"No, there is no problem with this land, it is indeed a suitable feng shui treasure land selected according to the old lady's birthday, then Mr. Feng Shui should not mean to harm your Ren family."

Lin Feng replied, this matter was originally his ghost, and this matter was also done by the master and apprentice of Ma Madi, naturally he couldn't harm that innocent Mr. Feng Shui because of this,

"That mage, there are cockroaches in here."

Ren Fa pointed to the dark grave, his hands trembling, obviously still in his heart.

"This, it should be that there is a problem with your Ren family's qi luck, so there will be an ancestral spirit warning to let you find another good cave to suppress qi luck, after all, although this place is not bad, but if there is a problem with the family's qi luck, the earth qi here cannot be suppressed."

Lin Feng came when he opened his mouth, these things, Xuanzhi and Xuan, even if they are people in the same way, they all have their own words, so it is no problem to say anything.

"So what to do?" It was related to luck, but it was sloppy, and Old Master Ren panicked all of a sudden.

"It's okay, we'll just help you find another piece of land nearby." Lin Feng waved his hand, indicating that there was no big problem.

"Then trouble the three mages, after this time, we will have a heavy thanks." Seeing that Lin Feng had responded to the matter, Old Master Ren was relieved and quickly promised.

"I didn't expect to make another profit." On the side, Ma Madi's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that after this operation, there would be such benefits.

Not wanting to do this at this time, Lin Jiu stood up: "Master Ren, this matter is included in the cost of sending the old lady home, so there is no need to add extra money." "

He is a rule-abiding person, this time his own line of people, already broken the rules, he naturally will not let the Ren family pay more money.

"It's one thing to send the old lady home, and it's another thing to choose another Yin Mansion." Old Master Ren quickly shook his head, he knew the rules, he knew that one yard was one yard, if this money was not spent, he was not at ease.


So, the coffin was carried back to Ren's mansion.

There were many guest rooms in Ren Mansion, and after Ren Fa's repeated retention, the three simply stayed.

Ren Fa arranged for wine and food to make a night snack, so that the three of them could eat and drink well.

After the wine was full, the three returned to the room.

"Ma Madi, this old man is good, and this time, it stands to reason that we should lose money, so when the time comes, the extra money given must not be collected."

"Che, do you think he gives money and you don't accept it, can he be safe?" Ma Madi said disdainfully, he couldn't get used to Lin Jiu's fake and tall appearance.

"Okay, senior brother, this money, we really have to collect it, otherwise he won't be at ease, all we can do is pick a good land for him in the Yin Mansion, so that he will not lose."

Lin Feng opened his mouth to persuade.

"Alas, a place that's just right and that's so easy to find."

Lin Jiu shook his head, he really didn't like to do this kind of errand the most, because many times, it relied on luck.

Good luck, you can find it up the mountain, bad luck, hehe, that pair of legs will be broken.

"It's okay, I recently cultivated a bat secret art, I can indeed control the bat to take a look around, and at that time, it is no better than running aimlessly all over the mountains."

Lin Feng grinned, and the mana in his body swelled, emitting sound waves that were inaudible to the flesh and spread out to all around.

Immediately, in the darkness, countless wandering elves were alarmed, fluttered their wings, and converged towards the sky above Ren Mansion.

"This is, the master is summoning the bats."

In an inn in the distance, Wang Po's heart moved, and when she opened the window, she saw black shadows passing through the darkness.

"Bat secret art, and those cockroaches just now, how many secrets are hidden in this kid."

Lin Jiu looked at the bats gathered in the sky, and he was secretly frightened in his heart.

"Good boy, everything will be done, but it compares the senior brother."

Ma Ma Tei also muttered on the side, but that was all, there was no other thought.

Soon, the densely packed bats wanted to cover the stars and close the moon like dark clouds, blocking the moonlight above Renfu.

"That's too much."

I didn't feel anything numb, but my scalp felt a little numb.

At this time, he really realized the perception between himself and Lin Feng.

If nothing else, just if these bats pounce down, he will definitely not die and shed his skin.

"With the help of the eyes of these bats, I went to the surrounding mountains to take a look, and also asked the two senior brothers to protect me."

Seeing that the number of bats was almost the same, Lin Feng stopped summoning and sat down cross-legged.


Lin Jiu and Ma Ma nodded.

Immediately, Lin Feng pinched the magic seal, and in the sky, the eyes of the bats turned up with blood light, divided into eight groups, and scattered in all directions.

Looking down on the ground, the surrounding mountain-shaped terrain suddenly appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

The picture of the eight directions kept changing in his mind, and at first, Lin Feng only felt that the sky was spinning.

But soon, he adapted, controlled the bat swarm, and began to look carefully.

Half an hour later, the bat swarm in the mountain dispersed, and in the Ren Mansion, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

Accustomed to the top-down view, this time back to the human body, a sense of vertigo swept over.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Jiuyan was quick and held Lin Feng's body, so he didn't fall on the bed.

"It's okay." Lin Feng shook his head.

"Here, drink first."

Lin Jiu poured a bowl of tea and handed it over.

After taking a sip of herbal tea, Lin Feng eased up.

Next to him, Ma Madi was still snoring, but he didn't know when he had fallen asleep.

"This guy has never been reliable."

Seeing Lin Feng looking at Ma Ma Di, Lin Jiu couldn't help but complain.

"It's okay, it's not you." Lin Feng waved his hand and talked about the harvest just now, "I just used the eyes of bats to find ten places in the mountains near this that may be good places, tomorrow, we will go straight to these ten places, you go and see if there is a suitable place for Nintendo to make a crown grave." "

"Okay, deal with this early, you better leave early."

Lin Jiu nodded, but he was worried about Lin Feng's safety in his heart.

After all, the pursuers may be able to chase at any time, and of course, they may never be able to catch up.


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