Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 21

Okay, you take us to get the money.If I am satisfied, I will let you go.Long Tianxiang said softly.

After a while, Long Tianxiang, led by Aaron, went to the place where Aaron hid the money.The money inside is really a lot.Long Tianxiang took it all into the space ring without even thinking about it, seeing Nami staring at the gold star again.Then curiously asked: Where did it go?Where is the money?Where did you get the money?He was still groping on Long Tianxiang.

I took it to another place.I will tell you in a while.Then he said to Aaron: I'll take you to a place, and then you have to behave well.After talking about catching Aaron and disappearing, he reappeared in the sky above the naval base, and then dropped Aaron.Then he returned to Nami.

The comic is just to survive_The Pirate (Chapter 11-20).txt

Chapter 11 Luffy wants to grab Nami with me (part 2)

Long Tianxiang returned to Nami and took Nami to Lu Fei and the others.

Luffy saw Long Tianxiang and Nami coming out.Rushed to Nami, grabbed Nami by the shoulder and said: Nami, come and be my sailor.Let's move towards the goal of One Piece together.

Seeing that Long Tianxiang's face changed next to her, Nami quickly pushed Luffy away and said: I will not go to find someone else for you as a sailor. I am very grateful for you to rescue me.But I'm safe now, so hurry up, you won't be able to leave after the navy comes.

I'm not leaving, you haven't promised me to be my sailor, Luffy said stubbornly.

I said I wouldn’t be a sailor for you, didn’t you hear me?Do not you upset.Nami refused again.

No, you must be my sailor, or I won't let you leave.Luffy is still stubborn.In Lu Fei's view, as long as he persists, Nami will definitely be impressed.

I said Nami, are you finished?Let's go after speaking.Long Tianxiang said impatiently.

what?That's it, we're finished.Seeing that Long Tianxiang was angry, Nami said quickly.Then walked to Long Tianxiang.But Luffy still blocked them from leaving.

Get out, you are in our way.Long Tianxiang said angrily.

No, unless you leave Nami behind.Luffy said firmly.

I said people should be self-aware, don't be too self-righteous, Nami has rejected you, what are you going to do with silly face.Don't force me to do it.Otherwise I can't guarantee you can leave here alive.And Nami is my girlfriend now, do you think she will be a sailor for you?are you an idiot?Long Tianxiang was very disgusted with Luffy now.There are limits to idiots. For idiots, it is probably useless to live.Long Tianxiang has exhausted all the good feelings he had gained in anime for Luffy.

I won't let it, Nami, don't go with this person, let's go to the great waterway together, don't you want to draw a nautical chart?Follow us and you can draw the most perfect nautical chart in the world.Luffy is digging the corner of the dragon and heaven.

I call you an idiot?Do I have to be with you to draw nautical charts?Will it be possible to draw the most perfect nautical chart in the world with you?who do you think You Are?Get out of here, don't force me to do it, I can't help it anymore.I really feel sad for the red-haired Shanks. How did he save you such an idiot back then?Long Tianxiang said regretfully.

You are not allowed to speak ill of Shanks.Luffy said angrily.

Do you know you are angry?Do you know that I am also very angry now.Get out of the idiot quickly.Long Tianxiang roared.

You..., slap, Luffy was kicked out by Long Tianxiang.Long Tianxiang couldn't bear it anymore.

Luffy got up.Attack Long Tianxiang.The rubber gun, bang, Luffy flew out again.Get up again, the rubber bullets, bang...the rubber rubber...bang...bang...in the eyes of Long Tianxiang, Luffy’s attack is like a baby’s So unbearable.Luffy finally couldn't get up.Long Tianxiang has a lack of a tendon in his mind, he is not afraid of power, and he admires Luffy with such a personality that is stepping toward his goal one step at a time, but this kind of personality is too strong and not a good thing. You must know how to give up and do Everything has to be done in moderation, otherwise it is not far from death.

The people in the way are gone, Long Tianxiang takes Nami out and Aaron is in the territory.Meet with the fourth daughter of Xiaoxia outside.

Xiaoxia asked what happened inside, and Long Tianxiang said everything.Nami was introduced to the four girls.When Nami saw that the four daughters were all Long Tianxiang's wives, she felt very sorrowful in her heart.But after all, people came first, she came later.So I lost my temper and got in touch with the four daughters of Xiaoxia.

The five women chatted very speculatively.After a while, Nami offered to meet her sister at her house. Of course, Long Tianxiang agreed.You must know that Long Tianxiang is preparing to collect it with the sisters.


In Nami's house, Long Tianxiang met this sister, Lili, who was dependent on Nami.Although Lili was not as beautiful as Long Tianxiang's wives, she was a little worse, and she was also a superb sister.When Long Tianxiang saw this royal sister, he didn't plan to let it go.There is a saying that Ning made a mistake.Long Tianxiang's current thinking is that the more beautiful women are the better.As long as you like it, you will never let it go.

Chapter 12

Nami's sister is very grateful to Long Tianxiang for saving Nami, which shows her love for Nami.

In the evening, in order to thank Long Tianxiang, Nami's sister Lili cooked a rich dinner and prepared a few bottles of liquor.

The dinner was very fragrant and the wine was very good, but Long Tianxiang's alcohol volume was really not that good. Drinking with the girls, the first was Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao, and then him.And the other women were almost drunk, but still insisted on drinking the rest of the wine.The wine is finished, but they are also drunk.Like Long Tianxiang, they all fell to the ground and fell asleep in a daze.In the middle of the night, Long Tianxiang's wine spirit went down a lot, and he became sober a lot.It was convenient to get up, and came back and took the girls into the room one by one.The bed in the room couldn't sleep so many people, so Long Tianxiang spread the bedding on the ground and let the girls sleep.Then he lay down among the girls.He didn't take the girls into several rooms, they all took them into one room because he was used to it.Because he usually sleeps with his wives together.Without being fully awake, he naturally regarded all the women as his wives.

On both sides of Long Tianxiang are sisters Nami.And Nami's "chest" device is really too big, close to Long Tianxiang, the body rubs against each other, lust bursts out, things inevitably happen.This is another continuation of chaos after drinking in the Pokémon world last time.It was Xiaoyao who suffered last time.And this time it was not only Nami, but also Nami's sister Lili.

The battle was fierce and didn't end until dawn.

Everyone woke up at noon the next day.

I saw Long Tianxiang holding Lili on his left, Alice on his stomach, and Nami on his right, with the bud on Nami's breast still in his mouth.Xiaoxia hugged Lili on Lili’s other side, Xiaoyao held Nami on Nami’s other side, and Xiaoguang lay on Long Tianxiang and Lili’s body, mainly lying on Lili, this lewd-- The chaotic side was seen by Alice who had woken up first, and then she awakened Xiao Guang next to her, and then awakened everyone one after another.The 7 people looked at each other with eyes wide open.There was no scream that should have happened after the incident, everyone got up one after another, dressed up and sat together in silence.

Long Tianxiang waited for the women's criticism, but after a long time he didn't hear the women's voice. He looked up and saw that all the women were watching him.So he hurriedly got up and said: Haha, you should discuss it first, and call me after the discussion. I will accept it regardless of the result.Although the top said that, he still did not forget to wink Xiaoxia.The meaning is obviously to ask Xiaoxia to help him solve it.Because Xiaoxia is the calmest and most intelligent person among the four women brought out by Long Tianxiang.Of course, Long Tianxiang hoped that things would develop towards the result he wanted.That is all.He will not let go of his plans to receive the sisters together this time.If it is true, as he said, no matter if there is no result, if Sister Nami refuses to follow him together, wouldn't he regret his death.

Long Tianxiang waited for the result outside the door.Waiting left and right, time is passing by.His heart became more tense.He was afraid that the results of the women's discussions would run counter to his ideas.

Squeak, the door opened.Nami came out first.Facing Long Tianxiang, he said: Why don't you even let my sister go?Humph, you bad guy with no conscience.

When Long Tianxiang heard Nami's tone, he knew that Xiaoxia had successfully completed the task he assigned.So I said: Nami, you have to understand me. I couldn't help myself last night. Besides, we were all drunk. Moreover, your sisters are close to me. You have to know your seduction to me--how fascination is Qiang, Long Tianxiang stared at Nami's chest and said.

Nami saw Long Tianxiang staring at her chest and listened to Long Tianxiang's words. She knew that she was still attractive to Long Tianxiang, especially her chest.After thinking about it, he shyly stood up a huge "chest" against Long Tianxiang.

Long Tianxiang couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Nami, and kneaded her "chest" fiercely---squeezed a few times.

Nami was not annoyed but rejoiced when her chest was attacked.Climbing shyly in Long Tianxiang's arms, enjoying the warm embrace of Long Tianxiang.

After a while.Okay, Nami, I'm going to see your sister and comfort her, otherwise it will make her sad.Long Tianxiang gently pushed Nami away.

Oh, got it.You go in.Nami knew that it was not the time to play her temper, and she understood Long Tianxiang.

After Long Tianxiang entered the house, he gave Xiaoxia a complimentary look.Then he walked to Lili and gently hugged her in his arms.Stroking her hair, said: I'm wronged you, you can rest assured that I will treat you well in the future, and Nami.I will make your sisters and my other wives happy.

Well, Lili said softly.

Hehe, what a silly girl.


Chapter 13

Long Tianxiang stayed with Sister Namei in Cocoyasi Village for a few more days. During this period, Long Tianxiang allocated one of ten of the money he got from Along to the villagers.

Today, Long Tianxiang is going to set off again with the girls. Long Tianxiang's target this time is Keya, Xiluobu Village in the East China Sea.Nami heard that Long Tianxiang was going to Xiluobu Village in the East China Sea and had already guessed what Long Tianxiang was going to do.Through these few days of understanding, Nami knows that Long Tianxiang is a complete pervert--wolf.There is too much affection, although it will not be indiscriminate, but it is also too fraternity.The beauties I almost saw didn't intend to let it go (except Alrita).So when Nami heard that Long Tianxiang was going to Xiluobu Village in the East China Sea, she knew that Long Tianxiang was heading for Keya.

Sailing on the sea, Long Tianxiang did not forget to double practice with the women, and at the same time taught them to practice.When he got the body of Sister Nami after being drunk, Long Tianxiang certainly did not forget the double cultivation, so his cultivation level has improved a lot, reaching the mid-level of the peak of Rank Six.Sister Nami is now in the mid-acquired state.Alice is in the middle congenital state.The cultivation of Xiaoxia, Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao did not change much.It is still in the early stage of the yellow level (super 1).

Long Tianxiang took his wives to sail on the sea, and encountered many pirates robbing them, but they were all resolved by Sister Nami and Alice.Long Tianxiang did this to allow the three of them to increase their actual combat experience.Not to mention that the three women have already had a lot of fighting experience now. Long Tianxiang is also constantly looking for powerful pirates to train them at sea.Hundreds of small pirate groups were destroyed, and many medium pirate groups were destroyed.


Boom... boom...

When Long Tianxiang was playing with his wives on the boat, he suddenly heard the shelling in front of him.Immediately got up and went to the deck, looking ahead.I saw 4 or 5 naval warships fighting with a pirate ship ahead, and Long Tianxiang told Nami to stop the ship.Then flew into the air and flew towards the fighting place.

When I got to the sky above the battlefield, I saw that the commanders of the two sides were all women, and they were very beautiful.One is the navy and the other is the pirate.Long Tianxiang thought of the beautiful captain among the pirates in his heart. After leaving Alrita, he seemed to be the captain of the Bonnie Pirates, Joelie Bonnie.And the beautiful officer in the navy is Tina.Although Da Siqi is a beautiful woman, she doesn't seem to have such power.Then there is only Tina.Long Tianxiang couldn't think of how they met. Didn't it appear in the anime?Hey, no matter what, I will save them when both sides are injured and see if I can kidnap them home.Long Tianxiang watched the show in the sky with this idea.

About half an hour later, one of the Navy’s ships was Tina’s ship, and the Pawnee Pirates’ ship was very badly broken.At this time, the two captains started fighting, one was the time capable person, and the other was the dark prison capable person.Moreover, they were fighting on the ship, and they were afraid to fight with all their strength when the ship was broken, otherwise the ship would sink.They were afraid of the ship sinking, but Long Tianxiang hoped that the ship would sink. Only in this way could he stand up and rescue them.Long Tianxiang's idea came true. Although the two of them were already in control, they still sank the ship that was about to sink.The crew all jumped into the sea and escaped.There were not enough life-saving boats on the boat, so they competed with each other, and in the end no one could get it.Seeing that the navy and the pirates were almost dead, Bonnie and Tina each climbed on a wooden board, staring at each other with wide eyes, as if they were about to eat each other.Long Tianxiang had almost seen him. He descended from the air to the water and looked at the two female Daoists: Are you playing a game of staring eyes?Do you want me to save you?

The two women glanced at Long Tianxiang, although they don't know why he can fly in the air, but now is not the time to think about this, so they said in unison: Save me, don't save her.


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