Qiu Sheng was about to cry. Dozens of dollars were gone in an instant. He couldn't earn that much in several years!

"I see. Brother Qiu Sheng, you need to work hard! Thank you for your hospitality."

"Then let's go, Taoist Ling Xiao."

The two girls were also shocked by Qiu Sheng's strong spirit despite his disability. After collecting the money, they encouraged Qiu Sheng and left with Ling Xiao.

Qiu Sheng's mentally retarded state lasted for a full hour.

""Big Brother, you are too much! My money! And I am not a retard!!"

Qiu Sheng howled with resentment after he recovered.

Of course, Liu Yingying and Ren Tingting also quickly learned from the servants what Yihonglou was after returning to Ren's house.

At the same time, after knowing that Qiu Sheng was not a fool, their good impression of Qiu Sheng was immediately wiped out.

Of course, they had a stronger good impression of Ling Xiao who rescued them and made Qiu Sheng a retard.



Three days passed quickly.

During these two or three days, Ling Xiao went out from time to time, but unfortunately he only found three or four ordinary black zombies and gained more than 400 experience points and silver.

With the 500 taels of silver Ling Xiao had been able to upgrade a skill, but he was not in a hurry to upgrade.

This morning, Uncle Jiu, dressed in a yellow Taoist robe, brought Ling Xiao and Wencai Qiu Sheng to the Ren Family Cemetery.

""Uncle Jiu, little brother Ling Xiao, you are here!"

On the mountain, after seeing Uncle Jiu and Ling Xiao, Master Ren came over with a smile on his face, accompanied by Ren Tingting and a little fat man wearing round-framed glasses.

"Uncle Nine, Taoist Ling Xiao!!"

Ren Tingting, who was standing by, also hurriedly greeted Uncle Nine and Ling Xiao with a blushing face.

"Wait, who among you is Qiu Sheng?"

However, at this moment, the little fat man with glasses suddenly spoke

"I am, do you know me?"

Qiu Sheng asked puzzledly when he saw the little fat man looking for him.

""Okay, you are the one who bullied my cousin, I will beat you up!"

After hearing Qiu Sheng's words, A Wei was so angry that he jumped up and prepared to teach Qiu Sheng a lesson.、

"Ah Wei, stop it!!"

However, Master Ren on the side was instantly furious.

"Uncle, they……"

Awei wanted to explain

"Enough, I asked you to come here to help, get out of here!"

Unfortunately, Master Ren didn't want to hear his explanation.

The scolded A Wei had no choice but to glare at Qiu Sheng fiercely, intending to find a chance to deal with this kid.

Qiu Sheng also glared back

""Master Ren, let's get started quickly! It will be bad if we miss the auspicious time."

Although Uncle Jiu didn't know what happened, he looked at the time and spoke directly.


Master Ren nodded.

"Wencai Qiusheng, set up the altar!"

Uncle Jiu shouted to Wencai Qiusheng who was standing beside him.

"Good Master!!!!"

""I'll be ready soon!"

Both disciples nodded and started to show off their skills.

Wencai Qiusheng put down the huge backpack on his back and quickly took out all the incense, candles, wooden swords, and yellow paper.

All these things were neatly arranged on the table.

Although the two of them did not have much strength, they were familiar with this kind of small thing after doing it for a few years.

""Ling Xiao, draw the Four Directions Mysterious Essence Talisman!!!" Uncle

Jiu spoke again. As soon as

Uncle Jiu spoke, everyone around looked over to see what Uncle Jiu's disciple was capable of.

Ren Tingting also stared at the handsome Ling Xiao in white.


Ling Xiao didn't waste any words and came directly to the altar.

The next moment, Ling Xiao's right hand directly hit the bowl of cinnabar water on the altar.


What shocked everyone was that the bowl of cinnabar water, which was more than a meter away, suddenly shot up into the sky.

It turned into red water droplets all over the sky.

The people around were startled and stepped back for fear of being splashed.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao moved.

He pointed his right hand into the air and began to draw in the air.

"The mysterious essence of heaven, the mysterious essence of earth, the mysterious essence of gods, the mysterious essence of ghosts, help my body, and all my orifices are connected to the spirit



Help me quickly, the void is spiritual, I obey the command of the Great Saint God Wenchang Emperor."

Amidst the incantations, the cinnabar water actually began to gather in the void, and began to draw runes in the void to form four completely different runes, and these four runes also shone with golden light.

This scene instantly shocked all the migrant workers and the people of the Ren family around.

"Hiss!! Amazing, is this the strength of Taoist Ling Xiao! ?"

"Incredible, this is the real Taoist master!"

"So amazing! If his disciple is this amazing, how amazing must Uncle Nine be! ?"



Everyone was watching this scene in shock.

Ah Wei couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He thought Uncle Jiu and the others were just charlatans, but he didn't expect them to be so terrifying.

Of course, not to mention them, even Uncle Jiu's face changed slightly.

"This brat's Qi is so strong, has he reached the seventh level of the Master? How is this possible? The seventh level of the Master was something I only reached when I was in my twenties!"

Uncle Jiu was watching this scene with some excitement.

Of course, having strong Qi is one thing, but being able to use it so skillfully is another. Even for Uncle Jiu now, it is very difficult to do this. It's not that the Qi is not enough, but that he can't use the Qi in the air so skillfully.

He naturally didn't know that he could do this because of Ling Xiao's skill: Maoshan Taoism.

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