""Ahem, Ling Xiao, you don't have to kneel down. The Grand Master can't bear your gift!"

The Great Elder spoke to Ling Xiao helplessly.

When he said this, Ling Xiao was also stunned, but after thinking about what he had just said to Uncle Jiu, Ling Xiao knew the reason.

The reason why the Great Elder came back was probably because Yiqing Taoist asked him to come back, so the other party certainly knew his identity.


Ling Xiao nodded helplessly after hearing this, and then stood up.

At this time, Uncle Jiu also spoke loudly.

"The decree of the founder of Maoshan! After investigation! Shi Jian, the chief disciple of Maoshan! Practiced evil magic and harmed lives! Now I order Lin Jiuxing to exercise the power of Maoshan to kill evil and kill Shi Jian as soon as possible, otherwise it will bring disaster to the people!"

Uncle Jiu read out the contents of the decree loudly. However, after hearing the contents of the decree, everyone present changed their faces and looked at Uncle Jiu in shock.

Shi Jian practiced evil magic? Harmed lives!? How is this possible!?

Why did he do this!?

Is it just because he was defeated by Uncle Jiu that he wants to defeat Uncle Jiu?

A good seedling of the Heavenly Master, who is likely to lead the entire Maoshan to prosperity in the future, actually practiced evil magic! At this moment, everyone's face was burning with pain.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were shrunken violently at this moment, because they wanted to... Thinking of the punishment that the three ancestors had just imposed on Taoist Shi Kui and others, their eyes suddenly shrank.

Not only did they have to abolish their cultivation, but they were also expelled from Maoshan. It was very likely that it was because these people were so close to Shi Jian and they were afraid that they would practice evil arts in the future!

Because these people's character was not good to begin with, and they were inevitably resentful after being beaten by Lin Jiu this time. If they woke up in the future and knew that even Shi Jian practiced evil arts, they would probably follow Shi Jian. In this case, it would be better to eliminate the problem in the bud now.

Although it was just a precaution, these people really ran into trouble this time!

After reading the decree, he looked solemnly at all the Maoshan disciples around him.

"Fellow disciples, uncles, and three ancestors, Shi Jian was killed by the five ancestors I summoned using the Maoshan Five Ghosts Apparition spell at noon today!!

There were many fellow disciples supervising the killing. At that time, Shi Jian had already refined himself into a zombie king! At the same time, he also confessed to all the murders, killing more than 20,000 people! It is a heinous crime!"

Uncle Jiu slowly told everything that happened at noon, but as soon as he said this, the faces of all the Maoshan Taoists around him changed drastically.

"Hiss! Refining himself into a zombie king!? This is something only a third-rate sorcerer would do!"

"Killed more than 20,000 people? Even the several masters of the Black Demon Palace are not as cruel as him! It has only been more than ten years. If he had hundreds of years, wouldn't he have killed millions of people! ?"

"Damn it, this person is not a cultivator at all, he is clearly a demon!"

"Good job! This time, Lin Jiu has eliminated a great threat to Maoshan. If he had gotten away, wouldn’t more people have died? ?"

"Wait, didn't you just hear Brother Yimei say that he seemed to have used the Maoshan Five Ghosts Apparition Spell? Isn't that a secret technique that has been lost for hundreds of years!?"

"Oh my god, Senior Brother is incredible! He is indeed a super genius of the Heavenly Master Dao. He has even learned the legendary lost magic of the Five Ghosts of Mount Mao! Doesn’t that mean that in the future, Senior Brother will be able to summon five Heavenly Master-level ancestors?"

"Hiss! If we add the four Heavenly Masters in Maoshan, wouldn’t that be equivalent to the fighting power of nine Heavenly Masters? ? And the Five Ghosts’ Ancestors are very powerful. Ordinary Heavenly Masters of the second and third heavens are simply no match for them!"

"No, if Senior Brother Yimei uses the Nine Star Divine Spell, his cultivation will definitely be at the Heavenly Master level. Now he is at the seventh level of Earthly Master. In other words, Senior Brother Yimei is as powerful as an entire sect. Senior Brother Yimei is truly terrifying!"

"Good things, all good things! In the future, our Maoshan will be too powerful! Perhaps, the title of the world's number one sect will return to us again!"



All the third-generation disciples around were discussing excitedly.

At this moment, Shi Jian's death was no longer important, because they all saw the hope of Maoshan's rise.

As for the sins committed by Shi Jian, they, the Maoshan Sect, would also try their best to make up for it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, they don’t even know how powerful the eldest senior brother is. If the eldest senior brother’s strength were taken into account, the number one sect in the world would have long been the Maoshan sect!"

"That’s right! But maybe they will know it in the future!"

Wencai Qiusheng also discussed it in a low voice at this time.


However, at this moment, the decree in Uncle Jiu's hand also completely exhausted its energy, and finally exploded directly into a sky full of light spots and disappeared on the spot.


At this time, Patriarch Qingyun also slowly stood up and walked to the side of Uncle Jiu.

"Things are clear now! From now on, no one in my Maoshan should talk about Shi Jian's affairs! As for Shi Kui and the others, their cultivation will be abolished and thrown out of Maoshan in a moment! Cang

Jian's words are aiding and abetting the evil, and the same punishment as before, he will be expelled from Maoshan. If he dares to bring disaster to the world in the future, I will issue a killing order from Maoshan! Even if he is at the ends of the earth, he will be killed!

In addition, all the disciples of Maoshan, including Shi Kui and the others, who still want to stay in Maoshan, need to go through another three-year probation period!

After the probation period, if there are any signs of ill intentions, they will be expelled from Maoshan directly!

During the probation period, no Maoshan Taoism will be taught."

Ancestor Qingyun calmly looked at all the Maoshan disciples and spoke slowly.

As soon as he said this, all the Maoshan disciples had no objections.

As for the Maoshan disciples, their faces changed. There were a total of 40 to 50 people, of which more than 30 were disciples of Shi Kui and others. The remaining 20 or so people's masters were good friends with Uncle Jiu or neutral junior brothers, because they chose to stay at the request of their masters. Of course, these disciples of the original sect were happy, after all, they were not within the scope of the assessment!

You know, they have been bullied by other disciples and uncles like Shi Kui over the years.

As for the more than 30 Shi Kui, The faces of all the disciples of Kui and others were pale at this time.

It was a three-year probation period. If the elders who were doing the probation did not like them, they would still be expelled from Maoshan.

Although their cultivation would not be abolished, they had just been exposed to some basic Taoist techniques at their age. It would be difficult for them to even catch ghosts after going out.

Unfortunately, no one cared about their ideas now.

At this time, all the elders of Maoshan knew that if they had been more determined to thoroughly investigate Shi Jian and his gang, perhaps this incident could have been avoided.

Even Shi Jian, who practiced the power of thunder, could be given up, not to mention ordinary disciples like them. After all, the foundation of Maoshan was a greater thing!"

"Everyone, after Shi Kui and others leave, who will teach the disciples of our Maoshan sect again? ? I need your advice on this point!"

However, at this moment, the head of the sect slowly spoke. As soon as he said this, all the elders and even the 81st generation of disciples were silent. Yes, without the elders who teach, who will teach the disciples of our sect? ?

Of course, these brothers of Uncle Jiu will not wade into the muddy water. They have been used to the wandering life outside for these years. There is no need to come back to Maoshan to find things for themselves. After all, they have many disciples of their own!

"Isn't that easy! ? This generation of disciples of our sect will be directly replaced by the 80th generation disciples. Although we are already in our sixties, seventies, and eighties, we can still hold on for another ten years. By then, we will have taught everything we should have taught, and then it will be up to them!

I have also stayed in Maoshan for twenty years, and I will not leave until the atmosphere of Maoshan is rectified!"

At this time, the great elder spoke directly. As soon as he said this, all the 80th generation elders around him looked bitter. They had finally brought out the class of Uncle Jiu and others, and now they have to bring up the younger generation. Then, should these 82nd generation disciples be counted as the 82nd generation or the 81st generation!? However

, although they were reluctant, the one who spoke was the eldest brother. In the past, everyone had been beaten by the eldest brother's iron fist, so how could they dare to say no?

"Since Xuanwu has said so, then we old guys should stretch our muscles these years!

After the assessment of the 82nd generation of disciples is over, the three of us old guys will also start teaching.

In this case, let’s do it this way. Before midnight tonight, everyone should not forget to come to the ancestral hall to welcome the return of the ancestor!"

At this time, Patriarch Qingyun also came out and spoke slowly.

As soon as he said this, all the disciples around were stunned.

The three ancestors are going to start teaching!?

Doesn’t that mean that these 82nd generation disciples of this sect are blessed!

""Tsk tsk tsk, these guys are really a blessing in disguise!"

Zhuge Kongping said with some envy.

Having three old ancestors teaching, let alone whether it is useful or not, the knowledge level of the three old ancestors is not comparable to these young disciples.

Of course, the premise is that these 82nd generation disciples can persist within the three-year assessment period. If they can't persist, they will be expelled from Maoshan.

"If you really envy him, you can let Yun Gao stay in Maoshan directly. After all, he can practice now!"

At this time, Wang Meng also spoke.

When she said this, Zhuge Kongping was stunned.

After thinking carefully, Zhuge Kongping shook his head helplessly.、

"Forget it, even though the old master’s teaching is very good, it’s better for me to teach my son myself!"

Zhuge Kongping spoke seriously.

""Okay, this is what you said, don't complain about being tired when the time comes!"

Wang Meng spoke immediately after hearing Zhuge Kongping's words.

Zhuge Kongping frowned when he heard it. Yes, teaching seems to be very tiring, but it's not okay if he doesn't get tired for his own son.

Even though he thought that the child might not be his own, he was still ready to die of exhaustion.



""Lin Jiu, come here, the three of us old guys have something to say to you! Xuanwu, come here too.

Now you are also my Maoshan Tianshi, and your status is the same as ours!"

At this time, Patriarch Qingyun also spoke to Uncle Jiu and the Great Elder.

"Xuanqing, take the sect disciples to prepare for the worship ceremony tonight!"

Then Taoist Qingyou also gave instructions to the head of the sect.

After that, the three ancestors walked into the Sanqing Hall.

"Ling Xiao, take your junior brother and your aunt back to your residence first, I will come to find you later!"

After hearing the words of the three ancestors, Uncle Jiu gave Ling Xiao a word and then led the elder into the Sanqing Hall.

"Emmm, I've been here for so long, but I don't even have anything to eat!"

After seeing Uncle Jiu leave, Qiu Sheng immediately started to complain.

"Yes, yes, I'm almost starving. I didn't even have breakfast today!"

Wencai also spoke.

Because of Shi Jian's matter, they didn't even have breakfast.

"You didn't even have breakfast? Come on, let the uncle take you to eat!"

When Zhuge Kongping heard that Ling Xiao and the others hadn't eaten, he immediately smiled and pulled Wencai Qiusheng towards the kitchen.

"As long as Dad mentions food, I won't feel tired anymore!"

Yun Gao looked at Zhuge Kongping, who was more active than Wencai Qiu Sheng, and immediately spoke helplessly.

"Let's go too, Master!!"

Ling Xiao���He smiled, then took Chuliu and chased after Zhuge Kongping and the others.



An hour later, as the sky gradually darkened, Ling Xiao and the others returned to Uncle Jiu and Taoist Yiqing's residence.

At this time, the place had been cleaned up and was completely different from the dilapidated state before.

"It seems that the eldest brother has to step in and solve all the problems in Maoshan at once!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Meng said with emotion

"Senior Brother is awesome!!"

Zhuge Kongping, who was standing by, got jealous when he heard his wife praising Senior Brother in every sentence, but he also agreed with Wang Meng's words.

"I wonder when the master will come back!" Wencai asked curiously, holding a chicken drumstick in his hand.

""Brother, didn't you already eat two chickens? Why are you still eating so much!"

Chuliu, who was standing by, said to Qiu Sheng helplessly.

""Master uncle has just eaten five chickens. Besides, we cultivators, it's okay to eat more!"

Wencai chuckled and took another bite of the chicken leg.

To be honest, at first he thought that Taoists and monks were all vegetarians, but he didn't expect that there were mostly fish and meat here.

But think about it, people who cultivate Taoism consume a lot of energy, so it's normal to eat a lot

"I'm back!!!"

At this moment, Uncle Jiu also walked in.

""Brother, what did the three ancestors tell you?"

Wang Meng asked Uncle Jiu hurriedly.

"I have said a lot, but they are all small things. You will know when the ancestors meet later!"

Uncle Jiu had a strange expression, but he still spoke directly. Of course, the three ancestors looking for him was not a small matter, but they were directly preparing to let him take over the position of the head of Maoshan.

However, after hearing this, Uncle Jiu hurriedly refused. On the one hand, the current head, that is, his uncle, was not dead and not too old.

After he took over, he would inevitably feel uneasy.

The most important thing is that if he became the head of Maoshan, he would have to stay in Maoshan.

He stayed here for a lifetime at such a young age. Isn't that asking for trouble?

He is not stupid, there is no need to confine himself to Maoshan.

The three ancestors seemed to have guessed this a long time ago, so they made a second choice and let Uncle Jiu serve as the chief disciple of Maoshan. , and when Taoist Xuanqing dies or retires, he will take over his job.

Uncle Jiu had no choice but to agree. After all, if he had taken over the position earlier, although Shi Jian would still fall into evil cultivation, at least Maoshan would not be like it is now.

As for whether he will take over Maoshan in the future, it depends on whether there is anyone among the 82nd generation of disciples who can take up the responsibility.

He doesn't want to be the head of Maoshan, so he decided to train a candidate for the head among his disciples.

This person is certainly not Ling Xiao.

Because he knows that with Ling Xiao's strength and talent, being a small head of Maoshan will definitely be a great limitation for him.

It may affect his future achievements.

"Well, let's not talk about this for now. Let's go to the ancestral hall to pay respect to the master alone! Ling Xiao, I'll trouble you to summon your master to come up later."

After saying this, Uncle Jiu smiled and spoke.

Although they can see the master tonight, it's not easy for them to talk to the master when other ancestors are present!

"Okay, no problem. It's just right. Let the Grandmaster explain the misunderstanding between you and your uncle."

Ling Xiao nodded slightly after hearing this. (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

As soon as he said this, Uncle Jiu, Zhuge Kongping, and Wang Meng were all stunned. The misunderstanding between Uncle Jiu and Zhuge Kongping

""Master, are you talking about Yun Gao's matter? Otherwise, let's just forget it."

However, at this moment, Zhuge Kongping spoke up immediately.

If this was made clear, wouldn't their family of three be reunited and there would be nothing for him to worry about?

"Ah!? My business!? My what business!?"[]

Yun Gao was stunned

""What on earth is going on with Ling Xiao's nephew?"

Wang Meng was also stunned and didn't know what was going on. However, Zhuge Kongping's dislike for Uncle Jiu started after they got married.

"That's right, it's about my junior brother! Uncle, you have had problems with my master over the years, isn't it because you suspect Yun Gao is my master's son?

This matter was made up by the Grandmaster, just ask him to come out and explain it clearly."

Ling Xiao also hurriedly explained.

However, when Ling Xiao's words came out, everyone present was stunned.

"Hey, hey, hey, Ling Xiao, don’t talk nonsense, your master and I are innocent!"

Uncle Jiu was the first to jump out excitedly!

"I didn't say that you and Master-in-law had something going on. Didn't I say that there was a misunderstanding?"

Ling Xiao was speechless and hurried to explain.

After hearing Uncle Jiu's words, it was Zhuge Kongping's turn to be unhappy.

""Brother, you still don't admit it even now!? Master told me personally that Yun Gao is your son!

It was because you abandoned your wife and children that I had the opportunity to marry my sister."

Zhuge Kongping shouted excitedly. He didn't expect that Uncle Jiu still didn't admit it even now!

It's fine if he just wants to be the scapegoat, but does he have to admit that his son is his even though he knows he is not his!?

"What!? I am the son of Master Uncle!"

However, at this moment, Yun Gao was stunned as if struck by lightning.

Although he admired Uncle Jiu very much, it did not mean that he was his son. After all, in his eyes, no matter how great his father was, he was still his father since he was a child!

"Wow, this information is quite intense!"

"We'd better stay away from them, because if a fight breaks out by accident we'll be in trouble!"

""Two brothers, wait for me!"

Wencai, Qiusheng and Chuliu saw that the situation was not going well and slipped to the gate, fearing that they would be affected by the fight.

"Zhuge Kongping, what are you crazy about!? You actually suspect me and my senior brother!? Yun Gao got pregnant after we got married. At that time, my senior brother had already left Maoshan. How could it be his son!"

At this time, Wang Meng also spoke angrily.

"Wow, if you didn't say this I wouldn't be angry, do you think I'm stupid, we got married seven months and Yun Gao gave birth, how could it be mine! I don't care if Yun Gao is my son or not, I treat him as my own son, but you can't keep lying to me like this!"

Zhuge Kongping was also anxious at this time, at this moment he was not scared at all

"You, you, you...get out of here!!"

After hearing Zhuge Kongping's words, Wang Meng immediately rushed out of the room in grievance.

"Junior Sister!!!"

Uncle Jiu also chased after her.

"You little bastard, I'll come back to deal with you later!"

Before leaving, Uncle Jiu did not forget to curse Zhuge Kongping.

"Dad, I'm really not your son! ?"

At this time, Yun Gao was also looking at his father sadly.

"Hey, son, look at me, so fat and ugly, look at you, so thin and handsome, how could you be my son! ?

But don't worry, Dad has treated you as his own son since he was a child!"

Zhuge Kongping also hurriedly explained

"Oh my god, didn't I tell you there was a misunderstanding? Why are you guys still arguing?"

Ling Xiao looked at what he had done and suddenly felt awkward. He had intended to speak out and let them sort it out, but who knew that as soon as he said it, they started arguing without even listening to his explanation.

After he finished speaking, Ling Xiao waved his hand!

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

Instantly, the surrounding space began to vibrate.

Then, evil spirits with terrifying auras appeared around them.

"Boom boom boom!!!!"

The moment this breath appeared, the entire Maoshan was severely pressed down by this terrifying pressure.

"What's going on?"

In the Sanqing Hall, the three old ancestors who were talking to the Xuanwu elder all changed their expressions at the same time.

"Hiss! What a terrifying aura!! A fierce ghost! ? No, this is the Ghost King!"

The Great Elder also took a breath of cold air. A Ghost King actually appeared in Mount Mao! ?

"Let's go and have a look!!!"

The face of Qingyun Patriarch changed because he sensed the aura of more than one ghost king.

After he finished speaking, he stepped forward and rushed out of the Sanqing Hall, followed by the other three Heavenly Masters.

Meanwhile, Ling Xiao also spoke.

"Bring my master and the others to the ancestral hall, and restrain your auras!!"

Ling Xiao had no choice but to do this.

After all, if his master-in-law went out to commit suicide, he would be the one to take the blame.

He had made it so clear, but they still quarreled. I should have ignored this matter earlier!

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

Therefore, after his order was issued, the auras of the several ghost kings calmed down instantly, without any fluctuations at all. Even the powerful Heavenly Masters could not sense their auras unless they were beside them.、

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

Then, under the power fluctuations of several ghost kings, several ghost kings disappeared on the spot.

"division……��Nephew, were those just now evil spirits! ?"

However, at this time, Zhuge Kongping on the side swallowed his saliva and spoke quickly.

He felt the power that he could not match from these ghosts.

"Hehe, uncle, you guessed wrong, that is my senior brother's ghost king, every one of them is a ghost king! Senior brother seems to have more than a dozen of this kind of ghost king!"897

However, at this time Qiu Sheng ran in and spoke proudly, as if the ghost king was raised by him.

"Hiss! Ghost King!? There are still more than a dozen!?"

As soon as Qiu Sheng said this, Zhuge Kongping couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. His eyes were wide open!

His face was full of disbelief.

Ling Xiao was actually practicing the lineage of raising ghosts!

"Yes, Senior Brother has many zombie kings!"

Wencai on the side also spoke with a smile.

When the three words"Zombie King" came out, Zhuge Kongping was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

He knew very well how terrifying the Zombie King was. His father-in-law and master was slapped by the Zombie King and died painfully after being seriously ill for several months.

And his master's grandfather, the master of Yiqing Taoist, sealed the newly born Zombie King completely at the cost of his own life.

Therefore, after hearing that Ling Xiao raised many zombie kings, he was directly shocked.

At this moment, he remembered what his wife had said before about Ling Xiao's terrifying strength. Could it be that Ling Xiao was the real evil cultivator? With such terrifying strength, I'm afraid that even the several hall masters of the Black Demon Hall would not be Ling Xiao's opponent!?

Of course, he didn't know that one of the hall masters of the Black Demon Hall had been killed by Ling Xiao in seconds, although that hall master was a lot weaker.

""Master, is this true?"

Zhuge Kongping asked with a bitter face.

"It is true, but I have not practiced evil magic. How can a master uncle look at me with such a frightened look!

Ling Xiao was also speechless.

But when he said this, Zhuge Kongping became even more frightened.、

"Let's go, let's solve your problem first, as for my problem, you will know when you meet the Grandmaster!"

Ling Xiao had no choice but to take a few of his fellow apprentices and walk towards the ancestral hall.

"Dad, let’s go quickly, I don’t want to become the son of Master Uncle!"

Yun Gao was also anxious, and hurriedly pulled his father!

""Ah? You don't want to? Why? Haven't you admired your master uncle since you were a child?"

Zhuge Kongping was stunned when he heard his son's words.

"Nonsense, Master Uncle is Master Uncle, and father is father. No matter how much you worship Master Uncle, I still want you to be my father!"

Yun Gao said seriously

"Good son, your father loves you for real!!"

Zhuge Kongping jumped up from the ground excitedly after hearing his son's words and rubbed Yun Gao's head happily.、

""Okay, Dad, let's go!"

Yun Gao quickly pulled Zhuge Kongping and ran towards the ancestral hall.



Maoshan Ancestral Hall! Here all the ancestors who have made great contributions to Maoshan are enshrined. The number of tablets has reached tens of thousands.

This ancestral hall is second only to the Sanqing Hall.

Taoist Yiqing and his master sealed a zombie king, so they are of course people who have made great contributions.

Therefore, his tablet is also here.



At this moment, after a wave of fluctuations, two ghost kings flew in with Uncle Jiu and Wang Meng who were unable to move.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Just as the two ghost kings flew into the ancestral hall, all the tablets of the ancestors of Maoshan began to shake wildly.


Suddenly, after a space fluctuation, the two ghost kings disappeared instantly.

Uncle Jiu and Wang Meng also fell to the ground.

"Junior sister, are you okay?"

Uncle Jiu landed on the ground and quickly spoke to Wang Meng who was not far away.

""Brother, what happened just now!"

Wang Meng asked Uncle Jiu quickly!

"It's the Ghost King raised by Ling Xiao!"

Uncle Jiu knew the reason and said it directly.

Unfortunately, the word"Ghost King" scared Wang Meng so much that his eyes widened and his face was full of fear.

"Wife, wife, are you okay?"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came, and Zhuge Kongping rushed in and asked with concern.

"Humph! Stay away from me!"

Unfortunately, Wang Meng, who had just been frightened by Zhuge Kongping, lost his rationality.

""Master, this matter cannot be blamed on Master Uncle. If you want to blame someone, blame Master Grandfather. It was he who caused the whole thing!"

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao walked in helplessly.

As soon as he said this, the emotions of several people calmed down.

"Yes, Dad and Mom, when we see Grandpa, we will know everything! ?"

Yun Gao also said quickly

"Brat! Explain what's going on quickly!"

After hearing Ling Xiao's words, Uncle Jiu hurriedly urged


Ling Xiao did not hesitate, and walked forward and found the spirit tablet of his master, Taoist Yiqing.


The next moment, Ling Xiao's eyes burst into dazzling black and white light.

The black and white yin and yang power directly turned into a beam of light and hit the spirit tablet of Yiqing Taoist fiercely.


The next moment, an old Taoist figure flew out from the spirit tablet of Taoist Yiqing.

Seeing the figure of this old Taoist, Uncle Jiu and the others were all excited.

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