Zong Manzhi is just to survive

The Story Is Just To Live Chapter 6

It is said that after the Bull Demon King and Buma agreed to marry Qiqi to Long Tianxiang, they lived in the Bull Demon King's house.

In the days that followed, Long Tianxiang either guided Qiqi to practice, or took Bouma and Qiqi around.It's not just playing, they are collecting rare ores and precious medicinal materials at the same time.This is of course for the two women to refine magic jewelry and elixir to improve their cultivation.

A year later, Long Tianxiang broke through to the fifth rank of "Nine Turns Burning Body Jue", which was the realm of Super Saiyan Tier 3 or Earth-level warrior.It all depends on him looking for ore on a volcano, a fire dragon ball found in the volcano.Only after absorbing can he break through to the fifth turn realm so quickly.

Bouma was promoted to the first level, to the second level of Innate Martial Artist.Qiqi has also made great progress, reaching the middle level of the day after tomorrow.

Two years later, Long Tianxiang succeeded in refining a pot of elixir to improve his cultivation, which was effective below the yellow level.Two storage rings were also refined, and the space inside was not large, only about ten square meters.Bouma and Kiki each have one.At this time, Buma Xiuwei was the pinnacle of the innate post-order, Qiqi was the pinnacle of the acquired martial artist.Long Tianxiang didn't improve much.

Three years later, Qiqi took the pill and is now an innate intermediate.Bouma took the pill and was successfully promoted to a yellow martial artist and was pregnant for three months.

Today is the day of Long Tianxiang's wedding again. There are not many guests, and Bouma's parents are also here. No blame is made for Long Tianxiang's care.Some of the friends of the Bull Demon King, Immortal Turtle also came, as well as Klin.Wukong didn't know where it was.Tea drinking, Tianjin rice, dumplings and other turtle immortals did not bring them.

This wedding did not have the trouble of the last time I married Bouma.It was over in the afternoon.

After sending off the guests, Long Tianxiang took Qiqi and Bouma back to Bouma's house.Because Bouma’s mother asked Bouma to go home for recuperation on the grounds that Bouma was pregnant.In order to take care of Bouma, Long Tianxiang took Qiqi back with him.

After comforting Bouma to sleep at night, Long Tianxiang returned to his room.Because Bouma now lives next door temporarily.


Kiki, are you ready?Husband is going in.

Okay, come in, husband.

Raise your hips, straighten your waist, and sprint.

Ah...husband hurts, lighten it.

Okay, husband will not move.Wait until you get used to it.

After a while, my husband moves, I can.

Okay, here I am.

Oh..... Ah.... Um...


Husband, I'm going to vent... uh...

Don't let go of it, and run the dual cultivation exercises with your husband.


The silver glow reappears, from light to dark to bright.

After half an hour, the silver light disappeared, and the two of them vented at the same time.Then absorb each other's essence, and after ten minutes, both opened their eyes.Smile at each other.

After a short rest, there was another seductive voice in the room.


The next morning, Qiqi, got up.The sun is basking.

Oh, husband, you are up.I'll get up right away, you...you go out first, I'm going to get dressed.Qiqi said shyly.

What are you afraid of? I am your husband, and I haven't seen it.Come on, boy, husband will pass you clothes.

No, I will do it myself.

It's okay, you have limited mobility, let your husband help you wear it.


Ten days later, the world's number one martial arts conference opened.

Long Tianxiang took his two wives to see.

There were many people at the conference, and Long Tianxiang successfully met Wukong and the protagonists in the original animation.Know each other.In the past three years, Wukong still hasn't broken through Super Saiyan, but he is already the pinnacle of Innate Warrior.Breakthrough is possible at any time.

The conference started soon, first with the preliminaries.Eventually produced the top 16.

16 into 8 is also very fast, how can other opponents beat the z fighter?

Chapter 15 The World's Number One Martial Arts Conference

Top 8 produced.

8 enters 4, Monkey King drinks tea.

Klin on dumplings.

Tianjin Fan faced an unknown player.

The second generation of Devil vs Jackie Chan.

Klin versus dumplings, Klin wins.

Wukong wins over drinking tea.

Tianjin Fan defeated an unknown player, Tianjin Fansheng.

The second generation of the devil wins against Jackie Chan.


Goku vs. Klin, Goku wins easily.

Tianjin Fan defeated the second generation of Devil, Tianjin Fan was seriously injured and defeated the second generation of Devil.


The second generation of Wukong vs. Demon.

Are you Piccolo?I can feel your breath.Monkey King said to Enchanted Second Generation.

So what?So what?Isn't it, I will kill you.Said the second demon.

That's not necessarily true. Come if you have the ability.Monkey King responded calmly to the second generation of obsession.

Humph, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you.Devil second generation coldly snorted.

Then he attacked.But he was easily avoided by Monkey King.He continued to attack again, but none of them worked.

Will you just hide?Don't you dare to face me head-on?Demon II roared angrily.But as soon as he finished speaking, Monkey King suddenly got close, and when he didn't react, he was knocked to the ground.

You..., the second generation of the devil said in pain: How did you improve so much.Then struggled to stand up.

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