Jun is about to descend on the ten true gods and attack him together!"

Between heaven and earth, Hades Chacha's wild laughter suddenly sounded, "That kid is dead!"

Ten true gods, that's ten true gods! Each one of them is a terrifying existence that can change the color of heaven and earth by stomping on his feet.

How could that kid survive!

Ask for a wave of flowers and monthly passes, thank you, thank you very much!!

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