Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 1

Just to sum up the Man of live: Omen Star

Two gods fought, a mortal was unfortunately killed, and the gods gave him a chance to be reborn.The body after rebirth is a bit strange. The body of Xuanyang will not live to be 22 years old. When it is 22, it will be burned to death by the fire of Xuanyang. What is the way to save it????Cultivation is the hope of living, and women are also the hope of living.See what he will do to survive....

Before rebirth

Certain air

"Zhu Demon Sword Formation, Feng.

"The magic knife came to the world, broken.


Ah, bad.

On the streets of a certain city

Alas, it's really unlucky, as for playing a game.Almost passed.Long Tianxiang cursed something when he came out of the Internet cafe.

Long Tianxiang, 22 years old, a sophomore.Orphan, his parents died in both car accidents when he was 18 years old.He is the only one left in the family.Grandparents died early.Dad is an only child.So there are no relatives.I went to college on the money my parents left behind.Today is the weekend. I went out to surf the Internet. I didn't want two people to fight because of the game while playing games. Long Tianxiang was also tired, and his computer was broken.He was smashed when his game was about to pass, so he went out of the Internet cafe and cursed the two people.

Now he is going home.Not in the mood to go shopping on the street anymore.Today may be his disaster day. I saw a hole suddenly cracked in the sky above his head, and then a burst of energy smashed into Long Tianxiang.


The explosion sounded at Long Tianxiang's position.Smoke is everywhere.The sound stopped, the smoke scattered.A big hole appeared in Long Tianxiang's original location, and Long Tianxiang was gone.

A few minutes after the explosion, two people suddenly appeared high above the explosion location.It was the two people who fought at the beginning.When the two people were fighting, the explosion caused by the conflict of energy broke through their pre-arranged knot, and then the disappearance of Long Tianxiang happened.It was too late when the two arrived.

The two looked at the explosion site, and after a while, they found a weak energy fluctuation at the explosion site.One of them took it away.Then both disappeared.

In a luxurious, majestic palace in the universe.The two who disappeared were looking at an energy group, a humanoid energy group.Very light, as if it might disappear at any time.He is the disappeared Long Tianxiang, no, it is the soul of Long Tianxiang to be precise.Because his flesh-body had been exploded when it exploded.

At this time, Long Tianxiang's soul was staring at everything around him blankly.He still doesn't know what happened.His thinking is now very confused.

The two told Long Tianxiang what had happened, and in order to make up for the mistake, they wanted to send him back to life, and each promised him two things.

Long Tianxiang thought for a long time before agreeing.After all, it has happened.It's not bad to have such a thing.

It turns out that those two people are gods, and when they encounter bottlenecks in their cultivation, they use fighting to seek breakthroughs.That's why this kind of thing happened.

In the end, the two gods let Long Tianxiang choose two things in their storage cabinets.The time is four days.Because their storage cabinets are too big and things too big.Four days later, Long Tianxiang chose four things.They are: an ancient simple ring, a book with a picture of erotica.A "Nine Turns Burning Body Jue".A thing like a boat.

The two gods looked at the things Long Tianxiang chose, but the ring ignored them, because there were too many things in their storage cabinet, and they didn't know it themselves.They thought it was just a normal storage ring.Erotica, ignore, their practice is pure heart and low desire, not interested in such things.In "Nine Turns Burning Body Judgment", one of them hesitated for a while and didn't say anything, because the cultivation conditions of this exercise were too harsh.It is also difficult to practice.So after he got it, he didn't practice.The last ship is a magic weapon and is used for transportation. It is called "Jumping Ark" and can control the shuttle in space after refining.In their eyes, these were not precious things, so they were all given to Long Tianxiang.

Okay, now we will send you rebirth, but it is not the world you are in, because rebirth in your world is about to enter reincarnation, reincarnation is beyond our control, so we can only send you to other worlds.For example, you know the anime world of the unreal world, but we look at it as the unreal world, but after you rebirth into it, it will be the real world.Do you want to go?

Because it was a soul and couldn't speak, Long Tianxiang nodded.So he was born again.

Chapter 2 Rebirth to Dragon Ball

Long Tianxiang is reborn, where is the rebirth?

A round object in the universe was moving fast. I don’t know how long it had been flying. With a boom, the round object landed.After landing, a blood-covered child with a tail of about 3 or 4 came out and fell to the ground shortly after coming out.After a while, a light fell from the sky and rushed into the child's body. After a while, the child moved again.

The child got up and walked forward staggeringly. After an hour, the child passed out in a small village not far away.

Oh, it hurts, what happened to me.After Long Tianxiang woke up, he found that he was in a situation with bandages all over him, lying on a stone bed in a small stone house. He recalled his journey from death to rebirth.Understand the identity of this body now.This child was a Saiyan, named Tross. When he was born, his mother died of dystocia, and his father died before he was born.After he was born, he was found to be an intermediate fighter, (a little bit stronger than Monkey King), but he was the body of Xuanyang and was judged to be less than 22 years old.

So the people in the future look down on him.But it still depends on feeding him for the sake of his dead parents.But he was still often bullied. When he was four years old, because he couldn't stand the disdain of his companions, he secretly drove a spaceship and left, but when someone found out, he chased him, fearing that he would be overtaken. The speed increased to the maximum, and finally got rid of the pursuit.Finally fell asleep during the flight. Because he only wanted to leave, he didn't set a landing place on the spacecraft. Finally, the spacecraft ran out of energy and landed on its own. The landing speed was too fast, and because of his young age, The injury was too serious, and finally he died after climbing out of the spaceship. Then, our protagonist Long Tianxiang took possession of his body smoothly.

Long Tianxiang merged the memory of the original owner of the body.I was happy and sad again.He was very happy to be reborn as a Saiyan, but he was sad if he did not live to be 22 years old.Just as he sighed, someone came in in the room, a strange person.He is low and has red skin.

After the man came in, he saw him waking up, and quickly stepped forward and said: "My child, how do you feel when you wake up? Is it better?"

Long Tianxiang knew that this person saved him, so he thanked him, "Thank you for saving me, I am much better.

Oh, my child, your life is so big, you can survive such a serious injury, but there seems to be something wrong with your body, what should I say?The man frowned and said.

Oh?Do you know the condition of my body?Do you have a cure?I really don't want to die at a young age, please, grandpa.Long Tianxiang blushed and said excitedly.This alien is very old.

Oh, don't worry, boy.It's not that your body cannot be cured, but it's just too difficult. The yang qi in your body is too heavy. The cure is to absorb pure yin qi to harmonize yin and yang.There is also the cultivation to the Huang rank or Xuan rank.Your physical condition can be cured, and then your cultivation will be faster, but it is too difficult, because it is almost impossible for you to cultivate to the yellow level or higher before you are 22 years old.

After hearing the old man's words, Long Tianxiang thought for a while and asked, "Then grandfather, what is the pure Yin Qi? What are the profound and yellow levels?

After hearing this, the old man said: "Pure Yin Qi is a woman's primordial Yin Qi, especially the virgin body and the Pure Yin body are the best, but because of your illness, you choose to combine with those women who have no emotions. That would be too sorry. Those women. The Xuan-level and the Huang-level are the divisions of the cultivation system of this universe. From low to high, they are: ordinary martial artist, acquired martial artist, innate martial artist, yellow martial artist, basalt martial artist, earth-level martial artist, and sky-level martial artist. Martial artist. As well as the legendary god-level martial artist. I don’t know if there is one above the god level. And each level is divided into four stages: front, middle, back, and peak.

Oh, how powerful is that yellow level?Long Tianxiang asked curiously.

Oh, I don't know this well, I only know that ordinary warriors train outside, acquired warriors train inside, and innate warriors can fly in the air.The yellow level should be able to fly and survive in the universe.

Oh, thank you grandpa, I already know.No matter if I can survive in the future, I am very grateful to you old man.

Oh, don’t be polite, kid, take a good rest first, and I’ll cook for you.After speaking, the old man went out.Where is Long Tianxiang left to meditate.

Chapter 3 Earned Treasure

After careful deduction, Long Tianxiang concluded that the yellow level should be equivalent to the super Saiyan level 1.So Xuan level is equivalent to Super Saiyan Tier 2, Earth level is equivalent to Super Saiyan Tier 3, and Sky level is equivalent to Super Saiyan Tier 4.God level doesn't know.

Long Tianxiang took out the things given by the two gods while it was okay.Of the four things, three of them were put into the ring. Because the soul mark of Long Tianxiang was printed on the ring, Long Tianxiang could control the ring, but did not check the space inside.After being reborn, the ring was put on Long Tianxiang's hand.

Long Tianxiang controlled the ring, found three other things in the ring, and then looked carefully.The magic weapon of the Ark also has his soul imprint, so don't watch it first, first watch "Nine Turns Burning Body Jue".Open the first page and it says: This power is divided into nine turns, and each turn is an exercise for the body.

The condition for cultivation is that the body has Yang veins and there is no foundation for cultivation.When practicing, it is based on one's own Xuanyang Qi, and the body burns like a raging fire while practicing.With every turn of cultivation, the strength and intensity of the body will greatly increase.This is the introduction on the first page.Starting from the second page is the practice method.Long Tianxiang was so happy after reading it, this was simply tailored for his current body.This is his lifesaver.After the excitement, Long Tianxiang looked at the erotica picture again. It was painted in the posture of male and female intercourse, and black dots and red lines were drawn on these men and women.There is an explanation below.It turns out that this is a double practice.For Long Tianxiang, it is another lifesaver.

After reading the two books, Long Tianxiang was so excited, the bad luck of the past and present is finally rewarded.If those two gods knew, would they regret their death?They originally wanted Long Tianxiang to be reborn on this hapless man who had a short lifespan, but they didn’t think that this hapless man had the energy of Xuanyang, and Long Tianxiang chose two exercises that were completely tailored for this body. .

Long Tianxiang swept away his previous displeasure, his face was full of excitement, if it weren't for injuries on his body, I'm afraid he could not help laughing.

Long Tianxiang checked the space inside the ring again.Mental power enters the ring.The space inside is huge, and the size of the space cannot be seen with Long Tianxiang's current mental power.There are not many things inside, two books, a dozen jade bottles, and a set of armor.There is nothing more.The jade bottle is filled with healing medicine.It is called "Yuji Pill" and "Resurrection Pill" to treat internal and external injuries.The two books are, one is called "The Encyclopedia of Pills", which is a book about alchemy and refinement.The other is "Sword Art in the Sky".It is a book about practicing swordsmanship (swordsmanship).Long Tianxiang's mood today was ups and downs. After the unfortunate incident, good things continued one after another.He is immune.

With excitement, Long Tianxiang took out two healing pills, one inside and the other outside, calming his excitement, and took the pills.The pill melted in the mouth, and a warm current rose in the body, quickly dissipating the whole body, the trauma was slowly healed, and the internal injury was slowly repaired.I believe it will be all right tomorrow.Long Tianxiang fell asleep comfortably like this.

I slept without even eating food.I didn't wake up until the next morning.

After Long Tianxiang woke up, his body really recovered.In order not to attract the old man's attention, he did not dare to remove the bandage on his body.Just pretend to get out of bed and walk around weakly.

The same was true for Long Tianxiang in the next few days, getting out of bed, moving his body, and starting to practice after eating.Sure enough, as stated in the book, the body burned like a fire.Pain is abnormal.

After more than ten days, Long Tianxiang's body was "well".He wandered around on this planet. Through this period of time, Long Tianxiang knew that this planet was called "Planet of Yadrat", which was the planet that Monkey King learned to move teleportation.People on this planet are very hospitable. After learning about Long Tianxiang, they often invite him to eat and live in his own home.

In this way, Long Tianxiang temporarily lived on this planet.

Chapter 4 Practice

Long Tianxiang lived and practiced with the people of this planet on the planet Yadrat.Although they are not strong, they know a lot.Long Tianxiang practiced very hard, they all sympathized with Long Tianxiang, and they knew about Long Tianxiang's physical condition.Knowing that the purpose of Long Tianxiang's assiduous practice is to become stronger and to survive.They took the initiative to help Long Tianxiang practice.As long as Long Tianxiang needs help, they will help him no matter how busy he is. After all, Long Tianxiang's body is still a child.Therefore, the adults took special care of him.

In the past few days, Long Tianxiang has been learning Monkey King’s stunt "teleportation" with the elders of the Yadrat people on this planet.The technique is simple, but it is difficult to master and apply skillfully.The conditions on this planet are limited, so Long Tianxiang's cultivation is not fast.If only there was a gravity chamber, Long Tianxiang often lamented.

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