: Captain, the nun is not enough
! (3/5)
However, Mo Bai was speechless when he saw what the two were carrying.
Ninth Uncle also looked a little unsightly.
“Wen Cai Qiusheng, why are you running so fast? It’s not escaping!”
However, at this moment, a panting voice came.
I saw a fat little man wearing glasses and a militia captain’s clothes walking up with a parasol.
After complaining to Wencai Qiusheng, the little fat man ran directly to the side of a fashionably dressed girl in a foreign dress behind him to show his hospitality.
“He asked you to carry these things!”
Ninth Uncle looked directly at the little fat man with glasses and opened his mouth.
“That’s not right, things are for everyone and the village chief, so they carry it for everyone, not me!!”
Hearing Ninth Uncle’s words, the captain walked over directly and spoke uprightly.
“Wow, cousin is such a cute little bear! I want to hug!!”
However, at this moment, an excited scream suddenly reached the ears of Jiu Shu and others.
I saw that the captain’s cousin rushed over excitedly and wanted to snatch Mo Bai away.
“Give it back to him!!!” Unfortunately, Ninth Uncle glanced at each other coldly, then turned around and left.
Wen Cai Qiusheng also directly stuffed the bicycle and large bags into the captain’s hands.
“Come on, Captain, you are serving the village!”
“come on!!”
Wen Cai Qiusheng smiled hehe and immediately chased in the direction of Uncle Jiu.
And the captain was completely stunned.
“Cousin, I want that little bear, hurry up and buy it for me!!” On the other side, the flamboyant girl also hurriedly hugged the captain’s hand and acted like a spoiled child.
“If it’s not my cousin, I’ll go to the provincial capital to buy you a cuter puppy, and that’s Uncle Ninth’s disciple!!”
: The captain is also a little cowardly to the village chief, but he said before that Uncle Ninth and the others are honorable guests and cannot be offended.
“Hmph, I don’t care, I want it! If you don’t buy it for me, I’ll go by myself!”
However, the girl snorted coldly, pushed the captain away, and then chased after Ninth Uncle and the others.
“Cousin don’t go, cousin, wait for me!!”
When the captain saw his cousin leave, he hurriedly chased after him.
On this side, the four masters and apprentices of the nine uncles, under the leadership of the village chief, have come to a position close to the top of the mountain.
And here is the location of the water source, here is a cliff edge.
When he came to the edge of the cliff and saw how fast the water was here, Uncle Jiu also frowned.
“Ninth Uncle, do you see anything!”
The village chief said hurriedly.
And Ninth Uncle took a look at the cliff and walked towards the edge of the cliff.
“The village chief, as the saying goes, the wind manages the people, the water manages the wealth, if the wind does not enter the house, the family will not prosper, and if the water does not go to the hall, the wealth will not prosper. The water level pattern of this village can be said to be first-class. This water level is called the Dragon Ball Spitting Point. After the impact of the mountain stream, the erosion became a water ring! After the water flow was trapped, it formed the golden dragon chasing the pearl! As the saying goes, the pearl is round and jade is good, and the family is rich and the house is good, if you just look at the appearance of the dragon ball, you will know.”
As Ninth Uncle spoke, he came to the edge of the creek beside the cliff.
“Master, where is the location of the Dragon Ball!”
Qiu Sheng asked curiously.
“If I’m not mistaken, it’s under this rock.”
Ninth Uncle took a look at the water potential and went directly to a stone in the stream to slowly open it, but a round stone appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.
However, what surprised them was that the stone had cracked.
“The dragon ball is broken, the water level is not good, master, there is something wrong with the water!!”
Mo Bai on Uncle Ninth’s shoulder immediately spoke up.
When Uncle Ninth heard this, his brows were furrowed, and he immediately pulled out the water plants on the side.
However, the roots of the aquatic plants have turned black.
This scene suddenly changed the expressions of the surrounding village chiefs and the others, and the roots of the plants turned black.Poisonous! “The village chief, the water here is poisonous, please inform the villagers not to drink it for the time being!!”
Uncle Ninth spoke seriously.
“Okay, okay, I’ll inform you right away, but Ninth Uncle, why is a good water source poisonous? Did someone poison us!”
The village chief nodded again and again, but also spoke with some fear.
“It shouldn’t be. If it was poisoned, all the people in your village would have died long ago. The toxicity should not be very strong. It may just be that the water source is polluted. Please inform us to follow the source of the water and find out why the water source is. The cause of the contamination was found.”
Uncle Jiu shook his head slightly, and then said solemnly to the village chief.
“Good good.
We’ll do it right away!!”
The village chief also nodded again and again, and then said a word directly to the surrounding villagers, and then they all ran directly towards the mountain.
“Master, what do you think of this matter!”
On the other hand, Mo Bai spoke on Ninth Uncle’s shoulder.
Mo Bai’s words made Ninth Uncle stunned. Could it be that there is something else going on here! Otherwise, Mo Bai probably wouldn’t have said that.
“Have you found anything!”
Ninth Uncle curiously opened his mouth to Mo Bai.
“I see a lot of Yin Qi left in this water, but I don’t know if there is any problem!!”
Mo Bai also didn’t mention it directly. If he said all of this directly, what’s the point of it! “Yin Qi? Could it be that there are corpses upstream!”
After hearing Mo Bai’s words, Uncle Ninth frowned.
“If there is a corpse, no one will kill and throw it away!”
After hearing Mo Bai’s words, the village chief on the side suddenly exclaimed, thinking that the water he drank might be corpse water, he almost spit it out.
“Ahem, we’re just guessing, we’ll find out when we look for it!”
When Uncle Ninth saw the village chief, his face turned pale.
“Ah! Help!”
However, at this moment, a scream suddenly came, and when they heard the scream, Jiu Shu and others rushed in that direction.
But when they came to the upstream one, they suddenly found that the captain was sitting on the ground with a frightened buttocks, but there was a cane above the river in front of him that was pulled into the air, and in the cane There are a lot of dead bats hanging on it.
“How come there are so many bats here!”
Ninth Uncle frowned, these bats looked like they were pulled out of the water.
“I don’t know. Bats have never appeared in our village, let alone so many. It’s really strange!”
The village chief also said with some doubts.
“It seems that those yin qi came from dead bats. There must be a bat nest nearby. Let’s look for it. As long as the bats are controlled, I think the water source problem can be solved!”
Ninth Uncle thought for a while, and then said seriously to the village chief beside him.
“Great, then I’ll tell the villagers!!”
The village chief nodded excitedly.
Then he came to the captain’s side.
“Captain, hurry up and take your subordinates and the villagers to find the bat nest, and burn me directly after finding it!”
The village chief said solemnly that this matter is related to the fortune and life safety of their village, and it must not be sloppy.
“Okay, I’ll go right now!!”
The captain nodded and then got up quickly, and then ran directly towards the not far away.
“Ninth Uncle, I also trouble you to help me find it!!”
When the village chief came back, he also said to the ninth uncle and the others.
“It’s okay, it should be!!”
Ninth Uncle nodded, and immediately walked towards the top of the mountain with the third brother Mo Bai.
They all started looking for the water source, but for some reason, they couldn’t find it. It was already noon, and they still had no clue.
Later, Uncle Jiu decided to look elsewhere.
After turning around for a while, he found that there was actually a flat ground on the mountainside, and then there was a church here.
“Master, how can there be a church in the wild mountains here!”
Wen Cai curiously opened his mouth to Ninth Uncle.
When Uncle Ninth heard this, he frowned.
Because of the church incident in Jiuquan Town, Uncle Jiu didn’t have any good feelings for the church, so when he saw that there was also a church here, he frowned.
“Let’s go and have a look first. There is only such a place in the Wild Country Ridge where there is a house, and the bats are probably here!”
After Ninth Uncle finished speaking, he walked directly towards the church.
“Fat lady, we are from Guan Yun Village here to investigate whether there are… bats, do you know where there are bats here!”
After Ninth Uncle and the others came down, they heard the captain’s voice, and they saw that he was here with five 55 younger brothers for questioning.
Opposite the captain and the others, there are four 44-year-old nuns and a fat nun who is pulling a huge cross into the air.
After hearing the captain’s arrogant words, the four 44-year-old nuns suddenly looked over.
“What did you hear!”
a nun asked curiously.
“I didn’t hear it, it seems like a dog barking!!”
Hearing that the captain called their yard fat woman, they were of course unhappy.
“Yo he is so arrogant! Give it to me!!”
The captain’s expression changed immediately upon hearing this, and then he waved his hand, carrying a live ammunition, and the younger brother walked over to a few people.
And the young nun who saw several people approaching suddenly backed away in fright.
However, the rope in their hands alsoIt just couldn’t hold it and let it go.
The huge cross fell directly from the sky.
“Run!” And the little brothers who saw the cross falling down were so frightened that they hurried away.
With a loud bang, the cross slammed into the captain’s back. If he took another step slower, he would be directly crushed to death.
“No one is a master at sound!”
The captain was also startled by the sound, but when he looked around, he couldn’t find anyone.
Suddenly, he sneered when he saw the shadow on the ground.
“Dare to sneak attack!”
The captain who grinned suddenly turned around, but the next moment, the huge cross that was unstable fell directly towards him.
“Ah! Ouch!!”
With a scream, the huge cross directly pressed him to the ground.
“Report to Captain!!”
However, at this moment, a subordinate rushed over excitedly.
“You didn’t see me being pinned down, help me up first!!”
Seeing that his little brother was so ignorant like the captain, he immediately scolded him.
, “Oh, Captain, I found it!”
The younger brother lifted up the huge cross and opened his mouth.
“I found out I found out and said a fart, give me this church is on fire!!”
However, when he heard the three characters, the captain immediately spoke without saying a word. He was about to be crushed into a patty, and he was talking nonsense! “Good captain!!!”
Unfortunately, when the younger brother heard his words, he immediately put down the cross in his hand and ran directly outside.
: The captain was almost crushed by the falling cross.
“Why did you burn my church!!”
However, at this moment, a fat nun walked over viciously.
“Hmph, my subordinates found out that your foreign temple is a bat nest. My mission is to burn bats. If I burn bats, I will definitely burn your foreign temple. I understand you!”
The captain said proudly as he was pinned to the ground.
However, his words caused the fat nun to be so excited that she pushed her whole body up.
“Why do you say that there are bats in my church, why do you burn bats and burn my church, you say, why!”
The fat nun was so excited that she directly pressed on the cross, and the captain was so pressed that her eyes turned white and she almost passed.
Fortunately, he raised the gun in his hand tremblingly.
With the sound of a gunshot, the fat nun was so frightened that she bounced off the ground, and the captain escaped.
“Damn fat man, you almost crushed me to death, if you dare to attack the police, I will crush you today!!”
However, the angry captain pointed the gun directly at the fat nun.
However, at this moment, a hand reached out and snatched the gun from the captain’s hand in just an instant.
“Captain, isn’t it a bit too much!!”
The next moment, Jiu Shu’s speechless figure came.
This would be too hasty to kill.
“Ah, you came just in time, Ninth Uncle, we’re going to burn this church down now!”
However, after seeing that the person who stole his pistol was Uncle Ninth, the captain didn’t dare to vent his anger, and immediately opened his mouth.
“Found the bat nest!”
Ninth Uncle was also stunned.
“Of course, come and come, tell Ninth Uncle what you found!!”
The captain immediately pulled the younger brother over proudly. However, after seeing the ninth uncle present, the younger brother immediately hesitated and hesitated.
“What the hell are you talking about!”
When the captain saw this, he immediately slapped his little brother on the head.
“I, I, I found that there are only five 55 nuns here, and six of us are not enough!”
And the younger brother could only tell what he found out with trembling fear, but as soon as his words came out, let alone Uncle Jiu and others, Captain Jiu’s face darkened.
“Fuck your sister!!!”
The captain was so angry that he directly kicked the younger brother’s buttocks and kicked the opponent to the ground for a few laps.
“Ninth Uncle, misunderstanding, it’s all misunderstanding!!”
Next, the captain anxiously explained to Ninth Uncle.
“You must do things with evidence, don’t talk nonsense!!”
Although Uncle Jiu hated people like Captain in his heart, he still handed the gun in his hand to him after he finished speaking.
“Ah, yes yes yes!!”
The captain quickly nodded and bowed in apology.
“It’s still this Taoist priest wise!!”
At this time, the fat nun walked over excitedly when she heard that it was all right.
“Auntie, we also have something important to do. The bat thing is very serious. We need to search your church.”
But Ninth Uncle did not let go, but spoke directly to the fat nun.
“No problem, it’s just that I only take you there, some people we don’t welcome!!”
And the fat nun was so angry that she glanced at the captain and immediately took the ninth uncle to watch the whole church.
At this time, Mo Bai’s eyes were always on the yin and yang mode. Under the mode of the yin and yang eyes, Mo Bai could see that the entire Holy See was full of yin.
Mo Bai, who saw this scene, was a little puzzled. This church is exactly the same as the church in Jiuquan Town, and it looks like the sky is full of yin, but where does a church get so much yin! Could it be that these yin are inexplicable the appearance of or these yin qi are twoThe culprit of a church priest who turned into a zombie thinks of Mo Bai here, and he feels that there is definitely something he doesn’t know.
“Master, you have seen the whole church, there really are no bats!”
At this time, under the leadership of the fat nun, Mo Bai and Ninth Uncle had already turned the whole church around, but at this moment, Ninth Uncle turned his attention to the door of a basement.
“We don’t seem to have seen it here yet!!”
From the novel group 9 *8 .0 2, 0 5 ; 8 5. 6 (98025856)

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