Listening to the sound of knocking on the door outside, Qian Zhenren and Ah Fa looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Ye together.

Lin Ye sat at the table and poured himself a glass of wine: "Look at what I'm doing, didn't you hear someone shouting for help?"


Ah Fa hurriedly opened the door, and then a young man who was dressed in a flowing breath and was somewhat similar to Qiusheng ran in, with a frightened face: "Master, help!"

Qian Zhenren also returned to his original high-ranking posture at this time: "What kind of life to save? What are you yelling at night?"

The young man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the living at this moment, and said, "There are ghosts!"

"What about the ghost?" Ah Fa asked, glancing outside, looking at the young man suspiciously.

The young man was slightly stunned: "In the coffin!"

"What about the coffin?" Qian Zhenren also glanced at the street outside.

But just as he was about to drive the young man out, Lin Ye got up and stood up, walked up to the young man and looked at him, and patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Boy, this kind of work like making money from the dead, not everyone can do it, if you really meet a ghost, then it's okay to say, if you encounter a zombie, you kid won't even have a chance to reincarnate!"


The words landed, and a coffin blasted in directly, but before it entered the inside of the gate, it was directly smashed by Lin Ye's slap and the zombies in the coffin belt.

Looking at the coffin scum and minced meat all over the ground, the young man couldn't help but vomit directly, and even Qian Zhenren and Ah Fa couldn't help but bend over and retch.

At this time, the opposite door was also opened, revealing a round head: "Hey, what are you doing?

Lin Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look over: "Huh?"

Qian Zhenren hurriedly said: "That's my senior brother Wu Zhenren, ah, no, it's Daochang Wu, our senior brothers are all in this village." "

Lin Ye looked at Qian Zhenren with a smile, then looked at Wu Zhenren, and snorted coldly: "I'm not interested in your nossy business, just don't let me know that you have ruined Maoshan's reputation." "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qian Zhenren wiped a cold sweat, and then waved his hand at Wu Zhenren behind him, signaling him to hurry back.

At this time, Qian Zhenren was really afraid that Wu Zhenren would come over, after all, after so many years of senior brother, how could he not know the temperament of his junior brother?

But Wu Zhenren was born to deal with him, a senior brother, so how could he listen to him?

Immediately pushed open the door, walked in with his hands on his back, held his head high, and glanced at Lin Ye, who sat back to eat and drink: "Yo, this is a distinguished guest, this distinguished guest, you are so interested, this coffin and minced meat all over the ground can also be eaten, admire and admire!"

Lin Ye sneered, what is this? I don't know how many times more disgusting things I have encountered with Uncle Nine before, so I don't eat and drink like this?

Looking at Lin Ye's smile, Wu Zhenren's face also sank, he was woken up by someone who had slept well, and he was holding back the fire in his heart, and now he was so despised by a young man, his anger couldn't be suppressed at all, and he immediately pointed at Lin Ye and said: "Okay, you kid, this real person is talking to you, what do you mean?"


Lin Ye didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, so he slapped him directly, and in an instant, a lightning bolt the thickness of an arm directly hit Wu Zhenren's stomach, smashing him directly out for several meters, hitting the wall heavily and falling down.

Qian Zhenren hurriedly covered his head, sighed heavily, and then shook his head and said, "Senior brother, why are you doing this?"

Wu Zhenren spit out a mouthful of blood, looked at Lin Ye who was sitting there as if nothing had happened at all, and gritted his teeth: "Who are you?"

Lin Ye looked at the unrepentant Wu Zhenren, sighed softly, put down his chopsticks, and said, "Forget it, it's a mess, and you won't be able to live in peace if you eat!"

Looking at Lin Ye's expression, Qian Zhenren was anxious, and hurriedly blocked in front of Lin Ye, and kept bending over and bowing: "Senior, senior, my junior brother didn't mean it, and asked the seniors to spare him this time for the sake of being the heir of Maoshan!"

Lin Ye squinted his eyes and said, "You can be a good person, but he doesn't seem to appreciate it?"

Qian Zhenren was shocked, and hurriedly winked at Wu Zhenren.

Wu Zhenren took a deep breath, although he didn't deal with Qian Zhenren, he also knew the truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves, so he got up with difficulty and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't figure out the situation just now, please forgive me!"

Lin Ye sneered: "You think I'm angry that you offended me......?"

Qian Zhenren shuddered suddenly, ran to Wu Zhenren's side and muttered a few words, Wu Zhenren's face instantly became wonderful, and he gritted his teeth after a long time and said: "Real people are just a title, doesn't this seem to be nothing? It's not just the two of us who call themselves real people outside, you can't be too serious, right?"

"Heh!" Lin Ye shook his head with a smile, and suddenly the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword roared out, brushing Wu Zhenren's neck and slashing it, and a trace of blood slowly seeped out.

Looking at the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword that was close at hand, Wu Zhenren directly rolled his eyes and fainted.

With a light snort, Lin Ye casually recalled the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Sword, turned around and entered the back room: "Clean up here, don't affect my rest!"

"Yes, I'll do it right away!" Qian Zhenren hurriedly responded, and took Ah Fa to start cleaning up, and even the young man Wangcai standing next to him couldn't help but join in.


The next day, Lin Ye slowly opened his eyes, a flash of fire in his eyes flashed, Samadhi True Fire is worthy of being one of the supreme supernatural powers of Taoism, the inheritance alone consumed most of his time in the middle of the night, and later it took half a night to promote to Xiaocheng, the most important thing is that his merit was directly emptied to single digits, just from the beginning to Xiaocheng, it took him 1,500 points of merit, which is greater than the consumption of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts.

But this is also expected, after all, the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts were created by Yuan Tiangang, a human monk, but the Samadhi True Fire was created by those great supernatural powers in myths and legends, and the two sides are not at the same level at all, so naturally there is no comparison.

Walking out of the bedroom, the entire living room has been cleaned up, and there is not even a trace of fishy odor.

Qian Zhenren and Ah Fa were not there, Lin Ye didn't care much about this, he found something to eat in the back kitchen, and left the village, he was too lazy to participate in the later things, and the lessons should be taught, as far as their junior and younger brothers were concerned, even if they made trouble at the Maoshan General Altar, it was just a reprimand, and it did not reach the level of expulsion from the division and abolition of cultivation.


Today is the same as yesterday, Lin Ye still did not speed up, but continued to return to Renjia Town unhurriedly, but when it came to noon, Lin Ye suddenly noticed some changes in the surrounding environment, not to mention the sudden drop in temperature, and even the terrain of mountains and rivers was changing strangely.

"Huh? This is ...... Ghost hitting the wall?"

After a while, Lin Ye looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded, and the whole person was not good.

Let's not say that he is now a master monk of the Five Heavens of the Heavenly Master Realm, let's just say that the current time is not right, this is noon, close to noon, and the yang energy between heaven and earth is the thickest time, but in this case, one of his dignified Heavenly Master Realm monks was actually hit by a ghost on the wall?

It is estimated that no one believes this when it comes out.

As time passed, the surrounding environment became more and more hazy, the sky was actually drifting with a light rain, and even the surrounding weeds grew to a half-human height at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a winding path separated the weeds and extended for at least ten miles in an unknown direction.

After a moment of silence, Lin Ye was about to follow the path to see what was going on, when there was a sudden fluctuation around him, and then Xiao Li's familiar face appeared in Lin Ye's sight.

"Hey, looks like you're in trouble, hee-hee, do you want me to help?"

Looking at Xiaoli who suddenly appeared, Lin Ye was slightly stunned, and then shook his head: "Why are you here?"

Xiaoli blinked: "People miss you, giggles, why don't you ask me about my identity? Also, I heard my little sister say that you were teased by her last time?"

Lin Ye suddenly had black lines on his head: "Do you like to talk about it or not, as for your little sister, don't let me see her again, otherwise, hum!"

"Giggles, don't say too much, her identity is more noble than me, okay, don't talk about this, I'll help you go to the front to investigate the situation first?"

Lin Ye chuckled and shook his head, and then walked along the path.

Half an hour later, Xiaoli went and returned, and landed in front of Lin Ye, frowning: "Shouldn't it?"

Lin Ye paused and looked at Xiaoli curiously: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Li pouted, as if she was a little dissatisfied with Lin Ye's contempt, and pinched her waist angrily and said, "Of course, but this place should have been destroyed four hundred years ago?

"What place?" Lin Ye's curiosity became even heavier.

Xiaoli sighed heavily: "Lanruo Temple!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Ye was directly stunned, what a special Lanruo Temple, how could there be a Lanruo Temple in this world? Are you sure you're not kidding me?

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